面向韧性、公平与可持续发展的城市管理| 工程管理公益讲坛(四十五)通知

学术   科技   2024-09-16 10:02   湖北  


工程院院刊《工程管理前沿(英文)》和华中科技大学管理学院将于9月18日晚20:00-21:30在腾讯会议(ID:692 365 908,密码:0918),举办工程管理公益讲坛(四十五)——面向韧性、公平与可持续发展的城市管理







腾讯会议ID692 365 908密码:0918


· 20:00-20:30  

Urban Activity Space: Recognition, Formation and Detection with Multiple Source Big-data

Wangtu Xu,Xiamen University

· 20:30-21:00  

Green development and economic resilience: Evidence from Chinese resource-based cities
Xiaohang Ren,Central South University

· 21:00-21:30  



Wangtu (Ato) Xu is the head and professor with the Department of Urban Planning of Xiamen University.
He has long been dedicated to research and work in the fields of transportation information (big data direction), transportation engineering, road and railway engineering, and transportation planning and management. As of August 2024, he has published over 100 high-level papers as the first or corresponding author in top journals such as CEE, TRA/C/D/E, JTRG, TITS, Cties, etc; He has also led 11 important research projects as PIs at or above the provincial and ministerial level, including key projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and natural science foundation projects; In addition, he has won multiple provincial and ministerial level awards, including the second and third prizes for scientific and technological progress in Fujian Province, the third prize for outstanding achievements in social sciences in Fujian Province, and the third prize for scientific and technological progress in Xiamen City, as a host and technical leader (ranked among the top 2); He also edited 6 national and provincial local standard projects, achieving over 20 million yuan in achievement transformation; In terms of social services, he founded the Fujian Civil Engineering and Construction Industry Association in 2018, which received research and praise from the Party Group of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. In 2020, the association was awarded the title of Xiamen Worker Pioneer.


Earlier activity space studies explored the associations between people and place. They suggested that factors including gender, socioeconomic status and race have great impacts on activity spaces. Many researchers had paid more attention to the measurement of the size, geometry so as to describe human mobility patterns.

Recently, advances in geospatial technologies enable us to obtain large volumes of georeferenced data about human beings from various mobile terminals and Global Positioning System. Those data provide abundant temporal and spatial information to model the movements of people which can facilitate activity space studies.

This study takes Xiamen and Wuhan as case studies, and uses multi-source travel data from these two cities, including taxi and bus card swiping data, urban rail transit card swiping data, and pedestrian grid data, to construct urban vitality spaces. By mapping multi-source big data onto a complex network and using the structural feature theory of the network, the distribution and movement characteristics of different dynamic spaces (living circles) are monitored and used to evaluate the advantages of relevant urban planning schemes.

Future research will use tools such as graph neural networks to deeply model and analyze network analysis methods and spatial interaction information, and deepen the impact of research results.

Xiaohang Ren is an associate professor in the School of Business, Central South University. His research interests include green finance, energy finance, financial econometrics and environmental economics. He has published more than 100 papers in journals such as Journal of the American Statistical Association, Transportation Research Part A, Energy Economics, Quantitative Finance, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Environmental Management, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, Applied Energy, etc. He is the Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researcher, and serves as associate editor/editor board/guest editor for several SCI/SSCI journals.


Resource-based cities are currently facing challenges due to ecological pollution and an unbalanced industrial structure, which hinders sustainable economic growth. The focus on green development as a strategy for economic growth and environmental protection is becoming increasingly popular. This study employs a spatial econometric model to explore the effect of green development on economic resilience in Chinese resource-based cities from 2011 to 2019, revealing a positive correlation between green development and economic resilience. For each 1 unit increase in green development, economic resilience increases by an average of 0.512 units. Furthermore, the analysis of heterogeneity reveals differences in the factors influencing various resource-based cities. In addition, provincial green policies bolster economic resilience by encouraging green development. This research aids in comprehending the balance between the economy and the environment.


Weiqiang Chen is a professor of Urban and Industrial Sustainability at the Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He graduated from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, Beijing, and worked at the Yale Center for Industrial Ecology during 2010-2015. His research focuses on (1) industrial ecology, (2) urban metabolism and sustainability, and (3) anthropogenic cycles and sustainable management of materials, especially metals, plastics, and chemicals. His studies have been published in PNAS,Nature Climate Change, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Environmental science and Technology, and other first-level journals. He is now associate editor for two journals Resources, Conservation, and Recycling and Journal of Industrial Ecology.


Frontiers of Engineering Management

《Frontiers of Engineering Management》是由中国工程院主管,中国工程院、高等教育出版社、清华大学和华中科技大学联合主办,由高等教育出版社和Springer联合出版的全英文学术季刊。《Frontiers of Engineering Management》致力于促进工程管理理论发展、应用实践及人才培养。为工程管理学科科研与教学工作者、一线实践工作者提供高品质国际交流平台,以研究论文、案例研究综述论文、特别报告等多种形式发布与共享工程管理新知。期刊先后被ESCI、Scopus、CSCD、FMS、AMI等数据库或列表收录。据WoS官方数据,2023年影响因子9.1。


工程管理公益讲坛由中国工程院院刊《Frontiers of Engineering Management》编辑部主办,邀请工程管理领域知名专家、期刊编委、特约通讯专家和作者介绍本领域最新研究成果,以线上会议形式为主、不定期开展的学术交流活动。本讲坛是公益性活动,免费为广大从事工程管理和管理科学与工程学者搭建学术平台,旨在提高《Frontiers of Engineering Management》期刊影响力,促进工程管理领域学者学术交流,推动我国工程管理学科发展。





Frontiers of Engineering Management

Huiwen DONG (董惠文)
Jin XU (徐瑨)  
  Huijing HUANG(黄慧靖)


Frontiers of Engineering Management (FEM)is a research journal published in English in both print and online versions.