2024-11-30 15:30
“外交部发言人办公室”消息,在11月29日外交部例行记者会上,深圳卫视记者提问:日前第29届联合国气候变化大会顺利闭幕,气候治理成为热门话题。我们注意到中国在世界范围内率先实现土地退化“零增长”、荒漠化土地和沙化土地面积“双减少”,截至2023年底森林覆盖率已超过25%,成为全球增绿最多的国家。发言人如何评价中国荒漠化防治的成效和对世界的贡献?Shenzhen TV: The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP29, successfully concluded a few days ago and climate governance has become a hot topic. We noted that China is the first country in the world to achieve zero net land degradation and reduce both desertification and sandification. By the end of 2023, China’s forest coverage ratio had exceeded 25 percent with the increase topping the world. How would you comment on China’s achievement in desertification prevention and control and its contribution to the world?毛宁:中国是世界上遭受荒漠化危害最严重的国家之一。中国政府高度重视,持续推进荒漠化综合防治和“三北”等重点生态工程建设,推动53%的可治理沙化土地得到有效治理,实现了生态保护与民生改善的良性循环,也为全球防沙治沙进程作出了贡献。Mao Ning: China is among the countries that suffer most from desertification. The Chinese government attaches great importance to this issue, and has steadily advanced the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and major ecological conservation projects, such as the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program. We have put 53 percent of treatable sandy land under effective treatment, realized a virtuous cycle of ecological conservation and improvement of people’s life, and contributed to the global effort to combat sandification.今年是中国签署《联合国防治荒漠化公约》30周年。30年来,中国积极履行《公约》,扎实开展防沙治沙国际合作,开拓“一带一路”防治荒漠化合作机制。中国还与同样面临荒漠化问题的中亚、非洲国家分享治沙技术和经验,提供技能培训,为“全球南方”共谋绿色发展注入动力。This year marks the 30th anniversary of China signing the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Over the past three decades, China has taken active effort to implement the convention, carried out international cooperation on combating sandification, and explored mechanisms under Belt and Road cooperation to prevent and control desertification. China has also shared relevant technology and experience and provided training to Central Asian and African countries, which also face the problem of desertification, injecting impetus to the joint pursuit of the Global South for green development.下周,《联合国防治荒漠化公约》第十六次缔约方大会将在沙特举行,中方将派代表团与会,为全球荒漠化防治提供“中国方案”,与各方携手为地球增添更多绿色。Next week, COP16 of the UNCCD will be held in Saudi Arabia, and China will send a delegation to the meeting to contribute China’s solutions to global effort to combat desertification and join hands with all parties to make Planet Earth greener.