公开课|一天一点,口语不难 Day 1046 讲解

职场   教育   2024-09-16 05:50   澳大利亚  



Day 1046 Who are you writing a letter to? (Part one)
Riley: Who are you writing a letter to?

Jessica: I'm just responding to Sue's letter. Do you want to help?

Riley: OK. I guess I could add something. Tell them that I send my love.

Jessica: That's kind of boring. Don't you want to tell them anything else?

Riley: Well, maybe you could tell them about my promotion.

Jessica: You've been promoted? When did that happen?

Riley: Just today. I guess I forgot to mention it.










respond v. [rɪˈspɑːnd] to say or write something as a reply (以口头或书面方式)回答

She asked where he'd been, but he didn't respond. 她问他到什么地方去了他却不回答。

She responded to my letter with a phone call. 她收到我的信,给我回了个电话。


respond to sb/sth: react quickly or favorably (对某人或某物)反应灵敏 

The car responds well to the controls. 这辆汽车操纵灵敏。

The patient did not respond to treatment. 病人经治疗后未见起色。

Animals respond to kindness. 动物受到善待能很快做出反应。

I guess: You say I guess to show that you are slightly uncertain or reluctant about what you are saying (语气不太确定)我想,我觉得,我认为

I guess she thought that was pretty smart. 我想她可能认为那个很漂亮。

(Day 760) As they say, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, and I guess that is just as true for happiness. 就像人们说的:“情人眼里出西施”,我想这对于幸福来说也同样正确。


guess v. [ges] to try to answer a question or form an opinion when you are not sure whether you will be correct 猜,猜测

Id say hes around 50, but Im only guessing. 我想他50岁左右,不过也只是猜测。

guess what/who/how etc

You can guess what happened next. 你可以猜猜接下来发生了什么。

(Day 576) Guess what I heard this morning? 猜猜我上午听说什么了?

guess n. [C] an attempt to answer a question or make a judgement when you are not sure whether you will be correct 猜测,猜想

Go on! Have a guess! 来呀!猜猜看!

"I wonder why she's not here." "My guess is that her car has broken down." “我想知道她为什么不在这儿。”“我猜她的车抛锚了吧。”

(Day 332) My guess is fire - am I right? 我猜是火——对吗?

send/give your love (to sb) or send/give sb your love: to ask someone to give your loving greetings to someone else when they see them, write to them etc 代为向某人致意

Please give your sister my love. 请代我向令妹致意。

My parents send their love to you. 我父母问您好。

kind of = sort of adv. slightly but not exactly, or in some ways 有点儿,有些

He's kind of dumb, isn't he? 他有点迟钝,是不是啊?

She sort of likes him. 她有点儿喜欢他。

(Day 683) I suppose it's kind of like a Chinese form of yoga. 我觉得这有点像中国的瑜伽。

(Day 977) That sounds kind of unreasonable. 听起来有点不讲道理。

boring adj. [ˈbɔːrɪŋ] not at all interesting, and making you feel impatient or dissatisfied 无聊的,单调沉闷的
boring badly paid job 一份无聊的报酬很差的工作
Our math teacher is so
boring. 我们的数学老师很无聊。

(Day 1040) That stuff is boring and I already understand it anyway. 那玩意儿很无聊,反正我已经明白了嘛。

maybe adv. [ˈmeɪbi] used to make a suggestion you are not quite sure about (用于提出建议)也许,要不

If the bill doesn't seem right, maybe you should give them a call. 如果账单看上去不对,也许你应该给他们打个电话。

(Day 691) I was thinking maybe we could make dinner together tonight. 我刚正在想也许咱俩今晚可以一起做晚饭。

promotion n. [prəˈmoʊʃən] [U & C] a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization 提拔,晋升

get a promotion 得到提拔,得到晋升

His number one objective is to get a promotion. 他首要的目标是得到晋升。

(Day 942) I’m hoping to get a promotion next year. 我希望明年能够升职。

(Day 1028) I just got a promotion and a raise, so now I can afford my rent. 我刚刚获得晋升和加薪,所以现在我负担得起房租了。

promote v. [prəˈmoʊt] 1. to move someone to a job at a higher level 提升、提拔某人

She worked hard and was soon promoted. 她工作很努力,很快便获得了提拔。

A college course can help you find work or get promoted. 大学课程可以帮你找到工作或得到提拔。


promote v. 2. to help something to develop or increase 促进

a campaign to promote recycling 一场促进回收的运动

Fertilizer promotes leaf growth. 肥料促进叶子生长。

(Day 788) The reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten the skin. 这种活肤面膜会促进血液循环,并且紧致肌肤。

mention v. [ˈmentʃən] to talk or write about something or someone, usually quickly and without saying very much or giving details 提到,说起,谈到

Some of the problems were mentioned in his report. 在他的报告里提到了其中的一些问题。

(Day 437) You didn't mention your biological father. 你没有提到过你的生父。








