Can China Tech Find a Home in Silicon Valley?
A third person, who relocated to Silicon Valley this year, was the most determined to settle down. He said he was selling his investments or dissolving his companies in China.
He said most of his peers were reluctant to leave China completely and start over in a foreign country with a foreign language and a foreign culture. It has been tough for him, he added.
Tom Zhang, a well-connected human resources expert who has worked at several big tech companies in Silicon Valley, said he had met with many investors from China since last year.
“They have completely lost their direction, buzzing around like flies, not knowing what to invest in next,” he told me.
There’s no doubt that these people belong to the privileged class. To meet with them, I visited quite a few fancy mansions. One home sat atop the Los Gatos hills; my Uber driver whistled in awe when he turned onto the long driveway. Then he chuckled when he stopped his modest S.U.V. in front of a red Ferrari, a Tesla Cybertruck and a few Audis and BMWs. And there was Mr. Wei’s party, which one partygoer described to me as Gatsbyesque.
Nonetheless, the frustrations of this moneyed set reflect a significant shift in the tech world: the bust of a financial pipeline known as U.S. dollar-denominated venture capital funds, and the demise of the market economy-driven model that propelled China’s tech growth.
The ramifications of this approach for China’s drive for innovation and its tech rivalry with the United States probably won’t be clear for years.
But for now, on the human level, it’s a waste of talent for China. A generation of investors who spent two decades cultivating start-ups and shaping tech development have nowhere to apply their expertise.
The problem for China’s displaced investors is that the United States isn’t exactly a welcoming land.
This has left many in Silicon Valley afraid of China. Some brand-name venture firms will not consider putting money into a start-up that has taken funds from investors with China ties, a Chinese venture capitalist who had started two funds in the Valley told me. And that leaves founders reluctant to take money from transplanted Chinese investors for fear of scaring off later investors. His assessment was confirmed by other people I interviewed.
Only start-ups that are desperate for funding will take money from relocated Chinese investors. The few venture firms with China connections have rebranded themselves and take pains to explain that all the partners are U.S. citizens and that their funding mainly came from outside China.
One veteran investor told me that a founder had refused to talk to him even after he explained that he had been a naturalized citizen for decades. People are acting with extra caution, the investor said.
But that’s not stopping other venture capitalists from looking at Silicon Valley as the promised land. They still have some slim hope, said the investor who has started two funds here. They probably won’t be able to land the next Alibaba, but they might find some opportunities to invest in small start-ups that might succeed, he added.
That might be better than nothing.