On July 11th, Carlo Luzzatto, CEO of RINA Group, visited Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute (SDARI), accompanied by Giosuè Vezzuto, Simone Manca and Lou Luobing from RINA Marine management team. Lyu Zhiyong, President of SDARI, Li Xin, Vice President of SDARI, and the team warmly welcomed RINA representatives.
7月11日上午,RINA 集团首席执行官兼总经理 Carlo Luzzatto 先生一行到中国船舶集团上海船舶研究设计院访问交流。上船院院长吕智勇、副院长李鑫、意大利船级社执行副总裁 Giosuè Vezzuto、意大利船级社亚太区总裁 Simone Manca 和大中华区商务总监娄螺兵先生等出席交流会。
Carlo Luzzatto 先生一行参观了上船院展示中心,吕智勇院长介绍了上船院发展历程、品牌船型及绿色智能产品等。
Carlo Luzzatto 先生表示,RINA 集团深耕于工程咨询、航运等多领域,人工智能是其重要板块之一,集团致力于推动智能化的研究发展,并希望船级社能与上船院继续保持密切合作,期待双方未来在船舶数字化领域有深入合作的机会。
吕智勇院长表示,上船院也同样致力于通过自主研发的数字化营运支持系统(DOSS)为船东提供船舶全生命周期服务, 为船队营运决策发挥积极作用。在全球航运业加速进入脱碳化时代的背景下,船舶行业的数字化转型是大趋势,期待双方未来在数字化领域的进一步合作,共同牵引船舶绿色智能化的发展。
About RINA
RINA is a multi-national Group that delivers verification, certification, conformity assessment, marine classification, environmental enhancement, product testing, site and vendor supervision, training, and engineering & technical consultancy across a wide range of industries and services, which includes the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure, Real Estate, and Industry sectors.