【新刊速递】《当代亚洲》(JCA), Vol.54, No.5, 2024 |国政学人

学术   2024-12-23 20:55   福建  


《当代亚洲》(Journal of Contemporary Asia)是一份1970年起出版的学术期刊。该期刊每年出版4次,内容涵盖亚洲的经济、政治和社会发展。目前,期刊的主编为其创办人Peter Limqueco以及Kevin Hewison。据2020年的期刊引证报告,《当代亚洲》的影响因子为3.261。




“This Bra Protects me Better than the Military”: Bodies and Protests in the Myanmar Spring Revolution


与革命 “共存”:缅甸 Z 世代革命者的日常经历

“Living With” Revolution: The Everyday Experiences of Myanmar’s Generation Z Revolutionaries


革命还是秩序?佛教对缅甸 2021 年军事政变的回应

Revolution or Order? Buddhist Responses to the 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar



Soldier Defection as a Revolutionary Strategy in Myanmar


缅甸的监狱与革命: 探究革命形势下的监狱抗议活动

The Prison and the Revolution in Myanmar: Exploring Prison Protests During a Revolutionary Situation



International Aid Partnerships Amidst Myanmar’s Revolution: Solidarity or Self-Preservation and Compliance?



Strange Bedfellows or Trusted Comrades? Digital Solidarity Building among Myanmar’s Revolutionaries



Instrumentalism or Commitment to Social Justice? Shifting Inter-Ethnic Solidarities in Post-Coup Myanmar



Beyond Federalism? Inclusion, Citizenship, and Minorities Without Territory in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution



题目:“This Bra Protects me Better than the Military”: Bodies and Protests in the Myanmar Spring Revolution

作者:Khin Khin Mra,曼彻斯特大学社会科学学院政治系研究生;Jenny Hedström,瑞典国防大学战争研究副教授。


This article explores the gendered dynamics of revolutionary movements through a focus on women’s bodies as tools of resistance and protest. In the Myanmar Spring Revolution, gendered relations of power articulate with military authority to engender both women’s activism and military responses. To maintain power, the Myanmar military have sought to regulate women’s behavior – and quell the protest – through attention to women’s bodies, sexuality, and reproductive potential. In response, women activists have mobilised against both state control and the violation of women’s bodies in imaginative and transgressive ways, using their bodies as well as gendered artefacts to subvert patriarchal and military norms. This analysis shows how women’s bodies constitute both the material object of protest – in the virtual and physical spheres – and the subject of resistance, aiming to challenge gendered logics. It means that the gendered body must be taken seriously in studies on revolutions and protests. The integral yet historically overlooked role of women in Myanmar’s revolutionary movements necessitates a gender-conscious analytical lens to fully comprehend the transformative potential and the power dynamics of such upheavals.

与革命 “共存”:缅甸Z世代革命者的日常经历

题目:“Living With” Revolution: The Everyday Experiences of Myanmar’s Generation Z Revolutionaries

作者:Justine Chambers,丹麦哥本哈根丹麦国际研究所(DIIS)博士后研究员; Saw Ner Dhu Dab,泰国清迈独立研究员。

摘要:“缅甸之春”革命是围绕着人们常说的“Z世代”的行动和声音展开的。起初,这场革命以广泛且富有创意的抗议行动为开端,随后发展出强大的公民不服从运动,以及以人民防卫力量(PDF)为代表的武装抵抗。缅甸的年轻一代成功地动员了全国范围的革命,以反抗2021年发动军事政变的领导人。许多关于革命的文献将革命强调为一种断裂式的社会现象,并将革命事件作为分析的基本单位。而与这种研究路径不同,本文借鉴了人类学的相关辩论,主张理解年轻人如何体验和与革命共存。通过探讨克伦邦(Karen State)年轻革命者的经历,本文强调了从基层视角理解革命的重要性。

Myanmar’s Spring Revolution has been built around the actions and voices of what is often referred to as “Generation Z.” Beginning with widespread creative acts of protest, the growth of a powerful civil disobedience movement and violent resistance in the form of People’s Defence Forces, Myanmar’s younger generation have galvanised the country-wide revolution against the leaders of the 2021 military coup. Much of the literature theorising revolutions emphasises their rupture-like qualities and treats revolutionary events as the fundamental unit of analysis. Against this way of proceeding, building from anthropological debates this article makes a case for understanding how young people experience and live with revolution. Drawing on the experiences of young revolutionaries in Karen State, the article highlights the importance of understanding revolutions from below.

革命还是秩序?佛教对缅甸 2021 年军事政变的回应

题目:Revolution or Order? Buddhist Responses to the 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar

作者:Iselin Frydenlund,MF 挪威神学、宗教与社会学院宗教研究教授;Phyo Wai ,仰光 Mahavihara Dhamma-Vinaya 大学英语系副教授。

摘要:2021年2月1日,缅甸发生的军事政变结束了该国2011年至2021年的半文官统治时期,使国家再次回到军政府的直接统治之下。最近针对政变初期阶段的宗教反应的研究表明,大规模抗议活动呈现出全球互联网文化、跨宗教的团结以及对多元化和民主缅甸等新愿景的特点。人们常认为,佛教僧团(Sangha)保持沉默,且主要支持军方。通过文本分析、定性访谈和实地调研等多方法研究,本文探讨了佛教在为军方行动提供正当性以及对其进行抵抗方面可能出现的转变。本文提出,对佛教支持政变的理解不仅需采用工具主义框架,还应通过本文所称的佛教秩序意识形态(Buddhist Ideology of Order)来解读。与此相对,一场佛教革命运动出现了,该运动倡导包括对制度化佛教在内的激进社会变革。最后,研究数据表明,支持革命的活动不仅限于已知的寺院革命网络,还显示出僧团在缅甸之春革命中有着更广泛的参与,这一点往往被人们低估。

The military coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021 ended a period of semi-civilian rule (2011–2021), bringing the country once again under direct military rule. Recent research into the religious responses to the coup in its early phases indicate that the mass protests were characterised by global internet culture, inter-religious solidarity, and new visions for a plural and democratic Myanmar. The Buddhist Sangha, it is often claimed, remained silent and mainly supportive of the military. Through a multi-method approach to textual analysis, qualitative interviews, and field work, this article seeks to analyse possible shifts in the ways that Buddhism has contributed to both justification of the military’s action and resistance to it. It is argued that Buddhist support for the coup must be understood not only within an instrumentalist framework, but also through what is referred to in this article as a Buddhist Ideology of Order. In opposition to this, a Buddhist revolutionary movement is identified. It envisions radical societal transformations, including of institutional Buddhism itself. Finally, the data show that pro-revolutionary activities go well beyond established monastic revolutionary networks, indicating broader Sangha engagements in the Myanmar Spring Revolution than has often been assumed.


题目:Soldier Defection as a Revolutionary Strategy in Myanmar

作者:Helene Maria Kyed,丹麦国际研究所高级研究员;Ah Lynn,独立研究员。


The military coup in Myanmar on February 1, 2021 unleashed massive popular uprising against military rule, which was met with heavy handed military violence. Less than a month after the coup the first soldiers joined the civil disobedience movement (CDM) along with many civil servants who refused to work under the military. The resistance to the military was soon named the Spring Revolution, with calls for pervasive transformation of Myanmar’s political structures and security forces. Military defections gradually developed into a “revolutionary strategy.” This article explores how this development evolved and how defectors were transformed into “revolutionary actors” during the ongoing revolutionary situation. The analysis is based on the personal narratives and collective activities of those soldiers who became active in the CDM. Applying a conversion narrative approach, the article traces the processes of defection from individual disaffection with military violence to the formation of CDM soldier groups and the personal transformation of soldiers. Adding to existing literature on military defections during popular uprisings against authoritarian regimes, the article demonstrates that defection holds significance not only for the outcomes of revolutions, but also for the shaping of revolutionary ideas and practices during revolutionary situations.

缅甸的监狱与革命: 探究革命形势下的监狱抗议活动

题目:The Prison and the Revolution in Myanmar: Exploring Prison Protests During a Revolutionary Situation

作者:Tomas Martin,丹麦禁止酷刑研究所研究员;Andrew M. Jefferson,丹麦禁止酷刑研究所研究员。


What role do prison protests play in revolutions? This article examines the prison protests that have occurred since the military coup, situating them as integral and instructive elements of an unfolding revolutionary situation. The analysis explores the character and significance of such protests at a moment of fierce and violent political contestation. It documents and contextualises them and develops an argument about their contemporary significance informed by the academic literature on prisons and revolution and prisons and protest. The article shows how the prison today is a revolutionary battlefront characterised by the activation and vulnerability of prisoners’ bodies, the interrelation between collective and individual actions and consequences, and the connection between events outside and inside the prison. Today’s protests resonate evocatively with those of the past. They are sometimes a deliberate intervention in bigger struggles and sometimes a response to the everyday and immediate provocation of inhumane conditions. Whatever the range of forms, patterns, drivers, and triggers of prison protests, the most common response from the authorities is violence, often with deadly effects.


题目:International Aid Partnerships Amidst Myanmar’s Revolution: Solidarity or Self-Preservation and Compliance?

作者:Tamas Wells,墨尔本大学社会与政治科学学院研究协调员;Pyae Phyo Maung ,墨尔本大学社会与政治科学学院博士生。


Along with its broader impact in the country, Myanmar’s 2021 coup and subsequent revolution have brought an upheaval amongst international aid agencies. As they have pivoted their programmes in the new context, international agencies have faced criticism from many Myanmar humanitarian and advocacy organisations. Drawing on interviews from 2022, this article argues that the way in which aid is given – in relation to context-specific conventions of reciprocity – is significant in creating meaning in partnerships. Engaging with Myanmar studies literature, the article contends that well-known overlapping values of sedana (goodwill), parahita (charity), and metta (loving kindness) inform Myanmar organisation leaders’ expectations of reciprocity in their relationship with international aid agencies in the context of Myanmar’s revolution. There is often a moral overlay on interpretations of aid partnerships, beyond the project-organised and contractual relationship that characterises the formal realm. Criticism of international aid is not new in Myanmar, yet the revolution has increased the stakes for local organisations and exposed new fractures in their relationships with their international partners. Transnational support is crucial amid the country’s revolution and many Myanmar organisation leaders seek relationships of solidarity with international agencies, yet diverging assumptions about reciprocity in partnerships fuel ongoing frustration.


题目:Strange Bedfellows or Trusted Comrades? Digital Solidarity Building among Myanmar’s Revolutionaries

作者:Megan Ryan,密歇根大学政治学博士生;Mai Van Tran,布鲁塞尔管理学院数字化、民主与创新中心MSCA 博士后研究员;Swan Ye Htut,斯坦福大学社会学博士生。

摘要:当缅甸民众目睹其民选政府在2021年初被非法军事政变推翻时,他们感受到的震惊和愤怒引发了缅甸政治上的一场革命性断裂。曾在罗兴亚穆斯林(Rohingya Muslim)危机中保持沉默的缅甸佛教精英为未能为罗兴亚受害者伸张正义而道歉;这场政变为联邦民主的构建带来了新的生机和可能性;年轻的学生和罢工领导者敢于挑战精英阶层的统治。然而,对于这种共同反抗军事独裁的斗争是否能在缅甸传统分裂的族群间构建广泛的团结,外界所知甚少。由于缅甸各地的革命群体广泛利用社交媒体来动员抵抗,研究这些群体的在线互动可以为这一问题提供关键见解。本文通过分析政变后一年内,缅甸最受欢迎的三个抵抗Facebook群组中,缅族和非缅族社群的对话,发现了一个建立跨族群团结的两步过程,这一过程由功利性利益和自发的共情共同驱动。研究结果加深了对多元反独裁力量间团结构建的理解,揭示了后政变时期缅甸革命动态,并阐明了社交媒体在培养跨族群共情方面的作用。

The shock and anger felt by the Myanmar public as they witnessed their democratically elected government deposed in an illegal military coup in early 2021 has led to a revolutionary break in Burmese politics. The Bamar Buddhist political elites, formerly silent on the Rohingya Muslim crisis, apologised for failing to administer justice for the Rohingya victims; the coup breathed new life and possibilities into the formation of a federal democracy; and young students and strike leaders dared to challenge the dominance of the elites. However, little is known about whether this struggling together against military dictatorship might enable a broad-based development of solidarity among Myanmar’s traditionally divided ethnic communities. Since many revolutionary communities across Myanmar took to social media to mobilise resistance, studying these groups’ online interactions can provide critical insights to this question. By analysing conversations over the year following the coup on three of the most popular resistance Facebook groups from Bamar and non-Bamar communities, this article finds a two-step process of inter-ethnic solidarity building, driven by both instrumentalist interest and organic empathy. The findings deepen understanding on solidarity building among diverse anti-dictatorship forces, revolution dynamics in post-coup Myanmar, and the role of social media on forging inter-communal empathy.


题目:Instrumentalism or Commitment to Social Justice? Shifting Inter-Ethnic Solidarities in Post-Coup Myanmar

作者:Cecile Medail,丹麦哥本哈根大学北欧亚洲研究所和政治学系博士后研究员;Saw Chit Thet Tun,独立研究员。


The Bamar majority’s institutionalised dominance and the exclusion of other ethnic groups from the Bamar’s notion of national identity has been a cause of conflict in Myanmar. The 2021 coup has, however, underscored the need for co-operation between Bamar and ethnic forces against the military. Drawing on Graeber’s conceptualisation of revolutions as opportunities to disrupt “unequal structures of imaginative identification” and Walton’s consideration of Burman privilege akin to Whiteness, this article examines shifts in inter-ethnic dynamics. How have new forms of inter-ethnic solidarity demonstrated by the Bamar majority towards other ethnic groups challenged unequal structures of privilege since the coup? Through textual analysis of statements by Bamar revolutionary leaders and semi-structured interviews with members of ten ethnic communities, the article explores ethnic reactions to changing attitudes of Bamar elites and ordinary Bamar citizens. Findings suggest that Myanmar’s ongoing revolutionary situation has prompted the Bamar majority to reflect on their privilege. Yet, the quality of Bamar solidarity towards ethnic minorities varies among different Bamar socio-political groups, ranging from instrumental alliances to a shared vision for social justice. The article concludes that although inter-ethnic solidarity building remains a work in progress, some positive steps towards ethnic and class emancipation have been made.


题目:Beyond Federalism? Inclusion, Citizenship, and Minorities Without Territory in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution

作者:Aung Ko Ko,缅甸 Mosaic 创始执行主任;Elizabeth L. Rhoads,隆德大学东亚和东南亚研究中心高级讲师;Nan Tinilarwin,独立研究员;Win Bo Aung,瑞典乌普萨拉大学和平与冲突研究部实习生;Yoon Thiri Khaing,缅甸 Mosaic项目负责人。


Myanmar’s unofficial minorities encompass diverse religious and ethnic groups excluded from Myanmar’s list of 135 officially recognised “national races.” They face exclusion due to their citizenship status as well as societal prejudices and entrenched discrimination against minority communities. Yet, debates over politics, federalism, and power-sharing in Myanmar primarily concern the relationship between the officially recognised ethnic minorities and the majority Bamar population. The Spring Revolution has opened the door to “rethink federalism,” suggesting that moving beyond historically entrenched binaries of unity or ethnonational federalism may be on the table. Understanding how unofficial minorities face discrimination and disenfranchisement as well as inclusion, is imperative in not only imagining a new political system following a successful Spring Revolution, but in expanding the revolutionary process. Yet, discussions related to minorities and diversity have centred on the pre-coup model of ethno-nationalist federalism as a post-revolution power-sharing arrangement. With minority rights tied to increased autonomy for minority-dominated territories, how do minorities without territory meaningfully participate in or benefit from the revolution? How can the recognition of Myanmar’s unofficial minorities – an estimated 10% of the population – be ensured? “Rethinking federalism” highlights relationships between territory, citizenship, and belonging in the Spring Revolution.


审校 | 张潇文

排版 | 周彦孜

