either forge ahead or drift downstream同时,世界进入新的动荡变革期,单边主义、保护主义蔓延,世界经济碎片化加剧,经济全球化遭遇逆流,面临逆水行舟、不进则退的严峻考验。On the other hand, the world is in a new period of turbulence and transformation. Unbridled unilateralism and protectionism and an increasingly fragmented world economy threaten to reverse the trend toward economic globalization. The grave challenge for us is like sailing up a river—we either forge ahead or drift downstream. 皮卡丘整理了很多一、二、三线城市英语、翻译、教师、自媒体、跨境电商、等各类实习岗位。各位找实习的同学可以扫下方二维码加入实习交流群,你需要哪个城市的实习机会,让小助理给你推荐就好了!!也欢迎大家进群交流!