2024-12-07 15:53
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在12月6日外交部例行记者会上,中新社记者提问:我们注意到,今年高质量共建“一带一路”取得不少重要进展,受到国际社会高度关注。美国经济学家萨克斯本周接受采访表示,我是共建“一带一路”倡议的坚定支持者,中国正在促进全球基础设施发展。发言人对此有何评论?能否介绍今年高质量共建“一带一路”成果?China News Service: We noted that this year, high-quality Belt and Road cooperation has made important progress, receiving much attention from the international community. US economist Jeffrey Sachs said at an interview this week that he is “a very big supporter of the Belt and Road Initiative” and that “China is promoting infrastructure around the world.” What is your comment? Can you share what the cooperation has achieved this year?林剑:一年来,高质量共建“一带一路”取得了实打实、沉甸甸的成果。中国与埃及、东帝汶、秘鲁、巴西等多国签署共建“一带一路”合作文件,成立“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛秘书处,在能源、税收、减灾等专业领域建立30多个多边合作平台。今年前10个月,中国与共建国家间货物贸易额累计达16.94万亿元,增长6.2%,中国企业在共建国家新签承包工程合同额超1万亿元,增长17.1%。中欧跨里海直达快运正式开通,中欧班列累计开行突破10万列,发送货物超过1100万标箱,货值超4200亿美元。西部陆海新通道班列年内运输货物突破80万标箱,通达全球125个国家和地区的542个港口。Lin Jian: High-quality Belt and Road Initiative has achieved tangible and fruitful outcomes over the past year. China signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with countries including Egypt, Timor-Leste, Peru and Brazil, established the Secretariat of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and set up over 30 multilateral cooperation platforms in special areas of energy, taxation and disaster relief. In the first ten months of this year, trade in goods between China and partner countries reached RMB16.94 trillion, up by 6.2 percent; and Chinese companies signed new project contracts worth over RMB1 trillion in partner countries, up by 17.1 percent. The China-Europe Trans-Caspian Express was officially launched, and the China-Europe Railway Express has run over 100,000 trips in total, shipping over 11 million TEUs of goods worth more than USD420 billion. Over 800,000 TEUs of goods were shipped this year through the new western land-sea corridor train service, which links 542 ports in 125 countries and regions around the world.习近平主席日前在第四次“一带一路”建设工作座谈会上指出,共建“一带一路”合作领域不断拓展、合作范围不断扩大、合作层次不断提升,国际感召力、影响力、凝聚力不断增强,取得了重大成就,为增进同共建国家友谊、促进共建国家经济社会发展作出了中国贡献。多年来,“一带一路”让马尔代夫有了跨海大桥,非洲有了电气化铁路,希腊比雷埃夫斯港重焕生机。秘鲁钱凯港成为南美首个智慧和绿色港口,雅万高铁让印尼迈入“高铁时代”,中老铁路让老挝“铁路梦”成真。鲁班工坊、菌草技术、净水设备改造、太阳能发电站等一大批惠民项目极大改善了当地生活条件。When addressing the fourth symposium on the development of the BRI this week, President Xi Jinping noted that Belt and Road cooperation has been expanded with a greater scope, higher cooperation level and stronger international appeal, influence and cohesiveness. Belt and Road cooperation has produced significant achievements, making China’s contribution to cementing friendship with partner countries and advancing socioeconomic development in partner countries. Over the years, the BRI has built a cross-sea bridge in the Maldives and electrified railway in Africa and revive the Piraeus Port in Greece. The Chancay Port in Peru has become South America’s first smart and green port, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway has ushered Indonesia into the era of high-speed railway, and the China-Laos Railway has fulfilled Laos’ railway dream. Livelihood projects, such as the Luban Workshop, programs on Juncao technology, the renovation of water purification systems, and solar power stations have greatly improved local people’s living standard.高质量共建“一带一路”的目的,是为共建国家带去与世界畅享联通的机会,为全球南方带去发展振兴的希望。中方愿与各方一道,继续秉持共商共建共享理念,统筹“大基建”与“小而美”,结合“大写意”与“工笔画”,将“一带一路”打造为惠及世界的“幸福路”和实现各国共同现代化的“梦工厂”。The aim of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation is to enable partner countries to realize and benefit from connectivity with the world and bring the hope of development and prosperity to the Global South. China stands ready to work with all parties to continue upholding the vision of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit, advance both big infrastructure projects and small and smart projects, and emphasize both broad strokes and refined details, so as to build the BRI into a source of happiness that benefits the world and a dream maker that helps countries jointly realize modernization.