1. 我们敦促美方停止“贼喊捉贼”,停止利用所谓间谍问题对中国进行污蔑抹黑。
The world has seen the act of the real thief crying "stop the thief" too many times. We urge the US to stop using the so-called espionage issue to smear China.
2. 世人早已看清楚,美方这么做无非是要千方百计维护自身的经济和科技霸权地位,这套贼喊捉贼的把戏注定要失败。
They are doing all these to defend their dominance in economy, science and technology. Their trick of a thief crying thief is doomed to fail.
3. 我觉得你概括得非常准,美方官员是在竭力狡辩,甚至倒打一耙,而且还贼喊捉贼。
I think you summed it up quite well. The US officials are simply trying to say anything to explain the visit away. They have even put the blame on us like a thief crying “Stop thief!”.
crying 在这里的意思相当于“呼喊”或“喊叫”,而不是通常的“哭泣”意义。
【例】She ran to the window and cried for help.
"Nancy Drew," she cried, "you re under arrest!"
1. 中方奉劝美方停止“贼喊捉贼”等种种不负责任的言行,停止在全球范围内搞网络攻击,停止利用网络安全问题污蔑抹黑中国。
China urges the US to stop various types of irresponsible moves to blame the victim, stop cyberattacks globally, and stop using cybersecurity issues to vilify China.
blame the victim字面意思是指将责任归咎于受害者,表达出与“贼喊捉贼”中指控不应被指责对象的类似含义。
2. 我们敦促美方在网络空间采取负责任态度,更不要“贼喊捉贼”。
We urge the US to adopt a responsible approach in cyberspace and stop framing the innocent.
framing the innocent的意思是 “冤枉无辜” 或 “陷害无辜者”;这个表达与上一种类似,frame 在这里表达是“设局”或“构陷”的意思。
【例】I need to find out who tried to frame me.