2024-12-07 09:32
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在12月6日外交部例行记者会上,《北京青年报》记者提问:上周末,中国塔克拉玛干沙漠实现3000多公里生态屏障全面锁边“合龙”,用绿色阻沙防护带围起这个中国最大、世界第二大的流动沙漠。国际社会高度关注,认为这项世界最大规模的植树造林工程,不仅有助于防治荒漠化,也为改善全球森林覆盖率作出重要贡献,是应对全球气变挑战的“绿色长城”。发言人对此有何评论?Beijing Youth Daily: Last week, the Taklimakan Desert, China’s largest and the world’s second-largest shifting desert, was completely encircled with a sand-blocking green belt of vegetation stretching over 3,000 km. This afforestation project, the largest in the world, is closely watched and viewed by the international community as a “green Great Wall” that helps tackle desertification, greatly contributes to higher global forest coverage, and responds to the challenges of climate change. What’s your comment?林剑:也向一代又一代防沙治沙人久久为功、接力前行致敬。Lin Jian: Thumbs up for the project. It encircles the Taklimakan Desert with a sand-blocking green belt. We salute to the many generations of people for their relentless effort to end desertification. 党的十八大以来,中国组织实施“三北”防护林体系建设、退耕还林还草、京津风沙源治理等一系列重点生态工程,科学保护沙化土地5.38亿亩,有效治理沙化土地1.18亿亩,沙化土地面积净减少6500万亩。中国森林覆盖率提升至24.02%,是全球森林资源增长最多最快和人工造林面积最大的国家。从塞罕坝“荒原变林海”,到库布其沙漠“死海变绿洲”,再到此次环塔生态屏障“合龙”,中国防沙治沙取得举世瞩目的成就。《联合国防治荒漠化公约》秘书处两次授予中国“防治荒漠化杰出贡献奖”。联合国环境规划署授予“三北”工程“全球500佳”奖章。The project is an epitome of China’s desertification prevention and control endeavor. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has rolled out key green projects, such as the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program, the program to turn marginal farmland into forest and grassland, and the Beijing Tianjin Sandstorm Source Control Project. Over 35 million hectares of desertified land are protected in a science-based way, over 7.8 million hectares of desertified land are turned less barren effectively and the net decrease of desertified land reaches over 4.3 million hectares. With the forest coverage rate rising to 24.02 percent, China has the fastest growth and biggest rise in terms of forest resources and tops the world in afforestation area. The barren land in Saihanba is turned to forest. The “sea of death” in the Kubuqi desert is turned to an oasis. The Taklimakan Desert is encircled by a sand-blocking green belt. China has made renowned achievements in the fight against desertification. The Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has also twice honored China for its “outstanding contribution to combating desertification.” The Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program has been recognized in the Global 500 Roll of Honor for Environmental Achievement by the United Nations Environment Programme.荒漠化是全球性生态问题,需要国际社会合力应对。当前,《联合国防治荒漠化公约》第十六次缔约方大会(COP16)正在沙特举行,大会设立中国馆,中国首次在境外展示中国荒漠化防治和“三北”攻坚战成果。我们将继续认真履行公约责任义务,分享中国方案、中国智慧,为实现2030年全球土地退化零增长和“G20土地退化倡议”远景目标、遏制土地荒漠化、建设美丽宜居的地球家园贡献中国力量。Desertification is a global challenge and requires a global response. As we speak, the 16th Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD is being held in Saudi Arabia. The China Pavilion is open in the conference where China showcases for the first time its achievements in desertification prevention and control and the progress of the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program. We will continue to faithfully fulfill our responsibility and obligations in the UNCCD, share China’s solutions and know-how, and contribute to achieving zero net land degradation by 2030 and the visionary goal of the G20 Global Land Initiative, keeping desertification in check and making the planet a greener and better place to live.