
教育   2024-08-30 16:43   福建  


近日,厦门大学马来西亚分校能源与化工学院院长助理、纳米能源与催化技术卓越中心(CONNECT)主任王伟俊教授(Prof. Ong Wee Jun)成功中选2023年马来西亚国家石油公司与学术界合作对话基金(PETRONAS-Academia Collaboration Dialogue 2023 Grant),荣获超过100万马币(约23.1万美元)的研究资助

据介绍,王伟俊教授的项目名为“利用太阳能进行二氧化碳的人工光合作用减少陆上燃气终端的温室气体排放 (Solar-powered artificial photosynthesis of CO2 for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction from flaring onshore gas terminals)”,旨在通过开发基于纳米催化的太阳能驱动人工光合作用和电合成技术,来减少全球二氧化碳排放。这一技术的成功应用有望为能源行业带来重大变革


马来西亚高等教育部副部长拿督祖斯塔法·沙克慕丁(Datuk Ts Mustapha Sakmud)和马来西亚国家石油公司旗下的马来西亚石油管理公司(MPM)高级副总裁拿督依拉·巴赫·皮隆(Datuk Ir. Bacho Pilong)为获奖者颁奖。厦门大学马来西亚分校能源与化工学院院长陈秉辉教授和科研与研究生中心经理Dr. Khairun Nisa Binti Mihat也出席了此次盛典。




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Prof. Ong Wee Jun Receives over RM1 Million Grant during PETRONAS-Academia Collaboration Dialogue 2023

Prof. Dr. Ong Wee Jun, the Director of the Center of Excellence for NaNo Energy & Catalysis Technology (CONNECT) and the Assistant Dean of the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia, was awarded the prestigious PETRONAS-Academia Collaboration Dialogue (PACD) 2023 grant during the award ceremony held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 19 August 2024.

Prof Ong’s project, titled "Solar-powered artificial photosynthesis of CO2 for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction from flaring onshore gas terminals", secured a total grant of over RM 1 million. The project focuses on tackling one of the most pressing global challenges - reducing CO2 emissions - by developing solar-powered solutions for artificial photosynthesis and electrosynthesis via nanocatalysis, a potentially game-changing technology for the energy industry.

The grant was presented by Malaysia's Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Datuk Ts Mustapha Sakmud and Senior Vice President of Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), PETRONAS, Datuk Ir. Bacho Pilong. Attendees at the prestigious ceremony from Xiamen University Malaysia included Prof. Chen Binghui, Dean of the School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, and Dr. Khairun Nisa Binti Mihat, Manager of the Research and Postgraduate Center.

The event was part of the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of PETRONAS.

For this round of PACD 2023, a total of 61 projects have been approved and awarded by PETRONAS, with grants totaling RM 71 million to deserving recipients from 25 universities nationwide. The recipients were selected from a highly competitive pool of 588 applicants, underscoring the rigor of the selection process.

Prof. Ong expressed his sincere gratitude: "This grant represents a major milestone for our research at CONNECT at Xiamen University Malaysia. It signifies the confidence and commitment of PETRONAS to clean energy innovation and offers us the opportunity to drive impactful change in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to work with PETRONAS toward decarbonization and carbon neutrality in Malaysia by 2050."

内容来源 / CONNECT

编译 / 王怡然

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