
学术   2024-10-08 18:05   北京  


John J. Hopfield
Geoffrey E. Hinton 


2024年诺贝尔物理学奖授予“在人工神经网络机器学习方面的基础性发现和发明”for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks



This year’s two Nobel Laureates in Physics have used tools from physics to develop methods that are the foundation of today’s powerful machine learning. John Hopfield created an associative memory that can store and reconstruct images and other types of patterns in data. Geoffrey Hinton invented a method that can autonomously find properties in data, and so perform tasks such as identifying specific elements in pictures.

今年的两位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者使用了物理学的工具来开发方法,这些方法是当今强大的机器学习的基础。John Hopfield创造了一种联想记忆,可以存储和重建数据中的图像和其他类型的模式。Geoffrey Hinton发明了一种可以自主查找数据属性的方法,从而执行识别图片中特定元素等任务。

When we talk about artificial intelligence, we often mean machine learning using artificial neural networks. This technology was originally inspired by the structure of the brain. In an artificial neural network, the brain’s neurons are represented by nodes that have different values. These nodes influence each other through con­nections that can be likened to synapses and which can be made stronger or weaker. The network is trained, for example by developing stronger connections between nodes with simultaneously high values. This year’s laureates have conducted important work with artificial neural networks from the 1980s onward.

John Hopfield invented a network that uses a method for saving and recreating patterns. We can imagine the nodes as pixels. The Hopfield network utilises physics that describes a material’s characteristics due to its atomic spin – a property that makes each atom a tiny magnet. The network as a whole is described in a manner equivalent to the energy in the spin system found in physics, and is trained by finding values for the connections between the nodes so that the saved images have low energy. When the Hopfield network is fed a distorted or incomplete image, it methodically works through the nodes and updates their values so the network’s energy falls. The network thus works stepwise to find the saved image that is most like the imperfect one it was fed with.

Geoffrey Hinton used the Hopfield network as the foundation for a new network that uses a different method: the Boltzmann machine. This can learn to recognise characteristic elements in a given type of data. Hinton used tools from statistical physics, the science of systems built from many similar components. The machine is trained by feeding it examples that are very likely to arise when the machine is run. The Boltzmann machine can be used to classify images or create new examples of the type of pattern on which it was trained. Hinton has built upon this work, helping initiate the current explosive development of machine learning.

“The laureates’ work has already been of the greatest benefit. In physics we use artificial neural networks in a vast range of areas, such as developing new materials with specific properties,” says Ellen Moons, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics.



John J. Hopfield, 1933年出生于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥。1958年毕业于美国纽约州伊萨卡康奈尔大学博士。美国新泽西州普林斯顿大学教授。

Geoffrey E. Hinton, 1947年出生于英国伦敦。1978年获得英国爱丁堡大学博士学位。加拿大多伦多大学教授。



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