Grow your network, find like minded people
and enjoy an evening of drinks. Volume 35 of the Young Professional Mixers will take place at Fairmont Chengdu on Friday January 10th. Join for relaxed after work drinks and great people!
应广大小伙伴的强烈要求,我们决定定期举办此类活动,给大家提供一个社交的场合,认识更多志同道合的朋友!举办频率大概为一个月左右一次。1月10日,成都两大社群社交平台 ChengduExpat & 多元视界Social World,联袂举办第35期成都中外职业青年交流酒会。
喝酒、聊天、交朋友,成都中外职业青年社交酒会就是这么一场简单的社交活动 !没有过多的活动流程,但来参加活动的每个小伙伴都能认识一些有趣的朋友并度过2个多小时愉快的时光。这是一场简单的Social活动, 快来认识新朋友吧!🌟
The Young Professional network
was founded 8 years ago, in order to give motivated young people in the
city an accessible platform to meet, that could be a place to meet
future partners and innovators. It now contains over 1000 active members.
这将是一个汇集来自世界各地的年轻专业人士、创业者和未来领袖的机会,共同分享思想、经验,以及启发未来合作的潜力。The Young Professional network 成立于8年前,目的是为本市职场新秀们提供一个友好轻松的商业社交平台,这可能是一个会见未来合作伙伴和创新者的地方。目前社群拥有超过1000名活跃成员。
1) 跨文化交流:结识来自不同国家和文化背景的同行,拓宽您的视野,增进国际理解。
2) 创业灵感:与成功创业家和行业领袖亲密互动,汲取创业灵感。
3) 精彩鸡尾酒:享受美味鸡尾酒和精彩的社交氛围。
Organizers/ 主办方:
When/ 时间:
Friday 10th January
19:30 - 22:00
Venue/ 场地:
Fairmont Chengdu, 2F CUBE
Fairmont's CUBE Bar
Dress code/ 着装要求:
Business Casual - Cocktail
商务休闲 - 鸡尾酒
Address/ 地址:
269 Tianfu Middle Avenue, Gaoxin District
Tickets/ 门票:
Pre-sale/ 预售价: 120RMB
After 8th January/ 1月8日后: 160RMB
Tickets include 2 selected drinks
Scan below for tickets
or click "Read more" left down the post
Young Professionals #30
Add WeChat ID: Chengdu-Expat2 to be added to the group before the event.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank You To Our Partners
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