JT&N专刊 | 金诚同达保险新规速递2024年第三期(中英双语)

民生   其他   2024-09-06 19:25   北京  

目录  Contents

1. 金融机构合规管理办法(征求意见稿)

Draft Measures for Compliance Management of Financial Institutions

2. 反保险欺诈工作办法

Measures for Anti-Insurance Frauds

3. 保险资产风险分类办法(征求意见稿)

Draft Measures for Risk Classification of Insurance Assets

4. 关于加强和改进互联网财产保险业务监管有关事项的通知

Notice on Strengthening and Improving the Supervision of Online P&C Insurance Business

5. 关于健全人身保险产品定价机制的通知

Notice on Improving the Pricing Mechanism of Life Insurance Products

6. 关于实施《中华人民共和国公司法》注册资本登记管理制度的规定

Provisions on Implementing the Registered Capital Registration Management System under the PRC Company Law

7. 关于加快上海国际再保险中心建设的实施意见

Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center



Draft Measures for Compliance Management of Financial Institutions


On August 16, 2024, NFRA published the draft Measures for Compliance Management of Financial Institutions for public comment.  Summarized below are certain significant changes and adjustments in respect of the compliance management of insurance institutions:


Compliance management responsibilities of internal organizations of insurance institutions 


The draft rule deleted the compliance responsibilities of the supervisors and board of supervisors, and provides that insurance institutions may establish a separate compliance committee of the board of directors, or have an existing special committee of the board, to assist the board in handling compliance management affairs, to be responsible for daily supervision of compliance management, and to propose the dismissal of any director or senior management member who has the main or leadership liability for any major compliance risk.


The draft rule extends the compliance management responsibilities from the general manager under the current rule to all senior management members, providing that “[s]enior management members shall be responsible for implementing compliance management objectives, and bear leadership responsibilities for the compliance status of the business of which they are taking or assisting in the charge”.


Qualifications, duties and responsibilities of chief compliance officers and compliance officers of insurance institutions


The “compliance responsible person” position will be removed, and the new positions of “chief compliance officer” and “compliance officer” will be created, both of whom will be members of the senior management team.  According to the draft rule, the headquarters of an insurance institution should have a chief compliance officer, and its provincial branches (and branches in cities with independent planning status) should each have a compliance officer.  An insurance institution may have its chief compliance officer or compliance officer position taken by either a separate person or concurrently by the institution’s responsible person in light of its own business operations.


Heightened qualification requirements.  The draft rule requires a dual background in finance and law for  chief compliance officers and compliance officers, and requires a regulatory approval of their qualifications. A chief compliance officer should have at least eight years of work experience in finance and at least three years of work experience in law and compliance; or at least eight years of work experience in law and compliance and at least three years of work experience in finance; or at least eight years of work experience in finance and have obtained the certificate of legal qualifications.  A compliance officer should also meet the aforesaid qualification requirements, except that the 8-year requirement is changed to 6 years.  If the general manager of an insurance institution concurrently serves as its chief compliance officer or compliance officer, he/she will not be subject to the qualification requirements and will not be required to obtain a separate regulatory approval of qualifications.


The existing chief compliance officer, compliance director, compliance responsible person, or general counsel who is a senior management member, if any, of an insurance institution before the implementation of the new compliance rule may perform the duties of chief compliance officer.  The aforesaid persons will not be subject to the qualification requirements under the new compliance rule before they move to another position, and wil not be required to obtain a regulatory approval of qualifications again.


Compared with the current rule, the draft rule has made certain significant changes in the duties and responsibilities of compliance management officers.  In addition to the general responsibilities of a chief compliance officer for guiding and overseeing the compliance work as provided under Articles 16 and 19 of the draft rule, some new duties and responsibilities are provided for under the draft rule, for example:

  • 新规出台后推动合规落实:评估新法规的影响并推动在机构内部的具体落实和规范修订;

    Promote the compliance with and implementation of new regulations after their promulgation: assess the impact of new regulations and promote their specific implementation within the insurance institution and corresponding amendments to the institution’s rules and policies;

  • 意见未被采纳时向监管报告:针对保险机构发展战略、重要内部规范、新产品和新业务方案、重大决策事项进行合规审查并出具书面合规审查意见。首席合规官的合规审查意见未被采纳的,保险机构应当将有关事项提交董事会审定,并定期向监管机构报告,重大事项应当及时报告。

    Report to the regulator if his or her opinions are not adopted: compliance review should be conducted and compliance review opnions should be issued on  the insurance institution’s development strategies, important internal rules, new product and new business plans, and major decisions.  If the chief compliance officer’s compliance review opinions are not adopted, the insurance institution should submit the relevant matters to the board of directors for approval, and report to the regulator on a regular basis or, in case of major matters, promptly.

  • 以个人名义向监管报告:首席合规官发现保险机构及其员工存在重大违法违规行为或者重大合规风险隐患时,应当及时向董事会、董事长报告,提出处理意见并督促整改。保险机构存在重大违法违规行为或者重大合规风险隐患的,未按要求报告的,首席合规官应当督促机构及时报告。机构不报告的,首席合规官应当以个人名义,直接向监管报告。

    Report to the regulator in his or her personal capacity: where a chief compliance officer discovers any major violation of laws and regulations by the insurance institution and its employees or any major potential compliance risk, he/she should report timely to the board of directors and the chairman, propose solutions and urge rectification.  Where an insurance institution fails to report any major violation of laws and regulations or any major potential compliance risk as required, the chief compliance officer should urge the institution to report the same in a timely manner.  Where the institution fails to report, the chief compliance officer should, in his personal capacity, directly report to the regulator.

  • 合规考核“一票否决”权:首席合规官或者合规官发现各部门、下属各机构对重大违法违规行为或者重大合规风险隐患存在瞒报、漏报情形的,应当在机构内部的合规考核中,对责任机构和相关负责人实施“一票否决”,不得评优评先等,并及时推动采取内部问责措施。

    The vote power associated with compliance assessment: where a chief compliance officer or compliance officer detects any internal department or subordinate institution concealing or omitting to report any major illegal or irregular act or any major potential compliance risk, he/she should, in the internal compliance assessment of such department or institution, exercise the veto power over the responsible department and relevant persons in charge, disqualifying them from top rankings, and should promote internal accountability in a timely manner.


Compliance management department and compliance positions


According to the draft rule, an independent compliance management department, in principle, should be established at an insurance institution’s headquarters, provincial branches (and branches in cities with independent planning status), and consolidated financial subsidiaries at all levels.  Other branches that do not have the conditions to set up a compliance management department should, in principle, maintain sufficient compliance positions to perform duties.


Compliance requirements for overseas branches and overseas financial subsidiaries of insurance institutions.  According to the draft rule, such branches and subsidiaries should comply with their local laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and establish an independent compliance management department or maintain necessary compliance positions to perform duties.


Dual reporting lines.  According to the draft rule, an insurance institution should ensure independent reporting of compliance officers and adopt dual reporting lines, primarily to chief compliance officer and secondarily to the main responsible person of their respective entities within the corporate structure.  The compliance management department of the headquarters of an insurance institution should report to the chief compliance officer, and the compliance management departments of the provincial branches (and branches in cities with independent planning status) should report to the compliance officers at the same level.  The compliance management departments or compliance positions at lower-level entities should report to, and receive guidance and supervision from, the next higher-level compliance management departments or compliance positions.


Conflict of interest.  The compliance management department and compliance positions of insurance institutions should be independent from front office business, finance, fund usage, internal audit and other departments or positions that may have a conflict of duties with compliance management, and should not assume any other duties that conflict with compliance management.


Salary protection.  The draft rule stipulates that insurance institutions should establish a salary management mechanism for chief compliance officer, compliance officers and compliance management personnel.  If competent in their duties, their total annual compensation package should, in principle, not be lower than the average package for the senior management personnel with the same conditions (same ranking and same performance review results) or for the employees with the same conditions (same type of positions, same ranking and same performance review results) within the entities they are working for.  The performance review system for such personnel should ensure independence of the compliance function, and should not be based on the operating results of the business departments or the feedback received from other departments.


Financial Supervision


Annual compliance management report.  Insurance companies will still be required to submit an  annual compliance management report by April 30 of the next year.  The draft rule explicitly stipulates that the chief compliance officer as well as the directors should be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the report.


Filing of compliance rules.  According to the draft rule, insurance institutions should formulate detailed internal standards for major violations of laws and regulations or major potential compliance risks, and file such standards with the regulator for records.


Leniency provisions.  An insurance institution that actively discovers any illegal or irregular act or potential compliance risk through effective compliance management may receive a lesser penalty from the regulator under certain circumstances in accordance with laws; if the circumstances are minor and the illegal or irregular act is rectified in a timely manner, without causing any harmful consequence, or only the internal rules of the insurance institution are violated, no liability will be pursued.  For an illegal or irregular act of an insurance institution, if the chief compliance officer or the compliance officer, the compliance management department or the compliance management personnel have performed their duties diligently, they may not be held liable.


The new compliance management rule will apply to insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies (including reinsurance companies), insurance asset management companies and mutual insurance organizations; the branches of foreign reinsurance companies and the other financial institutions supervised by NFRA and its local bureaus should apply the new compliance measures as a reference in accordance with the sectoral characteristics and regulatory requirements.


The draft rules sets a one-year transitional period, starting from the implementation date (tentatively scheduled for March 1, 2025), during which insurance institutions should make all necessary rectifications. 



Measures for Anti-Insurance Fraud


On July 22, 2024, NFRA published the Measures for Anti-Insurance Fraud, which took effect on August 1, 2024.


According to the Measures, insurance fraud refers to the behaviors of using insurance contracts to seek illegal benefits, mainly including intentionally fabricating insurance subjects and fraudulently obtaining insurance benefits; fabricating insurance accidents that have never occurred, fabricating false causes of accidents, or exaggerating the extent of losses to defraud insurance benefits; intentionally causing insurance accidents, fraudulently obtaining insurance benefits, etc. 


Clarify anti-fraud regulatory responsibilities.  The Measures stipulate that NFRA and its local bureaus should regularly inspect and evaluate the soundness and effectiveness of the fraud risk management system of insurance institutions, and provide guidance on the anti-fraud work of relevant industry organizations.  NFRA and its local bureaus continuously supervise the fraud risk management of insurance institutions through regulatory evaluation, risk warning, notification and interviews.  If an insurance institution violates the provisions of the Measures and causes adverse consequences, NFRA and its local bureaus may take regulatory measures or impose administrative penalties.


Clarify anti-fraud responsibilities and tasks of insurance institutions.  The Measures require insurance institutions to regularly conduct evaluations of fraud risk management systems and strengthen the requirements for risk information verification at the underwriting and claims ends.  Insurance companies should establish and improve fraud risk management systems and mechanisms, standardize operating procedures, improve information systems, prudently handle fraud risks, conduct anti-fraud training, promote education, and fulfill reporting obligations.  The Measures specify that anti-fraud should be incorporated into corporate governance.  Insurance institutions should establish a fraud risk management policy, clarify the roles, responsibilities and reporting lines of the board of directors, board of supervisors (supervisor) or professional committee performing the duties of the board of supervisors, management, fraud risk management responsible person, and anti-fraud functional departments in fraud risk management, and strictly implement the assessment and accountability system.


Annual report.  The Measures stipulate that insurance institutions should regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their fraud risk management system based on a comprehensive review of factors such as business development, technological updates and market changes, and determine whether relevant strategies, systems and procedures need to be updated and revised based on the evaluation results. Insurance institutions should submit the effectiveness evaluation report of the previous year’s fraud risk management system to NFRA and its local bureaus in the first quarter of each year.  Provincial branches of insurance institutions should submit a fraud risk management system effectiveness evaluation report in accordance with the requirements of NFRA local bureaus.


Clarify division of anti-fraud responsibilities among relevant industry organizations.  The Measures stipulate the basic process of big data anti-fraud and the responsibilities of each participating organization.  The Measures specify the requirements for external cooperation in anti-fraud, and stipulate the strengthening of cooperation with public security and judicial organs, relevant administrative authorities, and local government functional departments in areas such as linking administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, joint law enforcement, and information sharing.



Draft Measures for the Risk Classification of Insurance Assets


On August 2, 2024, NFRA published the draft Measures for the Risk Classification of Insurance Assets for public comment


With the continuous expansion of the scope of insurance fund investment and the increasing complexity of the investment structures, the Guidelines for Five-Level Risk Classification of Insurance Assets issued by the former CIRC need to be improved in terms of regulatory binding force, scope and standards for asset classification, and third-party supervisory mechanism, etc.  The Draft clarifies the standards, test indicators, supervisory mechanism and subject responsibility for the risk classification of insurance assets, with a view to comprehensively assessing the investment  risk and truly reflecting the asset quality of insurance companies.


Methods for Risk Classification of Insurance Assets.  The Draft adopts differentiated classification methods for fixed-income assets, equity assets and real estate assets, including a five-level risk classification method for fixed income assets (namely Normal, Special Mention, Substandard, Doubtful and Loss), and a three-level classification method for equity assets and real estate assets (namely Normal, Risk and Loss).  The Draft also refines the look-through approach for asset classification, and clarifies that where there are uncertainties related to the classification, the lower level should prevail over the higher level and where it is difficult to look through, the relevant products can be classified according to their expected loss ratios.


Standards for Risk Classification of Insurance Assets.  For fixed-income assets, the Draft adjusts the standards related to overdue days of the principal or interest payments on the assets, impairment reserve ratio, etc., in alignment with commercial banks, and in the meantime, the Draft includes additional provisions related to stakeholder risk management status and collateral quality, etc.  For equity assets and real estate assets, the Draft clarifies the qualitative and quantitative standards, requires a look-through to identify the risk status of the invested enterprises or the real estate project related entities, and requires that the asset classification level be determined based on the proportion of the underlying assets in risk situations and the expected loss ratios.


Utilization of the Results of Risk Classification of Insurance Assets.  The Draft requires insurance companies to focus their attention on non-performing assets or risk assets, assets frequently downgraded in classification, and long-term equity investments with their fair value being lower than book value for a long time, to dynamically monitor trends in risk changes, make a full provision for asset impairment, and timely adopt risk prevention and disposal measures.  Meanwhile, the regulators will regularly monitor indicators such as non-performing ratios of fixed-income assets, the proportions of risk assets, the proportions of loss assets, etc., carry out targeted risk warnings and early interventions, and gradually incorporate the risk classification results into the differentiated institutional regulation and off-site monitoring.


Division of responsibilities between insurance companies and insurance asset management companies.  The Draft requires that insurance asset management companies classify the risks of entrusted assets and assume compliance responsibilities.  Insurance companies should strengthen the coordination for the asset risk classification work, monitor and urge the disposal of non-performing assets and risk assets, timely exchange information with insurance asset management companies, and in case of any different views on the classification results, timely communicate with insurance asset management companies and keep records for future reference.  The overall asset risk classification results need to be approved by the insurance company’s board of directors or authorized institutions.


Organization and management of insurance asset risk classification.  The Draft optimizes the “preliminary classification, review and approval” three-step working mechanism  for risk classification and specifies the job responsibilities of the board of directors, senior management and the relevant functional departments.  The Draft reiterates that the board of directors should bear the ultimate responsibility for the asset risk classification management, and also strengthens the senior management’s responsibility for the oversight of risk classification. Senior management should be responsible for developing asset risk classification policies, promoting their implementation, and regularly reporting to the board of directors.


Supervision and constraints.  The Draft adds provisions on penalty against insurance companies, and the regulators will have the right to take regulatory measures or impose administrative penalties on insurance companies that violate the provisions on asset risk classification.  The Draft also adds audit provisions, requiring that the asset risk classification policies, procedures and implementation be included in the internal control audit of insurance fund utilization.



Notice on Strengthening and Improving the Supervision of Online P&C Insurance Business


On July 17, 2024, NFRA published the Notice on Strengthening and Improving the Supervision of Online P&C Insurance Business.  The former CBIRC and NFRA issued two draft versions for public comment  in 2021 and 2023, respectively.


Operating entities.  For the purpose of the Notice, insurance institutions include P&C insurance companies (including mutual insurance organizations and online insurance companies) and insurance intermediaries (including professional insurance agencies, insurance brokerages, insurance adjustors and commercial banks that provide insurance agency services).  Online P&C insurance business refers to the insurance operating activities of a P&C insurance company selling P&C insurance products, concluding P&C insurance policies and providing P&C insurance services, via a self-operated network platform of the insurance company itself or an insurance intermediary entrusted by the insurance company.


Qualification requirements.  P&C insurance companies other than online insurance companies should meet the following conditions when conducting online P&C insurance business: (1) comprehensive and core solvency ratios not less than 120% and 75%, respectively, for the most recent 4 consecutive quarters; (2) integrated risk rating at Level B or above for the most recent 4 consecutive quarters; and (3) other conditions stipulated by NFRA.  Online insurance companies conducting online P&C insurance business should meet the relevant conditions of the Regulatory Measures for Online Insurance Business, and the solvency and integrated risk rating should meet the above requirements as at the last quarter end.  P&C insurance companies that operate short-term health insurance and accident insurance through the internet should comply with the relevant requirements of the Notice on Further Regulating the Online Personal Insurance Business of Insurance Institutions.


Business regions.  In principle, qualified P&C insurance companies can expand the geographical coverage of their online P&C insurance business to those provincial regions where they have no provincial branches, but should timely report such expansion to the relevant NFRA local bureaus.  Strict control should be implemented over P&C insurance companies expanding their motor vehicle insurance business, via the Internet, to those provincial regions where they have no provincial branches.  Only those companies with strong risk management, internal control and comprehensive service capabilities may be allowed to do so after a prudent assessment by NFRA, if it is compatible with the market environment, market capacity, business demand, competitive landscape, and if the relevant local regulatory requirements can be met.  P&C insurance companies operating agricultural insurance, hull insurance and special risk insurance should not, in principle, expand their business regions through the Internet.


Risk control management.  P&C insurance companies conducting online P&C insurance business should establish a full-process service system for insurance policy endorsement, surrender, claims  and complaint handling.  If unable to provide the whole process of service online, the P&C insurance companies should inform the financial consumers in a conspicuous manner before signing insurance policies and make the disclose on the self-operated network platforms of their own or the entrusted insurance intermediaries; if a certain type of online insurance service needs to be suspended due to special reasons, P&C insurance companies should notify financial consumers 5 working days in advance and make the disclosure on the self-operated network platforms of their own or the entrusted insurance intermediaries.


Business code of conduct.  When conducting online P&C insurance business, P&C insurance companies should provide clear process interfaces to facilitate financial consumers to conduct policy information search, surrender and etc.; record and archive the processing trajectory of financial consumers on sales pages, and explain the relevant information of insurance terms to financial consumers, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers such as the right to know, the right to make independent choices, and the right to fair trade, and conduct traceability management.  When conducting online P&C insurance business, P&C insurance companies should establish and improve risk monitoring and early warning mechanisms, and core risk control should ensure independence and effectiveness, should not completely entrust core business processes that affect risk management to cooperating institutions, and should not rely only on the data of cooperating institutions for risk identification, assessment and control.


Strengthen control of cooperating institutions.  Insurance intermediaries cooperating with P&C insurance companies in online P&C insurance business should provide P&C insurance companies with customer information, risk control data, anti-money laundering data and other core information related to insurance business.  When conducting online P&C insurance business, P&C insurance companies should strictly distinguish between online business and online offline integration business and establish a sound segregation mechanism.  Insurance intermediaries should meet the following conditions when conducting intermediary business related to online P&C insurance business: (1) being a nationwide institution; (2) having over three years of experience in P&C insurance business; (3) have complete information systems related to sales management, policy management, customer service and etc., business process management meeting the business needs, and the intermediary itself meeting the relevant requirements for traceability management of online P&C insurance business; (4) other conditions stipulated by NFRA.


Landing services.  P&C insurance companies can provide financial consumers with online P&C insurance business landing services through their own branches and offline cooperating institutions.  P&C insurance companies that provide landing services through their branch offices should clarify the scope of authorization.  If P&C insurance companies entrust offline cooperating institutions to provide landing services, the partners should be carefully selected, and the offline cooperating institutions should have three years or more of experience in P&C insurance business services.  When conducting online P&C insurance business to serve the “new urban residents” and “new driving forces” (such as new sectors, new business formats, new business models), P&C insurance companies can appropriately adopt a shortened  operating history requirement for offline cooperating institutions.  Service evaluations should be conducted at least once a year.


Internal management.  To conduct online P&C insurance business, P&C insurance companies should formulate a clear development strategy for online P&C insurance, have an internal control management system appropriate for the business scale, establish a specific online P&C insurance management department, allocate sufficient professionals, and establish mechanisms such as performance evaluation, performance and salary deferred payment and claw-back for key positions in online P&C insurance.


Transitional period.  If a P&C insurance company does not meet the business conditions specified in the Notice, it should immediately cease to accept new online P&C insurance business, and should, within 10 working days thereafter, report to NFRA or its relevant local bureaus, and disclose relevant information on its official website and on the self-operated network platforms of itself and the entrusted insurance intermediaries.  For existing insurance policies, the insurance liability stipulated in the policies should continue to be undertaken.  If the conditions  can be met after rectification, new online P&C insurance business can be taken.  P&C insurance companies should fully comply with the requirements of the Notice before December 31, 2024.



Notice on Improving the Pricing Mechanism of Life Insurance Products


On August 2, 2024, NFRA issued the Notice on Improving the Pricing Mechanism of Life Insurance Products.


Adjust Life Insurance Interest Rates.  According to the Notice, starting from September 1, 2024, the assumed interest rate for newly filed general life insurance products should be capped at 2.5%; starting from October 1, 2024, the assumed interest rate for newly filed participating and universal life insurance products should be capped at 2.0% and  1.5%, respectively.  Sales of products exceeding the above interest rate caps should be suspended.  The rate cuts are intended to mitigate interest rate spread risks and reduce solvency pressure on insurance companies.  Meanwhile, the regulator has allowed a transitional period for insurance companies to switch to new products and to make product filings and system adjustments.


Assumed Interest Rates to Reflect Market Dynamics.  The Notice requires the adoption of a mechanism linking assumed interest rates to market interest rates and allowing dynamic adjustments, which will become the core reference for future insurance product pricing.  Specifically, the regulator will determine the benchmark assumed interest rates by reference to long-term interest rates such as the quoted market interest rate (LPR) for loans with a term of more than five years, the benchmark interest rate for five-year fixed deposits, and the yield to maturity of 10-year treasury bond, and the Insurance Association of China will publish the benchmark assumed interest rates periodically.  When there is a significant change in market interest rates and the triggering conditions are met, insurance companies should adjust product pricing in a timely manner based on market principles.


Encourage Development of Long-Term Participating Insurance Products.  The Notice encourages insurance companies to develop long-term participating insurance products and allows the cash value of such products to be calculated according to the actuarial rules of general insurance products, provided that the assumed interest rates do not exceed the rate caps.  The Notice also requires insurance companies to highlight the products’ protection function when demonstrating the policy benefits of participating and universal insurance products, and emphasize the mechanism of sharing interest rate risks and investment returns, to help customers more comprehensively understand product characteristics.


Ensure a Smooth Transition for the Products.  To facilitate a smooth implementation of the assumed interest rate adjustments, the regulator concurrently issued the Notice on Ensuring a Smooth and Orderly Transition for Life Insurance Products, requiring all life insurance companies to establish a work team led by the chairman or general manager, and to formulate a “1+N” work plan with detailed task allocation, with a focus on new product development and filing, system adjustments, channel cooperation, personnel training and etc.  The regulator will strengthen monitoring of business indicators of various companies, and will take regulatory measures in accordance with law against those companies that experience abnormal fluctuations.



Provisions on Implementing the Registered Capital Registration Management System under the PRC Company Law


On July 1, 2024, the State Council published the Provisions of the State Council on Implementing the Registered Capital Registration Management System under the PRC Company Law, which came into effect on the same day.


For a company registered and established before June 30, 2024, if it is a limited liability company and the remaining time period for contributing the subscribed registered capital exceeds 5 years from July 1, 2027, such time period should be adjusted to no more than 5 years and recorded in the company’s articles of association before June 30, 2027, and the shareholders should contribute the subscribed registered capital in full within the time period as so adjusted; if it is a shareholding company, its sponsors should contribute the subscribed registered capital in full before June 30, 2027.  If the production and operation of a company involves national interest or major public interest, and the relevant competent departments of the State Council or the provincial people’s government put forward opinions, the State Administration for Market Regulation may agree for the capital contribution to be completed within the original time period.



Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center


On July 19, 2024, NFRA and the Shanghai municipal people’s government jointly published the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai International Reinsurance Center. 


Policy support for institutional market access.  Support the establishment, in the Lingang Special Area of Shanghai, of insurance, reinsurance and insurance brokerage legal persons or branches specialized in reinsurance business, allow domestic reinsurance companies and foreign reinsurance companies’ branches to establish reinsurance operation centers in Lingang, and provide a favorable policy environment for institutional agglomeration.  Shanghai provides incentives and supporting policies in respect of new establishment and capital increases of resident institutions, etc., and in respect of the entry and exit, apartment rentals and purchases, household registration, etc. for qualified talents, in Lingang.


Statistics of cross-border reinsurance.  The statistics of cross-border reinsurance premiums ceded through the Register and Trading Center should be compiled and published.  Reinsurance transaction standards should be studied and formulated, and reinsurance standardization construction should be accelerated.  The data statistics mechanism should be improved for reinsurance operation centers of insurance companies. 


Promote unified registration.  Promote domestic insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and insurance brokerage companies to register reinsurance transaction information in the Register and Trading Center, and register information related to reinsurance contracts, bills and claims, etc. based on the principles of “necessity, minimum and practicality”, so as to gradually realize the integration of reinsurance information, build a centralized reinsurance data and information service platform, and establish a sound unified reinsurance registration service system.


Steady and orderly development of reinsurance market.  Focus on expanding incremental reinsurance business and follow the principles of “controllable risk and stable operation”, steadily explore “online + offline” transactions in the Register and Trading Center, and gradually achieve centralized trading of reinsurance business.  Shanghai will implement differentiated incentives based on the progress of the registration and online trading of reinsurance business.  Assist insurance institutions in carrying out cross-border RMB settlement in cross-border reinsurance business, and provide support for banks to rely on the Shanghai Insurance Exchange platform to provide cross-border fund settlement convenience for authentic and compliant reinsurance business.


Enhance reinsurance protection capability in key areas.  Focus on key areas such as “going global”, aviation and aerospace, green shipping, and integrated circuits, and explore risk diversification mechanisms such as insurance community in Lingang to enhance comprehensive reinsurance protection capabilities.  Lingang Special Area Management Committee establishes special support funds to enhance the effective reinsurance supply capacity in the key areas.




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