虽然公开沟通十分重要,但挑战在于要以有效率的方式进行——你不可能与每个人都进行一对一的对话。寻找一些简单的分享信息方法或许有帮助,例如在常见问题问答公告栏里发表公开邮件,或分发关键会议的录像、录音资料(我把这种方法叫“杠杆”)。你越是升迁到公司报告路线中更高的位置,这种挑战就越大,因为你的行为将影响更多的人,而他们也都有自己的观点和问题。在这种情况下,你需要更大的杠杆,并分出优先次序(例如,让你手下有良好准备的人来回复一些问题,或让大家把问题标出轻重缓急)。 While open communication is very important, the challenge is to do it in a time-efficient way—you can’t have individual conversations with everyone. It is helpful to identify easy ways of sharing, like open emails posted on an FAQ board or sending around videotapes or audio recordings of key meetings. (I call such approaches “leverage.”) The challenges become greater the higher you go in the reporting hierarchy because the number of people affected by your actions and who also have opinions and/or questions grows so large. In such cases, you will need even greater leverage and prioritization (for example by having some of the questions answered by a well-equipped party who works for you or by asking people to prioritize their questions by urgency or importance).