【新刊速递】《欧洲国际关系杂志》(EJIR) Vol. 30, No. 4, 2024 |国政学人

学术   2024-12-21 20:55   辽宁  


《欧洲国际关系杂志European Journal of International Relations)广泛地代表了已在欧洲发展的国际关系领域。自1995年创刊以来,该杂志已成为国际关系学界一个重要而独立的声音。它以其欧洲起源为基础,经过二十多年的发展,已成为国际关系界最佳成果的缩影,包括前沿的理论辩论、当代和过去的学术热点以及理论丰富的实证分析。




Capitalizing on a crisis: the European Union Trust Fund for Africa



Uncertainty in times of ecological crisis: a Knightian tale of how to face future states of the world



Private infrastructure in geopolitical conflicts: the case of Starlink and the war in Ukraine



A partial conversion: how the ‘unholy trinity’ of global economic governance adapts to state capitalism



Voice, exit . . . arbitrage: the politics of the modern multinational firm



Keep your enemies safer: technical cooperation and transferring nuclear safety and security technologies



Technocracy, populism, and the (de)legitimation of international organizations



How informality keeps multilateralism going: the role of informal groupings in EU foreign policy negotiations



‘100 large fruit trees cut down by ISAF’: land, infrastructure and military violence



Beyond authority: governing migration and asylum through practice on the ground



题目:Capitalizing on a crisis: the European Union Trust Fund for Africa

作者:Darshan Vigneswaran,阿姆斯特丹大学政治学系副教授,其研究位于国际关系与政治地理的交叉领域。Nora Söderberg,欧洲大学学院政治与社会科学系博士候选人。Natalie Welfens,赫尔梯学院博士后研究员,研究主要关注分类实践及由此产生的不平等现象,特别是在欧洲和中东地区难民身份认定过程中的包容与排斥问题。Saskia Bonjour,阿姆斯特丹大学政治学系副教授,研究聚焦荷兰和欧洲的移民与公民身份政治,特别关注家庭移民、公民融入、性别与移民以及欧洲化等议题。


How do foreign policies and transnational projects become resistant to critique? This article seeks to better understand the legitimation of policies by studying the work involved in justifying public funding of migration and development initiatives. Government expenditures on migration and development have been increasing in recent years, despite widely shared concerns regarding the merits of such initiatives. In this article, we focus our attention on the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF). The EUTF has been assessed by EU agencies as a successful intervention, while never hiding its inability to achieve demonstrable progress toward its goals of addressing the “root causes” of the 2015–2016 migration “crisis” in the Mediterranean. We argue that this fund was legitimized as a valuable policy intervention through the efforts of European officials and Monitoring and Evaluation experts to, borrowing from Bourdieu, “convert capital”: translate one form of power resource into another form. Based on document analysis and 25 key informant interviews, we trace how EUTF officials successfully converted capital by, first, mobilizing political resources to generate economic capital for migration-related projects in Africa; and second, transforming some of this economic capital into more lasting symbolic capital which justifies long-term migration and development initiatives. In short, money becomes legitimacy. We argue that this “conversion work” helps us to better understand the continued growth and upholding of migration and development financing which consists not only of raw funds but also involves continuous efforts to legitimize these expenditures as inherently valuable policy interventions.


题目:Uncertainty in times of ecological crisis: a Knightian tale of how to face future states of the world

作者:Sylvain Maechler,洛桑大学政治学博士,法兰克福歌德大学和渥太华大学访问学者,其研究位于全球环境治理和国际政治经济学的交叉领域,重点关注当代资本主义如何应对全球生态危机,特别是通过自然的经济与金融估值以及其他衡量、核算和市场化工具Jean-Christophe Graz,洛桑大学政治学研究所的国际关系教授,全球化历史与政治研究中心的联合创始人,以及洛桑大学社会与政治科学学院的研究、伦理学与博士研究生院副院长,研究聚焦于全球政治经济中的监管问题和平台资本主义的兴起。


How do we face uncertainty in times of crisis? Debates in International Relations often struggle to disentangle the processes involved in turning the uncertainty of a crisis into decisions and actions. Drawing on the analysis of Frank H. Knight, we argue that decisions and actions taken by international actors in times of crisis are underpinned by the way that information is accessed, interpreted, and evaluated in order to claim reliable knowledge for shaping future states of the world. We illustrate our argument with the global politics of the ecological crisis and three contrasting methods used by international actors to convert the time of the crisis into decisions and actions: United Nations agencies, financial accounting standard-setters and central banks.


题目:Private infrastructure in geopolitical conflicts: the case of Starlink and the war in Ukraine

作者:Joscha Abels,图宾根大学政治学研究所博士后研究员和讲师,主要研究方向是国际政治经济学和欧洲一体化,具体研究兴趣包括地缘经济学、基础设施政策、国际机构以及经济和货币联盟的政治经济学。


Privately owned infrastructures play a central role in the unfolding of geopolitical conflicts. While academic contributions generally support this argument, businesses are mostly treated as enablers or spoilers of state action rather than actors in their own right. This article develops a theoretical framework around the relationship of state and transnational corporations in times of intense global competition, combining it with a political–economic perspective on how private ownership of transnational infrastructures shifts this relationship. It argues that private businesses develop and operate infrastructures for profit-seeking purposes, but that this logic can be amended by preferences for political outcomes. The article undertakes an analysis of the role of Starlink, the world’s largest satellite constellation owned by US-based company SpaceX, in the events following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It reconstructs SpaceX’s initial decision to enable Starlink in Ukraine and its ensuing strategic readjustment that limited Ukraine’s abilities to retake Russian-occupied areas. The findings support the relevance of both profit-seeking and political motives for explaining businesses’ decision-making, with substantial implications for contemporary state–business relations. SpaceX viewed the war in Ukraine as an opportunity to secure capital and contracts, largely from the United States; at the same time, it sought to appease other states on which it depends, most centrally China. The findings furthermore demonstrate that states will seek to reestablish independence from private infrastructure where other forms of hedging fail. While China and the European Union opted to build their own satellite constellations, the United States relied on its economic pull to ensure SpaceX’s cooperation.


题目:A partial conversion: how the ‘unholy trinity’ of global economic governance adapts to state capitalism

作者:Ilias Alami,剑桥大学发展研究中心政治与国际研究系的发展政治经济学助理教授。Jack Taggart,贝尔法斯特女王大学国际政治经济学讲师。

摘要:在国家作为资本的推动者、监管者和所有者发挥更大作用的世界中,新自由主义全球经济治理在多大程度上正在发生转型?这些转型是否预示着一种潜在的范式转变?为回答这些问题,本文聚焦于全球金融治理以及贸易和投资体系,并分析了国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行(World Bank)和世界贸易组织(WTO)这三大全球治理核心机构——即“非神圣三位一体”——发布的最新政策文件。我们的分析揭示了这些组织内部及相互之间对国家干预主义日益增长的接受程度。尽管这种适应具有重要意义,但我们认为,这仅构成一种有限的转型。我们观察到,这些机构试图将新兴的国家干预实践及国有实体纳入现有治理框架,以对其进行规范、约束和控制。本文进一步指出,这并不代表西方主导的全球经济治理体系正在向后新自由主义多元化转型,而是一种防御性的“变异新自由主义”,旨在将去政治化和商业导向的国家所有制纳入其核心体系之中。

To what extent is neoliberal global economic governance transforming in a world where states play greater roles as promoters, supervisors and owners of capital? Do these transformations signal a potential paradigm shift? To answer these questions, we focus on global financial governance and the trade and investment regime. We analyse recent policy documents from the IMF, World Bank and WTO – the ‘Unholy Trinity’ of neoliberal global governance. Our analysis reveals a growing acceptance of state interventionism within and across these organizations. Although this accommodation is significant, we argue that it constitutes a limited transformation. We observe attempts to incorporate emerging state interventionist practices and state-owned entities into established governance arrangements in order to discipline, curtail and control them. We argue that this does not signify a shift towards post-neoliberal plurality within Western-dominated global economic governance, but rather a defensive, ‘mutating neoliberalism’ which seeks to incorporate depoliticized and commercially oriented state ownership into its mainframe.


题目:Voice, exit . . . arbitrage: the politics of the modern multinational firm

作者:Ronen Palan,伦敦城市大学国际政治经济学教授。


Multinational corporations (MNCs) are often seen as singular organizations, with a parent company controlling branches in other countries. But this is an abridged version of decentred corporate groups structured as clusters of separate legal entities in several jurisdictions held together by equity ties. The article argues that while the abridged version of the MNC matches those aspects of those organizations that are of interest to economists, it fails to capture the principal mechanism of interaction between business and the institutional and political environment. I argue that the abridged version is a barrier preventing political scientists from asking salient questions about the power of MNCs and their shareholders. Specifically, while political scientists and international political economists discuss the way these companies use their considerable financial resources to voice their views on unwanted regulatory changes, to threaten exit or if all else fails, to carry through with the threat, they ignore a third approach favoured by corporate groups, setting up subsidiaries in third countries to arbitrage rules.


题目:Keep your enemies safer: technical cooperation and transferring nuclear safety and security technologies

作者:Jeffrey Ding,乔治华盛顿大学政治学助理教授。

摘要: 即使在冷战期间,美国与苏联也在核安全与安保领域展开合作。由于任何地方发生的核事故或未授权的核引爆都会威胁全球和平,经验丰富的国家向其他国家转让核安全与安保技术方法似乎是理所当然的。然而,历史记录显示出复杂性。那么,原因何在?现有的解释主要集中在技术转让国所面临的政治成本和核扩散风险上,而本文认为,特定的技术特征会影响援助的可行性。对于更复杂的核安全与安保技术而言,稳固的技术合作对于建立必要的信任至关重要,这样科学家们才能在不泄露敏感信息的前提下传授隐性知识。本文通过高层访谈和档案证据,提出了这一理论,并通过四个案例进行验证:美国向苏联分享基本核安全与安保技术(1961–1963);美国拒绝向中国(1990–1999)和巴基斯坦(1998–2003)提供复杂核安全与安保技术;以及美国向俄罗斯分享复杂核安全与安保技术(1994–2007)。研究结果表明,分析核技术援助不仅要关注背后的动机,还需考察其具体实施过程及相关技术特征。这对于理解国家如何通过合作来管理新兴技术带来的全球风险具有重要启示。

Even during the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union cooperated on nuclear safety and security. Since accidental or unauthorized nuclear detonations anywhere threaten peace everywhere, it seems straightforward that states more experienced in developing nuclear safety and security technologies would transfer such methods to other states. Yet, the historical record is mixed. Why? While existing explanations focus on the political costs and proliferation risks faced by the transferring state, this article argues that specific technological features condition the feasibility of assistance. For more complex nuclear safety and security technologies, robust technical cooperation is crucial to build the necessary trust for scientists to transfer tacit knowledge without divulging sensitive information. Leveraging elite interviews and archival evidence, my theory is supported by four case studies: US sharing of basic nuclear safety and security technologies with the Soviet Union (1961–1963); US withholding of complex nuclear safety and security technologies from China (1990–1999) and Pakistan (1998–2003); and US sharing of complex nuclear safety and security technologies with Russia (1994–2007). My findings suggest the need to examine not only the motivations behind nuclear assistance but also the process by which it occurs and the features of the technologies involved, with implications for how states cooperate to manage the global risks of emerging technologies.


题目:Technocracy, populism, and the (de)legitimation of international organizations

作者:Reinout van der Veer,拉德堡大学政治学系的国际关系助理教授,研究兴趣集中在国际组织的运作和合法性,如欧盟和联合国,其研究涉及具有执行授权的国际机构的政治化和响应性、决策中的专家角色以及公众对国际组织的看法。Gustav Meibauer,拉德堡大学政治学系的国际关系助理教授,研究兴趣包括外交政策分析、政治传播和国际关系理论,其研究聚焦于国家行为的混乱性,以及领导人如何思考和讨论外交政策选择。


Our understanding of the contestation of liberal international order relies on an intuitive dualism. Technocratic norms underpin the legitimation of international organizations (IOs) because IOs embody a functional and depoliticized mode of problem-solving based on expertise and non-majoritarianism. Populist norms challenge IO authority as IOs create constraints on the popular will of the “true people.” We empirically examine whether this duality extends to the actors engaging in IO (de)legitimation by leveraging a novel and unprecedentedly fine-grained database on IO (de)legitimation by national governments. We find that (de)legitimation patterns of governments with technocratic or populist tendencies are far more dynamic and diverse than a dualistic account suggests. In particular, we find complex patterns of (de)legitimation that suggest challenges to and defenses of IO authority are driven more by a strategic, as opposed to an ideological, logic. We outline implications for the literatures on the international liberal order, technocracy, and populism.


题目:How informality keeps multilateralism going: the role of informal groupings in EU foreign policy negotiations

作者:Marianna Lovato,布鲁塞尔治理学院安全、外交与战略中心博士后研究员,研究兴趣主要集中在国际组织中的非正式治理/非正式性、欧洲对外和安全政策以及跨大西洋关系。

摘要: 国家间的非正式集团——无论是作为独立实体还是作为正式国际组织(IOs)的一部分——在维持多边主义和全球治理中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。那么,这些非正式集团的“非正式性”究竟为何使其成为国际合作中至关重要且日益流行的机制?为回答这一问题,本文聚焦非正式集团在欧盟(EU)外交政策谈判中的作用。在欧盟内部,非正式集团为协调、信息共享、学习和共识构建提供了关键平台。因此,这些集团对于正式决策过程的顺利运作至关重要,成为多边外交成功的必要基石。本文通过对两种不同的非正式集团(一个位于欧盟之外,一个位于欧盟内部)的案例进行研究,提出并验证了上述论点。研究方法包括文件分析及对国家外交官的高层访谈。首先,本文分析了七国集团(G7)联络小组在2014年制定对俄制裁中的作用;其次,评估了PESCO四国集团(PESCO 4)在推动建立“永久结构性合作”(PESCO)机制中的作用。这两个案例均显示,非正式集团为协调、信息共享、学习和共识构建提供了重要平台,从而推动并维持了27个成员国间的多边谈判。本文通过深入探讨非正式集团在正式国际组织中的作用,揭示了非正式性与小多边主义以及正式多边机构之间的动态关系,为理解非正式机制如何支撑全球治理提供了重要洞见。

Informal groupings of states – either as stand-alone entities or as part of formal international organizations (IOs) – are playing an increasingly important role in sustaining multilateralism and global governance. But what is it about the informal nature of these groupings that makes them such a critical and increasingly popular fixture of international cooperation? To answer this question, the paper focuses on the role of informal groupings in European Union (EU) foreign policy negotiations. Within the EU, informal groupings provide a key venue for coordination, information-sharing, learning and consensus-building. As a result, these groupings are critical for the functioning of the formal decision-making process, providing necessary building blocks for the success of multilateral diplomacy. The proposed argument is explored in the case of two distinct instances of informal groupings, one extra- and one intra-EU grouping, by means of document analysis and elite interviews with national diplomats. First, the paper examines the role of the G7 contact group in the formulation of the Russian sanctions back in 2014. Second, it assesses the role of the PESCO 4 in driving the establishment of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). In both instances, informal groupings provided important venues for coordination, as well as information-sharing, learning and consensus-building, which, in turn, enable and sustain multilateral negotiations among 27 member states. Critically engaging with the role of informal groupings in formal IOs, the paper sheds light on the dynamic relationship between informality and minilateralism, on the one hand, and formal multilateral institutions, on the other.


题目:‘100 large fruit trees cut down by ISAF’: land, infrastructure and military violence

作者:Joanna Tidy,谢菲联大学政治与国际关系系讲师,其研究主要涉及战争、军事力量和军事暴力,主要从批判性和女性主义国际关系及政治经济学的角度进行,同时也与社会学、历史和地理等其他学科相互关联。


This article examines the military violence of land use and infrastructure. The analysis discusses the case of the British Army’s Royal Corps of Engineers in 1860s British Columbia and in Helmand, Afghanistan following the post-2001 invasion. It charts how across British colonial and liberal military projects, military infrastructure activities have mobilised towards the goal of capitalist development. Drawing analytic lines between the Royal Engineers’ activities establishing the settler colony and colonial capitalism in British Columbia and their role in imposing liberal social, political and economic norms in Helmand, the article puts forward an account of why, how and with what effect military violence can include things such as the felling of trees, the issuing of private land title, the use of topsoil for road fill or prohibiting local farmers from growing tall crops near a roadway. The central argument of this article is that we should conceptualise and understand military activities such as these as violence. This analysis develops understandings of violence within scholarship addressing coloniality, liberal war, settler colonialism; and land, territory and infrastructure. Beyond the immediate analysis of specifically military violence, this discussion has broader implications for understanding the nexus of infrastructure, land and violence.


题目:Beyond authority: governing migration and asylum through practice on the ground

作者:Nele Kortendiek,法兰克福歌德大学博士后研究员,欧洲大学学院马克思·韦伯研究员,其研究主要集中在三个领域:全球治理中的争议与变革、国际组织的政策制定与执行,以及移民和庇护政治。


How do international organizations (IOs) govern transnational challenges? Most theories maintain that IOs exercise authority to govern. What these authority-focused accounts tend to overlook, however, are instances of de facto governance. Especially in emerging, contested, and crisis-ridden issue areas, authority has often not been established or become unsettled. Yet, IOs govern here, too. Take the example of migration and asylum: This policy field is characterized by institutional and policy gaps. During the crisis at Europe’s border in 2015–2016, IOs governed mixed movements nonetheless. Through organizing collective action on the ground, they not only created direct regulative impacts on the lives of people on the move (the final addressees of international politics) but also defined what mixed migration means as a global policy concern. I draw on practice theory and fieldwork at the European external border in Greece to draw attention to governing modes that operate at a very low institutional threshold. I propose a minimal conception of governance that shifts attention from authority sources to governing effects to account for such governance forms. This re-conceptualization makes the study of how IOs govern outside their established authority, in concrete geographical places, possible.


审校 | 张潇文

排版 | 韩雄柏

本文源于《欧洲国际关系杂志》(EJIR) Vol. 30, No. 4, 2024,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。
