
教育   2024-09-11 05:59   新西兰  


Apple Unveils New iPhones With Built-In Artificial Intelligence

iPhone 16有四种型号,旨在运行该公司称为“苹果智能”的生成式人工智能系统。 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The iPhone has grown predictable. Over the past seven years, it has generally looked the same, with incremental improvements to its cameras, processors and battery life.
But on Monday, Apple tried to turn the page on that predictability by introducing its first artificially intelligent iPhone.
The iPhone 16, which was unveiled in a prerecorded video at the company’s futuristic Silicon Valley campus, comes in four different models that are designed to run the company’s generative artificial intelligence system, called Apple Intelligence. The company said that the phones will be able to sort messages, offer writing suggestions and use a more capable Siri virtual assistant.
在苹果未来主义风格的硅谷园区,iPhone 16通过预先录制的视频亮相。iPhone 16有四种不同的型号,旨在运行该公司名为苹果智能(Apple Intelligence)的生成式人工智能系统。该公司表示,这些手机将能够对信息进行分类,提供写作建议,并使用功能更强大的Siri虚拟助手。
In addition to announcing those changes to the iPhone, the company unveiled the Apple Watch Series 10, which has rounder corners and a larger, brighter display that is nearly 10 percent thinner. It also introduced a new AirPods Pro, capable of automatically reducing noise at concerts or near construction sites, and acting as professional-grade hearing aids.

除了宣布iPhone的这些变化,该公司还发布了Apple Watch Series 10,边角更圆,显示屏更大、更亮,厚度减少了近10%。苹果还推出了新款AirPods Pro,能够在音乐会或建筑工地附近自动降低噪音,并充当专业级助听器。

苹果手表Series 10的边角更圆润,显示屏更大、更亮,厚度减少了近10%。 Peter Dasilva/EPA, via Shutterstock

苹果还更新了AirPods Max产品线。 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The new phones arrive at a pivotal time for Apple and the broader tech industry. Apple’s business has sputtered in recent years as iPhone users have held on to their phones for longer. It has made a major bet by realigning its engineering teams to work on artificial intelligence in hopes that the technology, which can answer questions, create images and write software code, will persuade people to buy new devices.
The tech industry is hoping that Apple can help make A.I. mainstream. Microsoft, Google and Samsung have all added generative A.I. features to products but have yet to see those capabilities widely adopted. But Apple has shown in the past that it can wait to embrace an emerging technology and popularize it, as it did with digital music players, smartphones and smartwatches.
“The question is: How good is Apple Intelligence?” said Bob O’Donnell, chief analyst at TECHnalysis Research, a market research firm. “We’ve seen incredible demos from Microsoft, Google and OpenAI, but when you start to work with these services, a lot are parlor tricks. Helping normal people do something useful every day would make people go, ‘I need a new iPhone.’”

“问题是:苹果人工智能有多好?”市场研究公司TECHnalysis Research的首席分析师鲍勃·奥唐奈说。“我们已经看到了来自微软、谷歌和OpenAI的精彩演示,但当你开始使用这些服务时,很多都是小把戏。每天帮助普通人做一些有用的事情,才会让人们觉得,‘我需要一个新iPhone。’”

苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克周一在公司发布会上讲话。 Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
The iPhone 16 is debuting with fewer capabilities than the company marketed in June, when it announced its Apple Intelligence system. Starting next month, the phones will summarize notifications, offer writing recommendations and allow people to more quickly find photos by describing an image to Siri. The A.I. also makes it possible to use the camera to identify specific types of flowers, plants or dog breeds.
iPhone 16首次亮相时发布的功能比该公司在6月份发布苹果人工智能系统时宣传的功能要少。从下个月开始,这款手机将会总结通知,提供写作建议,并允许人们通过向Siri描述图片来更快地找到照片。人工智能还可以使用摄像头识别特定类型的花卉、植物或狗的品种。
Other capabilities will arrive over time, the company said, including Siri’s ability to field some requests related to personal information on the phone, like pulling details from a text message about a family member’s flight and checking airline information for real-time arrival details.
Requests unrelated to personal information will be routed to ChatGPT, which will be available on iPhones after Apple cut a deal with OpenAI in the spring.
The iPhone’s limited feature set is emblematic of how Apple is taking a cautious approach to generative A.I. By contrast, last month Google revealed a Pixel phone that includes a conversational virtual assistant, the ability to edit people into photographs and the opportunity to use the company’s generative A.I. chatbot, Gemini, to answer complex questions. Google has also had A.I. misfires, including a chatbot’s telling users to eat rocks.
Apple released four versions of the iPhone 16, all of which come with a new camera button. The entry-level models, the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus, start at $799 and feature a faster processor, a more powerful camera and an “Action button” that can be programmed to automatically retrieve capabilities like the phone’s flashlight. The higher-end models, the iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max, start at $999 and feature a slightly larger display, a larger battery and the ability to capture studio-quality audio. They will be available in stores on Sept. 20.
苹果公司发布了四个版本的iPhone 16,都配备了新的拍照按钮。入门级机型iPhone 16和16 Plus的起价为799美元,配备了更快的处理器、更强大的摄像头和一个“操作按钮”,通过设置可以用于开启手电筒等功能。高端机型iPhone 16 Pro和Pro Max的起价为999美元,显示屏略大,电池容量更大,能够捕捉录音室质量的音频。它们将于9月20日在商店发售。

周一,在苹果公司发布新产品之前,与会者在乔布斯剧院内外等候。 Juliana Yamada/Associated Press
To power Apple Intelligence, both phones come with similar processors. The base iPhone 16 model features the A18 chip, while the iPhone 16 Pro features an A18 Pro chip. The upgrade makes for a smaller difference in the capabilities of the lower- and higher-priced phones than in recent years.
为支持苹果智能,两款手机配备了类似的处理器。基本款iPhone 16采用A18芯片,iPhone 16 Pro采用A18 Pro芯片。与近年来相比,此次升级使得低价手机和高价手机在功能上的差异有所缩小。
Wall Street is enthusiastic about the artificially intelligent phones, with analysts predicting the features could help Apple sell a record 240 million iPhones next year, a 12 percent increase from this year.
The generative A.I. era also presents new challenges for Apple. During most of the iPhone’s 17 years, the company developed a single software system that it updated throughout the world. But many countries want the computing systems and data supporting A.I. to be located within their border. The artificial intelligence systems are also expected to be sensitive to the cultural and language differences of the people using them.
As a result, Apple may have to create more customized software for the countries that sell iPhones, analyst say.
The company said Apple Intelligence would become available next month in the United States in a preliminary software update. Apple will expand the software’s distribution to Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa later this year. It said the capabilities wouldn’t be available in Chinese, Japanese or Spanish until next year.
“Regions are becoming more Balkanized,” said Patrick Moorhead, the founder of Moor Insights & Strategy, a tech research firm. “It is slowing down the pace of output for Apple, as each region becomes more bespoke.”


Tripp Mickle为时报报道苹果公司和硅谷新闻,常驻旧金山。他对苹果公司的关注包括产品发布、制造问题和政治挑战。他也报道整个科技行业的趋势,包括裁员、生成式AI和机器人出租车等。


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