
文摘   2024-07-18 10:49   美国  

招生官希望看到你描写旅行细节、获得哪些独特见解、如何克服挑战、如何与不同文化背景的人交流、旅行对人生观和价值观产生怎样的影响、是否因此对某些问题有新的认识以及是否激发对某个领域的兴趣等。比如,仅罗列打卡的原文:“我在巴黎旅行时参观了埃菲尔铁塔,还在香榭丽舍大街购物......" 增加细节感受后的修改: "站在埃菲尔铁塔下,我感受到这座城市的历史厚重和浪漫气息。在香榭丽舍大街,我不仅欣赏橱窗里的时尚设计,还观察到当地人优雅的举止和精致的生活态度......"

Prompt: You may wish to include an additional essay if you feel that the college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about yourself or your accomplishments. You may write on a topic of your choice, or you may choose from one of the following topics: Travel, living, or working experiences in your own or other communities.


A scream in the night. Mine.


In the town of Montagu, South Africa, the sun had set hours ago, leaving its place to a deep dark sky. Everything was peaceful and quiet. In a little lodge, a family of four people had just finished eating on a dimly lit terrace. The heat was so intense even the black silence seemed to suffocate – only a few crickets dared to break its density. The mother asked something to her daughter, who stood up, and bypassed the table. That’s when she screamed. An intense, long scream, that reverberated in the little town of Montagu.


How do I know that? It was me. 

Me, miserable as I had fallen down the terrace… into a plantation of cacti! I couldn’t move. I felt as if each cactus thorn contained poison that spread through my back, my arms, my entire body. The plants were engulfing me into the darkness. I was suffocating, trying to grasp some of the hot, heavy air. Until I felt her hand. My mom’s. 


She and my father organized this trip to South Africa. Valuing experiences more than material wealth, they liked to organize trips to foreign, far away countries. In addition to South Africa, I visited Cuba, Nepal and China. Four countries where landscapes and cities are dissimilar to France’s. Four countries that allowed me to discover numerous communities, recipes and traditions. Four countries where I met animals, plants and humans I had never seen before.


I am a city girl. As a little girl, I was never really fond of flora or fauna. However, during my trips, I was lucky to see animals in freedom and to interact with nature. A baboon broke into my car in South Africa and walked all over me – literally. I held an iguana in Cuba, did a safari in South Africa and talked with a parrot in Nepal. I saw the sun rising on the Machapuchare. I ultimately understood that all I had experienced was thanks to Nature. I realized its preciousness and its urgency to be saved. I gained proximity to the environment that I had always lacked. My blood turned green thanks to travels. 


In addition to animal discoveries, travels are encounter engines. From little to aged humans, from all genders, from everywhere, travels allowed me to meet incredible people. The uncanny apparition of a mysterious little girl particularly touched me in Ghorepani, Nepal. I had walked for seven hours that day, and was waiting for dinner, sitting on a bench. She slowly advanced towards me. “What’s your name?” I asked the white figure in the obscurity.

除了动物的发现,旅行是遇见的引擎。从小到老的人们,各种性别,来自各地,旅行让我遇见了不可思议的人们。在尼泊尔格雷帕尼村,一个神秘小女孩的突然出现特别触动了我。那天我已经走了七个小时,正在等待晚餐,坐在长椅上。她慢慢向我靠近。 “你叫什么名字?”我问在黑暗中的白色身影。

The little girl stopped moving. Dark curly hair, dark deep eyes, white clothes covered in mud among the deep dark night. Our eyes locked in each other’s, the sound of our breathing floating in the dense silence, everything seemed to be suspended. After what felt like dozens of hours, she looked at me and silently walked away, a star in the ink black sky. 


Every person encountered made me grow. Some like the Nepalese little girl simply disrupted me, some opened my eyes on poverty, others opened my eyes on racism. Every person I met had a story to share, a fact to transmit. I visited an orphanage in a township in South Africa. The teacher, a frail and tiny woman, explained that racism was still so profound in the country that black and mixed race people were fighting to death in the neighbourhood. Centuries of abuse towards people of color, for children to pay the price, growing up parentless in the orphanage. The sound of the rain was echoing on the metal houses as the children sang their anthem. Wet furrows appeared as raindrops were racing on every cheek: ‘Let us live and strive for freedom, In South Africa our land.’

每一个遇见的人都使我成长。像尼泊尔的小女孩一样的一些人简单地打乱了我,有些人让我对贫困有了新的认识,还有些人让我对种族主义有了新的认识。我遇到的每一个人都有故事要分享,有事实要传递。我参观了南非一个小镇的孤儿院。一位身材瘦弱的女老师解释说,种族主义在这个国家仍然根深蒂固,以至于黑人和混血人士在邻里之间互相残杀。几个世纪对有色人种的虐待,让孩子们支付代价,在孤儿院长大。雨水的声音在金属房屋上回响,孩子们唱着他们的国歌。随着雨滴在每个脸颊上竞赛,湿润的沟壑出现了: “在我们南非的土地上,让我们为自由而生活和奋斗。”

Traveling is ultimately a chance. It is an opportunity to understand the complexity of the world by getting close to it. Traveling allowed me to realize the differences between each country and region. But beyond those dissimilarities, I saw singing, dancing and laughing everywhere in the world. Being away brought me closer to my home and my family and friends, my newspaper team, every community I’m involved in. Traveling represents a learning process. I integrated leadership and diligence in Nepal, watching children and old men transport wood on their back. Speaking foreign languages allowed me to acquire experience and put my theoretical skills to practise. I acquired a lot of adaptability through travels as part of their greatness comes from its unpredictability. Traveling truly enriches the intellect of those who have the chance to do it.



  • 文章通过具体叙述和亲身体验,生动展示旅行影响和意义。
  • 表达对敬畏自然、认识文化差异以及感激遇见每一个人的叙述展现自己情感,从而成功打动读者情感。

  • 文章内容丰富,但在过渡和内在逻辑结构上稍显松散,需要更清晰结构来引导读者理解作者主要观点。
  • 虽然文章主要围绕旅行对个人影响展开,但部分段落中主题稍显分散,可以更加聚焦于如何通过具体旅行经历反映作者成长和蜕变。

总 结








