Abduction - 绑架
Acquittal - 无罪释放
Admissible - 可采纳的
Affirmative defense – 积极辩护
Allegation - 指控
Appeal - 上诉
Arraignment - 传讯
Arrest - 逮捕
Assailant - 攻击者
Attempt - 企图
Bail - 保释
Battery - 殴打
Beyond a reasonable doubt - 超越合理怀疑
Burden of proof - 证明责任
Capital punishment - 死刑
Charge - 指控
Circumstantial evidence - 间接证据
Clemency - 宽恕
Common law - 普通法
Complicity - 共犯
Conspiracy - 阴谋
Contempt of court - 蔑视法庭
Conviction - 定罪
Criminal intent - 犯罪意图
Cross-examination - 交叉询问
Dissent - 异议
Disturbing the peace - 扰乱治安
Double jeopardy - 一事不再理,一罪不二罚
Due process - 正当程序
Embezzlement - 贪污
Entrapment - 诱捕
Evidence - 证据
Exculpatory evidence - 无罪证据
Felony - 重罪
Fraud - 诈骗
Grand jury - 大陪审团
Homicide - 杀人
Impeachment - 弹劾
Indictment - 起诉书
Insanity defense - 精神病辩护
Interrogation - 讯问
Intimidation - 威胁
Jury - 陪审团
Kidnapping - 绑架
Larceny - 偷窃
Liability - 责任
Manslaughter - 过失杀人
Misdemeanor - 轻罪
Motion - 动议
Murder - 谋杀
Negligence - 疏忽
Obstruction of justice - 妨碍司法
Offense - 犯罪/触犯
Parole - 假释
Perjury - 伪证
Plea bargain - 认罪协议
Precedent - 先例
Probation - 缓刑
Prosecution - 起诉
Prosecutor - 检察官
Recklessness - 鲁莽
Rebuttal - 反驳
Restitution - 赔偿
Search warrant - 搜查令
Self-defense - 自卫
Sentencing - 判刑
Severity - 严重性
Statute - 法令
Subpoena - 传票
Summons - 传唤
Testimony - 证词
Theft - 偷盗
Tort - 侵权
Trial - 审判
Victim - 受害者
Witness - 证人
Writ - 法令
Accomplice - 同犯
Aggravated assault - 加重袭击
Alibi - 不在场证明
Arson - 纵火
Assault - 攻击
Bailiff - 法庭警卫
Capital offense - 死刑罪
Criminal record - 犯罪记录
Defendant - 被告
Deliberation - 深思熟虑
Discovery - 证据披露
Domestic violence - 家庭暴力
Extradition - 引渡
Forensics - 法医学
Gag order - 保密令
Hate crime - 仇恨犯罪
Impound - 扣押
Indigent defense - 穷人辩护
Informant - 线人
Insurrection - 叛乱
Interference - 干扰
Juvenile delinquency - 青少年犯罪
Legal counsel - 法律顾问
Malpractice – 失职行为/渎职
Misdemeanor charge - 轻罪指控
Mitigating circumstances - 减轻情节
Negligent homicide - 疏忽杀人
Nolo contendere - 不辩护也不认罪
Not guilty – 无罪
Plea - 辩护
Prosecutorial misconduct - 检察官不当行为
Public defender - 公共辩护人
Rape - 强奸
Reckless endangerment - 鲁莽危害
Restorative justice – 修复性正义
Right to counsel - 获得辩护权
Robbery - 抢劫
Sexual assault - 性侵
Statutory rape - 法定强奸
Substance abuse - 药物滥用
Summary judgment - 简易判决
Testimonial privilege - 证人特权
Victim impact statement - 受害者影响陈述
Voluntary manslaughter - 自愿过失杀人
White-collar crime - 白领犯罪
Writ of habeas corpus - 人身保护令
Zoning laws - 区域法
Appeal bond - 上诉保证金
Brief - 法律摘要
Conflict of interest - 利益冲突
Continuance - 延期
Custodial interrogation - 扣押审讯
Deception - 欺骗
Detention - 拘留
Discharge - 解除
Exemption - 豁免
Falsification - 伪造
Felony murder - 重罪谋杀
Forfeiture - 没收
Grand theft - 重大盗窃
Habitual offender - 累犯/惯犯
Home invasion - 入室盗窃
Incarceration - 监禁
Involuntary manslaughter - 非自愿过失杀人
Jurisdiction - 司法管辖权
Lien - 留置权
Malice aforethought - 预谋恶意
Motion to suppress - 禁止动议
Neglect - 疏忽
Open and notorious - 公然的
Plea colloquy - 辩诉对话
Pro bono - 免费法律服务
Quid pro quo - 以物换物
Reckless driving - 鲁莽驾驶
Restitution order - 赔偿令
Sentence reduction - 减刑
Stalking - 跟踪
Statutory defenses - 法定辩护
Substantive law - 实体法
Summation - 总结
Theft by deception - 欺骗盗窃
Unlawful entry - 非法入侵
Vicarious liability - 替代责任
Violation - 违反
Waiver - 放弃
Witness tampering - 证人干扰
Wrongful conviction - 错误定罪
Accessory after the fact - 事后同犯
Acquiescence - 默许
Adjudication - 裁决
Affidavit - 宣誓书
Alimony – 赡养费
Amicus curiae - 法庭之友
Annotation - 注释
Appealable - 可上诉的
Apprehension - 拘捕
Breach of duty - 违反责任
Concurrence - 一致
Contingency fee - 应急费用
Declaratory judgment - 声明判决
Discovery motion - 证据披露动议
Ex parte - 单方面的
Felon - 重罪犯
Garnishment - 扣押
Immunity - 豁免权
Intoxication - 醉酒
Jurisprudence - 法学
Mitigation - 减轻
Negligent infliction of emotional distress - 疏忽造成情感伤害
Objection - 反对
Parens patriae - 国家父母
Quash - 撤销
Res judicata - 确定判决
Severance - 分离
Tortious interference - 侵权干预
Venue – 审判地
Waive - 放弃
Year-and-a-day rule - 一年零一天原则
Zoning variance - 区域变更
Aiding and abetting - 协助和教唆