BQ解析 | 谈谈你没有按时完成项目的经历

职场   2025-01-06 11:32   美国  
想象一下,当你正在参加一场面试,对面端坐着的面试官态度随和,言语亲切的说:“那么,请谈谈你错过项目截止日期的经历。” 你该如何化解这棉里藏刀呢?




What do you do when you have two conflicting priorities and can only deliver one on time?

When was the last time you were unable to deliver within the timeframe originally specified?

What happens when you realize you will be unable to deliver by the set deadline?



不得不说,在毫无准备的情况下,这是一个很难回答的问题,它迫使应聘者谈论自己失败的经历,是典型的压力面试。当面试官问这个问题时,他想知道的是你在压力下的反应,你是为什么失败的,你从中学到了什么,以后如何避免,你的职业道德是什么样的,你是如何应对突发情况的,如何减少失败损失的,你是为此承担个人责任?还是将责任完全归咎于他人? 而这些问题的答案都直接决定我们经常谈论的“职商”,即职场情商,以此可以让面试者判断,你未来是否可以成为一个很好的共事伙伴。


那么如何回答“Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline for a project/assignment.”这一面试问题呢?









ST — Situation or task 列出围绕问题或任务的情况

A — Action 描述自己为解决问题或完成任务所采取的行动

R — Result 详细说明结果,包括从中学到的经验









"Well, my current project deadline has long since passed and we still have no idea when everything will be finished. It was a really aggressive time estimate from the start. My boss just gave it to me and I said I would try, but I knew it couldn’t be completed in that amount of time. Now everyone is mad that the project is running over time and over budget, which is why I want to leave, so here I am, interviewing with you…"



"In my recent internship, I delivered my primary project ahead of schedule and was then given a secondary project to deliver by the end of my internship. Since it was a project area where I did not yet have experience, it took me some time to come up to speed. Yet the original time estimate was based on someone already working within the department. When I got to within two weeks of completing my internship and returning to college, I knew that I was not going to be able to complete the secondary project by the end of my internship. I met with my mentor and we worked out a situation which allowed me to continue to work on the project part-time after the official end of the internship. She told me that they typically would not do this, but understood the circumstances and were willing to flex to make it happen. I was able to complete the secondary project a few days later and got a high overall rating for my work…I feel so lucky to be part of the team and very appreciate the open-communication culture that could always have me to move in the right direction and prioritize the tasks in a right order. "




Tell me about a time your work responsibilities got a little overwhelming. What did you do?



“While I was working for X company, I was a Senior Software Engineer. We had a lot of major projects going on and I was responsible for my day to day duties at the same time. In order for me to get all the work done that was needed, I had to take a step back to assess what tasks took priority over others and when I needed to get them done by. I considered project timelines, project priority level, and top daily priorities. I used this concept to start to build my list of tasks from top to bottom and work down from most important to not as important. If I needed help or a question answered I would be sure to always try be communicative with my colleagues. Actually, the major dependency to prioritize the tasks is based on the proper understanding of the importance to the project. So it would be nice to check regularly the situation and stay on the right track. ”




What would you do if you were almost finished with a project on a tight deadline, when you realize you’d made a mistake back in the beginning that required you to start over?




“First, I’d investigate the problem and the source, and make a list of a few different solutions. If none of those solutions were possible without fully redoing the project, and if I thought the mistake might make me miss my deadline, I’d immediately approach my supervisor and let her know the situation. Particularly if the mistake is my fault, it’s important that I’m honest and open about it -- it’s a good learning and growth opportunity for me, and could prevent others from making that same mistake. Finally, I’d ask my supervisor’s suggestion to see if it is still ok to put in extra time if necessary to finish the project. Especially for R&D project, it is always not guaranteed that the current method is the best. I would start from a basis case and find out the first solution, well sometimes it’s brute force way while optimizing the solution is always based on the deep understanding of the fundamental thing.  The inspiration achieved from the experience could be the key factor to open the door.”


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