研究还探讨了基于 TPE 的超分子光捕获系统在多个领域的广泛应用,包括光催化、活性氧物质生成、光电器件、传感和成像技术等。这些应用展示了 TPE 材料在提升光能利用效率方面的巨大潜力,拓展了其在实际技术中的应用场景。最后,该课题组展望了未来基于 TPE 染料开发下一代超分子 LHS 的方向与挑战。通过提出新的思路,为该领域的持续发展提供了新的研究框架和创新视角。
Figure 1. (a) Schematic representation of artificial LHS constructed by WP5, G1 and SR101. (b) Illustration of artificial LHS based on WP5, G2 and Rh6G. (c) Illustration of the fabrication of LHS by using polymer host materials. (d) Illustration of LHS based on conjugated polymer host (CPH). (e) Schematic representation of sequential energy transfer LHS based on WP5 and Py-TPE. (f) Schematic of efficient two-step LHS based on the self-assembly of WP5, G1, ESY and SR101. (g) Chemical structure of WP5, G1, Py-TPE, SR101, AlPcS4, and ESY.
Figure 2. (a) Illustration of the self-assembly of pillar[5]arene-based aqueous LHS with two-step FRET for application in photocatalytic dehalogenation reaction. (b) Representation showing the fabrication of a sequential energy-transfer LHS and its application in preparing white-light LED devices. (c) Schematic illustration of the construction of supramolecular LHS based on WP5 and G4, as well as its application in high-resolution latent fingerprint imaging. (d) Representation of the construction of an AIE-based ROS-generation system in aqueous solution. (e) Chemical structure of WP5, ESY, NiR, G3, TPEWP5, and NiB.
Figure 3. (a) Schematic illustration of the construction of artificial LHS based on MV-TPE, NA-TPE and CB[8] and its photocatalytic CDC coupling reaction. (b) Illustration of the construction of artificial LHS based on IMZ-TPE and ns-CB[10] and its application in photocatalytic dehalogenation. (c) Chemical structure of MV-TPE, NA-TPE, CB[8], ns-CB[10], and IMZ-TPE.
1. Introduction
引言2. LHSs based on host-guest interaction
基于主客体相互作用的 LHSs
2.1 Pillar[n]arene
柱[n]芳烃2.2 Cucurbit[n]urils
葫芦[n]脲2.3 Other macrocyclic hosts
其他大环主体3. LHSs based on quadruple hydrogen bonding
基于四重氢键的 LHSs4. LHSs based on hydrophobic interaction
基于疏水相互作用的 LHSs5. LHSs based on metal-ligand coordination
基于金属-配体配位的 LHSs6. LHSs based on multiple non-covalent interactions
基于多种非共价相互作用的 LHSs7. Conclusions and perspectives
Supramolecular light-harvesting systems utilizing tetraphenylethylene chromophores as antennas
Qiaona Zhang, Xiaoman Dang, Fengyao Cui and Tangxin Xiao*(肖唐鑫,常州大学)
Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 10064-10079
本文第一作者,出生于中国河南省。2022 年江苏第二师范学院的理科学士学位。目前在常州大学攻读硕士学位,导师肖唐鑫教授。研究兴趣主要涉及基于超分子自组装的荧光材料。
Chem. Commun.
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