Part One: Owl and Bluebird
1.阅读一个关于友谊的小故事,Owl and Bluebird,在听的过程中锻炼听力能力;
3. 明白和识记owl及bluebird两种动物的特征,例如 owl hooted, hunted mice and slept all day.
1. 阅读与听力活动
目标:通过阅读并听故事 “Owl and Bluebird”,锻炼孩子们的听力理解能力。
活动:播放 “Owl and Bluebird” 的音频,引导孩子们边听边理解故事情节。
教师引导:在听的过程中,教师可以适当停顿,并向学生提问一些简单问题,例如“Who are the two friends?”,“What does the owl do all day?”等等,帮助学生逐步理解内容。
2. 理解与生活联系
教师引导:提出问题,例如:“Do you and your friends like the same things?”,“How are you different from your friends?” 让孩子们意识到每个人都有不同特点,友谊可以让他们欣赏和接受这些差异。
3. 动物特征识记
目标:帮助孩子记住 owl 和 bluebird 的行为特征。
活动:结合故事内容,总结出 owl 和 bluebird 各自的特点,例如 “Owl hooted, hunted mice, and slept all day”,“Bluebird tweeted, ate bugs, and flew during the day”。
4. T型图归类练习
目标:通过 T 型图区分 owl 和 bluebird 的行为特征,锻炼归类能力。
活动:教师在白板上画一个 T 型图,左侧写上 Owl,右侧写上 Bluebird。请孩子们将故事中的描述一一归类,正确放置于 T 型图的对应栏中。
教师引导:教师可以引导提问,例如:“Who hoots at night?”,“Who tweets during the day?” 让孩子们思考并回答,完成图表归类。
5. 图表描述练习
目标:结合 T 型图,用完整句子描述两只鸟的特点。
活动:鼓励学生根据 T 型图,用简单的句子描述 owl 和 bluebird 的不同特征,例如:“The owl hoots and sleeps during the day, while the bluebird sings and flies during the day.”
教师引导:教师可以引导学生使用对比句型,如 “The owl …, but the bluebird …” 提升他们的表达能力。
Part Two: Organizer: sort characteristics
思维工具 T Chart
Part 3, 拓展一个思维工具 venn diagram
在使用 Venn Diagram 表达时,可以推荐以下句型来帮助学生对比和描述两者的异同点:
1. 比较异同的基础句型
“Both ___ and ___ can/do/have …”
例如:Both the owl and the bluebird can fly.
“___ and ___ are similar because they both …”
例如:The owl and the bluebird are similar because they both live in the forest.
“Unlike ___, ___ …”
例如:Unlike the bluebird, the owl hunts at night.
“___ does …, but ___ does …”
例如:The owl hoots at night, but the bluebird sings during the day.
“While ___ can …, ___ …”
例如:While the bluebird flies during the day, the owl sleeps.
2. 描述相似性或差异性的扩展句型
“One thing that makes ___ different from ___ is …”
例如:One thing that makes the owl different from the bluebird is its nighttime activity.
“A similarity between ___ and ___ is that they both …”
例如:A similarity between the owl and the bluebird is that they both have feathers.
“In contrast to ___, ___ …”
例如:In contrast to the owl, the bluebird is active during the day.
3. 总结句型
“In summary, while ___ and ___ share some traits, they also have important differences in …”
例如:In summary, while the owl and the bluebird share some traits, they also have important differences in their habits and appearance.
“Overall, ___ and ___ have both similarities, such as …, and differences, like …”
例如:Overall, the owl and the bluebird have both similarities, such as flying abilities, and differences, like their daily routines.
这些句型可以帮助学生在使用 Venn Diagram 比较时,更清晰、准确地表达出两个对象的异同点。
Part 4,拓展 simple past 和simple present
完成纸质作业,并且使用T chart 复述owl 和 bluebird 的不同特征。拍视频给Anna。
阅读Owl and Bluebird, 拍视频给Anna。