
文摘   2023-11-16 07:39   澳大利亚  


澳大利亚华人艺术家张觉民/James Zhang 去年在新西兰自驾游。并于2023年创作了这一系列油画《神奇的新西兰南岛》。

他用艺术刮刀完成这些油画,是为了表现南岛独特而古老的风景。James Zhang从小就对绘画充满热情。他毕业于工业设计专业,长期从事电影海报设计(手绘),和纺织品设计专业工作。


Australian artist James Zhang ( Jue Min Zhang ) who self-driving tour in New Zealand last year. And created this series of 14 oil paintings " Amazing New Zealand South Island " in 2023.

He used art scrapers to finish these oil paintings in order to express the special and ancient scenery of the South Island. James Zhang has been passionate about painting since he was a child. He graduated from Industrial Design, and has been engaged in
Professional movie poster design ( hand painting ) , and textile design for long term in his life.

He concentrates on serie landscape creation of oil paintings these years.

 contact: artzhang08@hotmail.com
