粲夸克、太赫兹、纳米结构阵列、电子自旋弛豫 | 本周物理讲座

学术   2024-10-22 09:30   北京  

1 Highly-Ordered Metallic Nanostructure Arrays: Fabrication and Potential Applications

报告人:Prof. Jinn P. Chu,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology






This presentation reports on the wafer-scale fabrication of metallic nanostructure arrays with highly ordered periodicity. With the semiconductor-based lithography and sputter deposition, various metallic arrays including metallic nanotube array (MeNTA), metal mesh (MM), and metallic pillar array (MPA) are fabricated. The MeNTA has been received the American Chemical Society (ACS) award at Japan Nano Tech 2018. The array structure is manufactured by sputtering metals onto a contact-hole array template created in the photoresist. We utilized both ferrous (stainless steel) and nonferrous alloys (Cu-, Ni-, Al-, and Ti-based), as well as elemental metals (Cu, Ag, and Au), to form these structures. The proposed arrays can be fabricated over a wide range of heights and diameters (from a few hundred nm to 20 µm) and in various shapes, including tall cylinders, dishes, and rhombuses. Furthermore, when combined with other nanomaterials (e.g., ZnO nanowires, graphene oxide, or Au nanoparticles), arrays become nanohybrids suitable for numerous applications. These applications include thermal emitters, triboelectric nanogenerators, SERS-active biosensors, and anti-icing devices.


Professor Jinn P. Chu holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and is currently a Chair Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Taiwan University. He has served as the Director of the Graduate Institute, the Director of the Nano Center, the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering, and the Vice President for Research and Development at the university. Additionally, he has held positions such as the President of the Taiwan Coating Association and the Vice President of the Materials Society. He has published over 220 academic papers in international journals, been granted 49 patents, and led multiple large-scale projects. Currently, he serves as the Associate Editor for the American Vacuum Society’s journal, JVST. In 2022 and 2023, he was recognized in the Stanford University Career Impact Ranking, listing him among the top 2% of scientists globally. He has received numerous awards, including the American Chemical Society Award, the Silver Medal at the Concours Lépine International Invention Exhibition in France, the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Outstanding Research Award, the Youxiang Technology Invention Award, the Hou Jindui Distinguished Honor Award, the Coating Association Excellence Contribution Award, the Materials Society Service Award, the National Innovation Award, the Taipei University of Technology Outstanding Alumni Award, the Outstanding Research Award from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and the Excellent Teacher Award from National Taiwan Ocean University.

2 高度有序的纳米结构阵列:制备和潜在的应用










朱瑾教授是美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)材料博士,目前是台湾科技大学材料科学与工程系讲座教授,曾担任该学校研究所所长、纳米中心主任、工程学院副院长、研发长、副校长,亦担任台湾镀膜协会理事长、材料学会副理事长等职;在国际期刊发表220余篇学术论文、获49项专利与主持多项大型计划,目前担任美国真空学会AVS期刊JVST副主编;于2022,2023年获得Stanford University终身科学影响力排行榜(Career Impact)、全球排名前2%顶尖科学家、美国化学学会奖、法国Concours Lépine国际发明展银牌奖、科技部杰出研究奖、有庠科技发明奖、侯金堆杰出荣誉奖、镀膜协会卓越贡献奖、材料学会服务奖、新创奖、台北科大杰出校友奖、台湾科大杰出研究奖、台湾海洋大学优良教师奖等殊荣。

3 体相电子自旋弛豫、退相位和耗散过程的第一性原理模拟








徐俊卿,现为合肥工业大学物理系教授。2016年于中国科学技术大学取得博士学位,随后在德国慕尼黑大学和美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校从事博士后研究。获教育部和安徽省青年人才项目资助。目前主要从事自旋电子学、电子输运、二维材料电子结构等方面的理论研究。研究成果发表在Phys. Rev. Lett.,Nat. Commun.,Nano Lett.等学术刊物上。

4 强场电离中的光电子自旋纹理









何沛伦,上海交通大学(物理与天文学院)长聘教轨副教授。在国际期刊上发表SCI论文21篇,其中10篇发表于Physical Review Letters。曾获王大珩光学奖高校学生奖和国际强场物理青年学者奖等荣誉。主要研究成果包括:建立光前电离理论模型解释非偶极电离实验结果、发现单原子电离的杨氏双缝干涉特征、建立电离-解离关联动力学模型实现分子解离的量子调控、研究辐射导致的电子自旋极化等。

5 Studying non-equilibrium systems using entropy bounds

报告人:Haim Diamant,Tel Aviv University





Thermodynamic variables such as temperature and pressure are ill-defined out of thermal equilibrium. However, the relation between entropy and the information contained in the statistics of the system’s microstates is assumed to hold regardless of how far the system is from equilibrium. We proved a universal inequality relating the entropy of a system at steady state and the late-time diffusion coefficient of its constituents. The relation is valid arbitrarily far from equilibrium. It can be used to obtain a lower bound for the diffusion coefficient from the calculated thermodynamic entropy or, conversely, an upper bound for the entropy based on measured diffusion coefficients. We demonstrate the applicability of the relation in several examples. Additionally, we derived a functional which takes as input measurable pair-correlations (such as the structure factor) and gives a useful upper bound for the entropy. We use it to pin-point and characterize dynamic transitions in several experimental and computational systems, including driven and active particles.


Prof. Haim Diamant completed his PhD in 2000 at Tel Aviv University. After three years of post-doctoral research at the University of Chicago he returned to Tel Aviv University where he has been ever since. He is interested in the dynamics of soft matter (colloids, membranes, interfaces, elastic sheets, etc.) and nonequilibrium statistical physics. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and serves on the editorial board of Physical Review E.

6 Multi-fermion-clustering Physics

报告人:Congjun Wu,Westlake University





Typical mean-field theories for many-body states rely on two-fermion orderings. Order parameters lie in either the particle-particle channel such as pairing orders for superconductivity, or, in the particle-hole channel such as spin-density-wave orders for antiferromagnetism. Nevertheless, in high energy quantum chromodynamics, three quarks form a colorless baryon, and in nuclear physics, two protons and two neutrons form a spin and isospin singlet a-particle. We examine this class of multi-particle fermion multi-particle clustering instabilities in one-dimensional spin-3/2 fermion systems via the renormalization group and bosonization method, which exhibit the quartetting superfluidity (charge 4e) and quartet density wave orderings. For a two-band superconductivity, we identify a normal state with a two-particle-two-hole type ordering exhibiting time-reversal symmetry breaking because of strong phase fluctuations.We also introduce a mechanism of the charge-6e state via fustration of pair-density-wave state,which may be relevant to the recent hc/6e oscilations observed in the little-parks type experiments in kagome superconductors


Congjun Wu received his Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University in 2005 and did his postdoctoral research at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, from 2005 to 2007. He became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of California, San Diego in 2007, an Associate Professor in 2011, and a professor in 2017. In 2021, he became a Chair Professor at Department of Physics, Westlake University and the founding chair of this department. He was selected as a New Cornerstone Investigator (the inaugural award) in 2023, elected to a Fellow of American Physical Society in 2018, and awarded the Sloan Research fellowship in 2008. His research interests are exploring new states of matter and reveling their organizing principles, including quantum magnetism, superconductivity, topological states, mathematical physics, and the numerical method of quantum Monte Carlo simulations.

7 太赫兹波前获取与调控








张岩,理学博士,首都师范大学物理系教授,博士生导师,教育部太赫兹光电子学重点实验室副主任,北京市超材料与器件重点实验室主任,美国光学学会会士(Optica fellow)。先后获得日本学术振兴会博士后基金和德国洪堡基金资助,在日本山形大学和德国斯图加特大学工作。获得教育部新世纪优秀人才等人才项目的资助,主要从事太赫兹波谱与成像、太赫兹超构表面器件、光学信息处理等方向的研究,荣获中国产学研创新成果奖和中国发明协会发明创新奖。

8 铌酸锂太赫兹强源及其应用








吴晓君,北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院教授,博导,德国洪堡学者,美国光学学会会士。博士毕业于中科院物理所,获得博士学位后前往德国汉堡大学和德国DESY从事博士后研究工作;2017年回国全职加入北航;长期从事太赫兹强源及其应用方面的研究,以第一或通讯作者在Nature Photonics、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials等发表SCI论文70余篇,获中国专利20余项,在本领域重要学术会议上做特邀报告40余次;入选国家级青年人才、青年北京学者、国际红外毫米波太赫兹学会(IRMMW-THz)首个女科学家奖、第一届超快科学全球女科学家奖、第一届中国科技青年论坛一等奖和总论坛科技新星奖等荣誉和奖励。

9 Probing a census of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies at z=6

报告人:Masafusa Onoue,科维理宇宙物理和数学研究所





First-year JWST observations have demonstrated its capability to achieve what was previously impossible with the Hubble Space Telescope. One of the highlights includes the detection of stellar emission from quasar host galaxies at high redshift, thanks to the telescope’s high infrared sensitivity as well as its stable and sharp point spread function. This presentation will provide some of the latest results from our JWST follow-up observations of z=6 quasars discovered by a Subaru Telescope’s optical wide-field survey. These intermediate-luminosity quasars have proven to be the best targets for studying quasar hosts, thanks to the relatively low contrast of the quasar emission. We are now compiling the first sample of secure measurements of host stellar masses and central black hole masses, which we aim to use to address the cosmic-scale “chicken-or-egg” problem: 'Do black holes form first?' or 'How does the local scaling relation evolve from z > 6 to the present day?' Two of our Cycle 1 targets also show intriguing stellar absorption line features in their NIRSpec rest-frame optical data. These post-starburst galaxies hosting active black holes are in clear contrast to luminous quasars hosted by starburst galaxies. I will conclude by presenting our strategy for future JWST cycles.


Masafusa Onoue is an expert of observations of high-redshift quasars based on ground-based telescopes and JWST. He has been awarded multiple JWST GO programs as PIs. He received his PhD degree in 2018 from SOKENDAI, Japan, under supervision of Prof. Nobunari Kashikawa at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. He then moved to Max Planck Institute for Astronomy as a postdoc in the group of Fabian Walter, and joined KIAA as a Kavli Astrophysics Fellow from December 2021. He has been continuing his Kavli Fellowship in Kavli IPMU since November 2023.

10 Spin-orbitronics and orbitronics for GreenIT

报告人:Prof. Mathias Kläui,Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz







Novel spintronic devices can play a role in the quest for GreenIT if they are stable and can transport and manipulate spin with low power. Devices have been proposed, where switching by energy-efficient approaches is used to manipulate topological spin structures.

We combine ultimate stability of topological states due to chiral interactions with ultra-efficient manipulation using novel spin torques. In particular orbital torques increase the switching efficiency by more than a factor 10.

We use skyrmion dynamics for non-conventional stochastic computing applications, where we developed skyrmion reshuffler devices based on skyrmion diffusion, which also reveals the origin of skyrmion pinning. Such diffusion can furthermore be used for Token-based Brownian Computing and Reservoir Computing.

We go beyond simple ferromagnets and study multilayers with antiferromagnetic coupling termed synthetic antiferromagnets. We find that the diffusion dynamics is drastically enhanced due to the topology and efficient dynamics can be induced by spin torques. Finally, we find novel topological spin structures, such as bi-merons that are stabilized in synthetic antiferromagnets.


Mathias Kläui is professor of physics at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz and adjunct professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

He received his PhD at the University of Cambridge, after which he joined the IBM Research Labs in Zürich. He was a junior group leader at the University of Konstanz and then became associate professor in a joint appointment between the EPFL and the PSI in Switzerland before moving to Mainz. His research focuses on nanomagnetism and spin dynamics on the nanoscale in new materials. His research covers from blue sky fundamental science to applied projects with major industrial partners. He has published more than 400 articles and given more than 250 invited talks. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, IOP and APS and has been awarded a number of prizes and scholarships. He has been one of the 2020/2021 IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturers.

11 Tetraquarks: Successes & Mysteries

报告人:Luciano Maiani,Sapienza University of Rome / CERN




12 Direct laser excitation of the Th-229 nucleus towards a nuclear clock







We report the first direct laser excitation of the Th-229 nuclear transition in Th-doped CaF2 crystals using a tabletop tunable laser system. The Th: CaF2 crystals are grown at TU Wien with up to 5×1018 cm-3 Th-229 concentration, and a VUV laser system developed at PTB, that provides a spectral photon flux of more than 2×104 photons/(s Hz).

A resonance fluorescence signal is observed in two crystals with different Th-229 dopant concentrations, while it is absent in a control experiment using Th-232. The nuclear resonance for the Th4+ ions in Th: CaF2 is measured at the wavelength 148.3821(5) nm, frequency 2020.409(7) THz, and the fluorescence lifetime in the crystal is 630(15) s. Because of the higher density of photon states in the dielectric optical medium, the measured spontaneous M1 decay rate is expected to be enhanced relative to the rate in vacuum by a factor n3 where n is the refractive index. Applying this correction, the measured radiative lifetime of 630(15) s corresponds to an isomer half-life in vacuum of 1740(50) s.

These results pave the way towards a high-resolution Th-229 nuclear laser spectroscopy and realizing optical nuclear clocks.


Dr. Ke Zhang graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics from Shanxi University in July 2014, where she earned second prize of Science and Technology Challenge Cup of Shanxi university in 2013. She then pursued a PhD at the China Academy of Engineering Physics, earning multiple scholarships. From 2020 to 2022, she worked at GSI Helmholtz institute in Germany, where she solved two challenging problems in atomic and molecular spectroscopy: the first detection of the two lowest-lying atomic states in actinium and the detection of fast oscillations of nuclear mass using molecular spectroscopy. In 2022, she joined Ekkehard Peik’s group for her second postdoctoral research position in PTB, where she was assigned the challenging scientific task of laser-exciting the Th-229 nucleus—a long-standing puzzle in Th-229 research since 1976. Together with her colleagues and collaborators, she succeeded in exciting the Th-229 nucleus on April 29, 2024.




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