
文摘   教育   2024-10-14 08:02   天津  

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在国际工程合同中常常会约定变更的先决条件,如必须在执行变更工作之前签发书面变更指令,若当事人未能满足约定的先决条件可能会造成变更无效的后果。现实中往往也会出现业主要求承包商执行额外工作,却未遵守合同中的变更条款要求,而承包商执行了要求的工作后,业主又以未满足合同中约定的变更先决条件为由不予赔偿。本文分享的美国华盛顿州的Cascade Civil Construction, LLC v. Jackson Dean Construction, Inc. Cascade Civil Constr. v. Jackson Dean Constr., No. 84465-2-I (Wash. Ct. App. Sep. 25, 2023)一案,就上演了该剧情。


在本案中,Jackson Dean Construction(后文简称“Jackson Dean”)与Costco Wholesale Corporation公司签订了总承包合同,为该公司建设新的公司总部。随后,Jackson Dean与Cascade Civil Construction(后文简称“Cascade”)签订了分包合同。根据分包合同,Cascade以2,871,023.00美元的价格执行土方工程和现场公用设施工程。
4.1 Change Orders. [Jackson Dean] may, without notice to [Cascade]’s surety, if any, and without invalidating this Subcontract, order in writing extra Work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work and the Subcontract Price and/or time shall be adjusted as mutually agreed. [Cascade] shall have no claims for additional payment for extras or changes unless the extra or changed Work, and any time extension requested in connection with the change, have been approved in writing by both [Jackson Dean] and [Cascade] prior to the extra or changed Work being performed. This provision shall be strictly enforced.(加粗部分为笔者强调)
4.2 Notice of Change or Claim. In case of any dispute regarding the existence of or the adjustment for any change to [Cascade]’s work, [Cascade] shall give [Jackson Dean] written notice of its intent to make claim whether for an extension of time or adjustment in Subcontract Price. The notice shall describe with particularity and detail: (a) the occurrence(s) giving rise to [Cascade]’s claim; (b) the portion(s) of [Cascade]’s Work known to be affected, and the cost and time ramifications thereof, including all backup and information necessary for [Jackson Dean] to independently evaluate the claim. Such notice shall be given in writing within five (5) calendar days of the initial occurrence(s) upon which [Cascade]’s claim is based, or a shorter period if such period is set forth in the Main Contract. The giving and content of notices required by this Section shall be an absolute condition precedent to [Cascade]’s right to make any claim, whether against OWNER[ or Jackson Dean] and any failure shall waive and be a complete bar to any claim or other adjustment to this Subcontract.
5.2 Notice. [Cascade] shall give [Jackson Dean] written notice of its intent to make claim whether for an extension of time or an adjustment in the Subcontract Price. The notice shall describe with particularity and detail: (a) the occurrence(s) giving rise to [Cascade’s] claim; and (b) the portion(s) of [Cascade’s] Work known to be affected and the cost and time ramifications thereof, including all backup and information necessary for [Jackson Dean] to independently evaluate the claim. Such notice shall be given in writing within five (5) calendar days of the occurrence(s) upon which [Cascade’s] claim is based. In addition, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the initial occurrence(s) upon which [Cascade’s] claim is based, Subcontract shall give [Jackson Dean] written notice of the recovery plan which [Cascade] believes will mitigate and/or eliminate the impact of the occurrence(s) on [Cascade’s] Work. The giving and content of the notices required by this Section shall be an absolute condition precedent to [Cascade’s] right to make claim, whether against OWNER or [Jackson Dean] and failure to strictly comply with the notice, content or timing requirements of this Section shall waive and be a complete bar to any claim or other adjustment to this Subcontract.
5.3 Statement of Claim. Prior to the time required by the Main Contract in the case of a [Cascade] claim against OWNER pursuant to Section 5.4 or no later than thirty (30) calendar days after providing notice pursuant to 4.2 or 5.2, [Cascade] shall provide [Jackson Dean] with a further detailed Statement of its Claim(s) (“Statement”). . . . Submission of this Statement containing all of the foregoing elements within the time periods set out in this section shall be an absolute condition precedent to [Cascade]’s right to prosecute any claim. If the Statement is not provided by [Cascade] in strict compliance with the content and time periods set out in this Section, [Cascade]’s Claim(s) shall be deemed to have been released, barred and otherwise waived.
从上述条款可见,对于变更工作,合同设定了先决条件——“在变更工作执行前获得[Jackson Dean]和[Cascade]的书面批准”。对于索赔,合同也设定了先决条件——“在5天内发出书面的索赔通知,并在索赔通知中详细描述诸如引发索赔的事件、已知受影响的工作部分、因此产生的成本和工期影响,以及供Jackson Dean评估索赔的足够支持信息等内容”。分包合同中还明确指出,满足索赔通知的提交和内容要求是Cascade对Jackson Dean提出索赔权利的绝对先决条件(absolute condition precedent)。
2022年4月22日,Jackson Dean发布了一份修订后的施工计划,根据新的施工计划,降水作业将在Cascade开始开挖作业后再同步进行,并且Cascade要在2020年5月18日开始开挖作业。
从4月到5月之间,Cascade向Jackson Dean发出了一系列信函,通报了将降水作业安排在开挖作业后进行可能引发的潜在问题。然而,Cascade仅仅表示,当Cascade“直接受到影响时”,将“通知[Jackson Dean]”。
双方于2020年5月8日举行了一次会议。在诉讼过程中,Jackson Dean的高级项目经理作证称:“Jackson Dean和Cascade讨论了施工计划和施工顺序问题,包括Cascade在之前信函中提出的担忧。会议结束后,Jackson Dean认为这些问题已经得到解决,并希望双方能够顺利进行。”Cascade自称“在会议上通知了Jackson Dean在降水前进行开挖作业所产生的成本和工期影响,并且Jackson Dean指示Cascade继续开展工作,并遵守其书面变更指令。”但是,Cascade未能提供这些会议内容的任何证据。
2020年7月17日,Cascade向Jackson Dean发送了一封信函,要求就“4月至7月期间增加的工程范围”下达变更指令,并指出有503,233.17美元尚未支付。
2020年7月20日,Cascade致信Jackson Dean,表达了对延迟降水问题的担忧。Cascade表示,现场条件将降低生产率并增加成本,并就已完成的工作和未来工作列出了与现场条件相关的各种成本。在庭审中,Cascade称,这些变更“为Cascade带来了截然不同且费用高昂的一系列工作”。未能在降水后再进行开挖导致开挖作业更加耗时,运输成本也更高(因为土壤中含有额外的水分重量)。Cascade还称,由于降水作业和开挖作业在同一物理空间内进行,因此同时开展这两项工作也导致了延误。
2020年9月23日,Jackson Dean基于包括Cascade未能遵守索赔通知条款在内的多种原因,“全盘”拒绝了这份索赔。
2021年5月,Cascade就Jackson Dean未支付与多项变更相关的额外费用(包括指令在开挖后再进行降水)的行为,对工程行使了留置权。随后,Jackson Dean在美国华盛顿州高等法院(Washington superior court)提起诉讼,要求取消留置权。Jackson Dean提出了一项简易判决动议,主张Cascade未遵守分包合同中的索赔通知条款的要求。初审法院同意并批准了该简易判决动议。
Cascade的主要论点是,索赔通知条款并未被触发,因为当Jackson Dean指示Cascade在潮湿土壤中进行不同且额外的开挖作业作时,Jackson Dean知道它要求的是成本更高的工作。Cascade认为,分包合同的第4.1条允许Jackson Dean要求不同且额外的工作并进行相应的价格调整,但这一事件本身并未触发第4.2条中涵盖任何“争议”的后续条款。当Jackson Dean变更工作并指示Cascade 继续进行时,4.2条并未被触发,因为当时并没有任何争议。
Cascade认为第4.1条控制了当前的争议,因此没有必要就变更向Jackson Dean发出4.2条的通知。
Jackson Dean同意,根据第4.1条,它有权要求变更,但它表示,除非双方就价格调整达成一致,否则根据第4.2条,Cascade必须按照规定的时间和内容要求,就其要求价格调整的意图提交书面索赔通知。此外,Jackson Dean表示,在第5.2条中还有一项进一步的索赔通知要求,该要求适用于Cascade寻求额外赔偿的任何情况,以及第5.3条中的一项要求,即Cascade在根据第4.2条或第5.2条发出索赔通知后,必须及时提交索赔报告。由于Cascade没有遵守这些条款的内容或时间要求,因此其索赔被禁止(barred)。
美国华盛顿州上诉法院(Washington Court of Appeals)指出,双方就变更指令、索赔通知的效力产生的争议,属于合同解释问题。
本案合同要求Cascade在开始变更工作之前必须获得双方的书面批准(approved in writing by both [Jackson Dean] and [Cascade])。
Cascade强调第4.1条允许进行变更,并规定了相应的价格调整,但上诉法院指出,这只是“经双方同意(as mutually agreed)”。Cascade没有举证成功双方就价格调整达成了任何协议。上诉法院指出,Cascade忽略了第4.1条的其余部分,该部分继续写道:“[Cascade] shall have no claims for additional payment for extras or changes unless the extra or changed Work . . . have been approved in writing by both [Jackson Dean] and [Cascade] prior to the extra or changed Work being performed.”第4.1条的这一部分要求在工作执行之前以书面形式批准变更。业主实际知晓工程中的变更情况,并不构成对遵守强制性的合同要求和索赔条款的例外。并且,在双方没有达成合意的情况下,任何价格调整都需要按照第4.2条和第5.2条的程序进行。
此外,上诉法院指出,根据分包合同的索赔通知条款,Cascade必须首先就其提出额外费用索赔的意图发出通知。虽然Cascade的沟通函提供了一些书面材料表明Cascade向Jackson Dean反映了变更的问题,但未能提供正式的索赔通知,也并未遵循分包合同下的索赔通知要求。Cascade也未按照分包合同的要求识别受影响的工作、提供对成本和工期的影响估计以及支持信息,此外也未能按要求的时间提交索赔报告。因此,Cascade未能满足索赔条款的要求。
Cascade还依赖Weber Construction, Inc. v. Spokane County, 124 Wn. App. 29, 35, 98 P.3d 60 (2004)案的判决,提出一个新的“履行不能”抗辩,即“当承包商因为无法确定将产生的额外费用而在合同要求的通知中省略了信息时,这表明了由于收到履行不能的通知而放弃了对合同要求的严格遵守(When a contractor omits information in a contractually required notice because it is impossible to determine the additional costs that will be incurred, this is evidence that strict compliance was waived due to the receipt of notice of impossibility)。”
在Weber Construction案中,一个公路项目的承包商在工作区域遇到了不适合继续施工的巨石。承包商按照正式合同程序要求调整价格。承包商通知了政府其影响,但无法提供成本估算,并“询问应如何处理这些无法使用的巨石”。在第二封信中,承包商再次解释说,“由于政府未告知Weber如何处理这些巨石,因此无法提供成本估算”。由于政府知道承包商必须提供成本估算,了解这一要求,并试图满足这一要求,但政府未能提供承包商所要求的具体信息,从而承包商构成了“履行不能”。
上诉法院区分了本案与Weber Construction案。本案中,Jackson Dean确实变更了工作,这些变更确实对Cascade的工作产生了重大影响,并增加了成本。但Cascade未能显示其曾试图遵守通知条款,也未说明其无法估算变更成本的原因,或表明其依赖Jackson Dean提供任何相关信息。Cascade提供的证词称,“Jackson Dean指令的施工方案变更的各种后果无法提前确定,因为Cascade无法预测Jackson Dean延迟的降水作业会使地下水位下降多快,也无法确定在Jackson Dean指令Cascade同时进行降水作业和开挖作业的情况下,会产生多大的干扰。”这一证词过于笼统,无法支持Cascade在工作时无法遵守合同要求的论点。因此,本案与Weber Construction一案中的关键事实不符,Cascade的“履行不能”论点(impossibility argument)不成立。










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