引众怒!奥克兰Mobile Planet手机维修店员工涉嫌试图从客户手机下载裸照

教育   2024-07-12 08:14   新西兰  


Mobile Planet phone repair shop worker suspended after allegedly trying to download nudes from customer’s phone

A mobile phone repair shop worker has been suspended after allegedly trying to download intimate photographs of a customer from her phone when she brought it in to get fixed.

The customer confronted a store manager at the shop, Mobile Planet at Auckland’s Sylvia Park, while her friend recorded a video of the conversation. The video posted yesterday has gone viral online, amassing nearly a quarter of a million views, and provoking outrage.

In the video, the woman’s friend described what allegedly occurred as “an invasion of privacy and absolutely unethical behaviour”.

“She got her phone back and realised someone had tried to airdrop her nudes to one of their phones,” the woman claimed.

“[This] is such an invasion of privacy.”

The manager can be seen attempting to explain the actions of his worker, saying “he did not look at the photos”.

He then backtracks and explains they had “taken a photo” to make sure the camera worked.

The person filming the incident claims the manager went through the employee’s phone to make sure the photos were not there but refused to show proof.

The two women were told to go to the customer service desk.

The staff member then appears to faint, falling to the ground.

Mobile Planet told the Herald it had “immediately suspended” the worker accused of alleged misconduct while the incident was investigated. The company refused to comment while the investigation was under way.

“We believe it is imperative to allow the investigative process to proceed without interference or speculation,” a statement from the Mobile Planet’s management said.

“We take such matters very seriously and are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of conduct within our organisation.

“Our management team is currently cooperating with the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate the alleged misconduct.”

A police spokeswoman said they were unaware of the incident.

“At this early stage, it doesn’t immediately appear the matter has been reported to police,” she said.

“We would strongly encourage those involved to contact us as soon as possible so we can make appropriate follow-up inquiries. This can be via our 105 phone service or at any police station.”

A spokeswoman for Sylvia Park said the mall was aware of the alleged incident and the shop itself was investigating.

The customer has also been approached for comment.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has weighed in on the claims, saying anyone who had access to others’ personal information - including photographs or videos - as part of their job had “very high obligations to treat that information with respect”.

The commissioner’s office said: “People should expect their personal information to be handled with care. Privacy is about the dignity of the individual, and the value organisations place on that.”

The commissioner’s office said police should be contacted in the first instance of a significantly harmful breach of privacy if sensitive information such as nude images were involved.

Mobile Planet 手机维修店员工涉嫌试图从客户手机下载裸照,被停职

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