Green Chem 投稿新要求: Green Foundation Box【附实例】

学术   教育   2024-10-15 14:15   美国  

为进一步推动绿色化学的研究和交流,英国皇家化学会旗下绿色化学领军期刊 Green Chemistry 将于 2024 年 12 月 2 日起要求所有提交的稿件包含一个新的“Green Foundation Box”。这一要求旨在帮助作者清晰地将其研究成果与绿色化学的原则及其对社会的可持续影响联系起来。

Green Foundation Box 具体要求


对于原创性研究论文CommunicationFull Paper),Green Foundation Box 要求作者阐述:

  • How does your work advance the field of green chemistry? 
  • Please can you describe your specific green chemistry achievement, either quantitatively or qualitatively? 

  • How could your work be made greener and be elevated by further research? 


对于综述性文章Critical reviewsTutorial reviewsPerspectives),Green Foundation Box 要求作者阐述:

  • What advances in green chemistry have been discussed? 

  • What makes the area of study of significant wider interest? 

  • What will the future of this field hold, and how will the insight in your review help shape green chemistry science?  

Green Foundation Box 篇幅要求是不超过 140 个单词。这些内容将帮助编辑和审稿人更好地评估作者的稿件。如果稿件被接收,Green Foundation Box 的内容也会与论文一同发表。

Green Foundation Box 实例

Green Chemistry 与部分编委针对期刊新近发表的多篇论文给出了 Green Foundation Box 的具体实例。

论文类型: Communication
Electrochemical-induced benzyl C–H amination towards the synthesis of isoindolinones via aroyloxy radical-mediated C–H activation

M. Yu, Y. Gao, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Yi, Z. Huang (黄志良 武汉大学) and A. Lei (雷爱文 武汉大学)

Green Chem., 2022, 24, 1445-1450 
DOI: 10.1039/D1GC04676D

 Green Foundation 
  • We report a cost-effective, safe, and sustainable electrochemical strategy to effectively and selectively realize benzyl C–H amination via aroyloxy radical-mediated C–H activation. With this strategy, we are able to rapidly synthesize a set of valuable isoindolinones by using easily available o-alkyl benzoic acids and nitriles as starting materials under mild conditions without the use of transition metal catalysts and external oxidants.

  • The synthetic value of this method is also illustrated by post-derivatizations to newly accessible scaffolds, thus paving the way towards versatile molecules of interest with potential pharmaceutical applications. We present a “green” concept starting with simple starting materials and through sustainable reaction conditions we provide an effective synthetic pathway to a series of pharmaceutically relevant isoindolinones.

  • It will be beneficial for organic chemists to access pharmaceuticals and natural products involving lactam skeletons, therefore, making contributions to the new drug development.



论文类型: Full Paper

Assessing the environmental benefit of palladium-based single-atom heterogeneous catalysts for Sonogashira coupling

D. Faust Akl, D. Poier, S. C. D’Angelo, T. P. Araújo, V. Tulus, O. V. Safonova, S. Mitchell* (世联邦理学院), R. Marti* (瑞士西部应用科学大学), G. Guillén-Gosálbez* (世联邦理学院) and J. Pérez-Ramírez* (世联邦理学院)

Green Chem., 2022, 24, 6879-6888.
DOI: 10.1039/D2GC01853E

 Green Foundation 
  • This study quantitatively assesses through life-cycle analysis (LCA) possible environmental benefits of replacing soluble palladium organometallic complexes with single-atom heterogeneous catalysts in cross-coupling reactions, exemplified for the Sonogashira reaction.

  • Reusing the heterogeneous catalyst once, assuming its stability and full metal retention, can already deliver advantages in various impact categories over the conventional homogeneous systems, with the potential for orders-of-magnitude improvements. The LCA results provide criteria for implementing solid, reusable catalysts in sustainable organic transformations.
  • In future work, the presented LCA framework may inform catalyst design and help streamline research efforts toward more sustainable catalytic materials.



论文类型: Perspective

Recent advances in the heterogeneous photochemical synthesis of C–N bonds

J. J. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Zong, A. Lei* (雷爱文 武汉大学) and Z. Sun* (孙再成 北京工业大学) 

Green Chem., 2023, 25, 5010-5023 
DOI: 10.1039/D3GC00931A

 Green Foundation 
  • Classical activation of C-N bonds with chemical processes can be made greener through photoactivation and the utilization of sunlight. We discuss the structure, characteristics, and reactivity of different types of heterogeneous photocatalysts for C–N coupling reactions.

  • The synthesis and development of heterogeneous photocatalysts has progressed faster than testing for C-X activation. Herin, we summarize the most recent developments in photocatalysts, how they apply to C-X activation using C-N as an example, and then how reactions may be scaled up with a flow reactor.

  • Many C-X activation reactions remain unresearched and providing greener alternatives to chemical reactions through the application of sunlight remains a high challenge. Scaling up photoactivated reactions to become industrially relevant would have a great impact.



论文类型: Critical Review

Lignin for energy applications – state of the art, life cycle, technoeconomic analysis and future trends

A. Beaucamp, M. Muddasar, I. Saana Amiinu, M. Moraes Leite, M. Culebras, K. Latha, M. C. Gutiérrez, D. Rodriguez-Padron, F. del Monte, T. Kennedy, K. M. Ryan, R. Luque, M.-M. Titirici and Maurice N. Collins* (爱尔兰利默里克大学)

Green Chem., 2022, 24, 8193-8226  
DOI: 10.1039/D2GC02724K

 Green Foundation 
  • Lignin is finding application in a remarkable array of materials for different energy applications from electrodes through to batteries. Here we assess the environmental impact of recent discoveries and the viability of future outcomes.

  • Lignin is a by-product of several global industries. Research into its efficient processing and use is of wide interest, especially for certain use cases where more expensive or less green materials can be replaced.
  • The emergence of economically viable biorefineries is a welcome step for the use of lignin for energy applications. However, for example, the depolymerisation processes are yet to be fully upscaled. For batteries, improvements in performance of lignin-based electrodes in full cell batteries should be the ultimate ambition.



论文类型: Tutorial Review

Advances in catalytic dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde

J. Pang, M. Yin, Pengfei Wu, X. Li, H. Li, M. Zheng(郑明远 大连化物所) and T. Zhang(张涛 大连化物所)

Green Chem., 2021, 23, 7092-7916 
DOI: 10.1039/D1GC02799A

 Green Foundation 
  • We discuss greener methods to partially or totally replace fossil-based acetaldehyde. Owing to the wide range of applications of acetaldehyde, the catalytic conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde has been extensively studied.
  • Acetaldehyde is an important commodity with an annual production of over 106 tons. It is a key reagent or solvent for the production of a variety of industrial chemicals, such as peracetic acid, pentaerythritol and pyridine-based products. After years of study, the dehydrogenation of ethanol to acetaldehyde has developed to the point that it is a promising way to replace the fossil ethylene method, which uses Ag catalysts at a large scale even though these catalysts still face deactivation and regeneration issues.
  • Although some interesting catalysts have been developed for oxidative and non-oxidative ethanol dehydrogenations, there remains significant work before these processes are commercially viable, especially over non-noble metal catalysts.

Green Foundation Box 更多内容


Green Foundation box 原文通知 👇


👆 Guidelines for the new Green Foundation box


Cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future

Green Chem.

JCR 分区*Q1 绿色可持续科技
Q1 化学-跨学科
CiteScore 分16.1

Green Chemistry专注于绿色化学和可持续性替代技术的最前沿,报道的跨学科研究工作致力于构建对生物和环境友好的技术基础,以期减少化学生产对环境的影响。该刊发表的原创性研究成果代表了绿色化学研究领域的重大进展,具有广泛的吸引力。该刊的论文必须将所报道的新方法与现有方法进行比较,并证明新方法具有的优势,特别是在减少或消除对环境的不良影响方面。


  • Javier Pérez-Ramírez
    🇨🇭 苏黎世联邦理工学院

Associate editors

  • Aiwen Lei (雷爱文)
    🇨🇳 武汉大学

  • Elsje Alessandra Quadrelli
    🇫🇷 法国国家科学研究中心/里昂高等化学物理电子学院

  • Magdalena Titirici
    🇬🇧 伦敦帝国理工学院

  • Keiichi Tomishige
    🇯🇵 东北大学

Editorial board members

  • André Bardow
    🇨🇭 苏黎世联邦理工学院

  • Francois Jérôme
    🇫🇷 普瓦捷大学

  • Serenella Sala
    🇮🇹 欧盟委员会联合研究中心

  • Laurel Schafer
    🇨🇦 不列颠哥伦比亚大学

  • Helen Sneddon
    🇬🇧 约克大学

  • Charlotte Williams
    🇬🇧 牛津大学

  • Tao Zhang (张涛)
    🇨🇳 中科院大连化物所

* 2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2024)
 CiteScore 2023 by Elsevier



