今天要给大家介绍的是美国法院文书系列之离婚起诉书。与中国离婚程序不同的是,在美国无论是协议离婚/无争议离婚 uncontested divorce 还是诉讼离婚/争议离婚都必须经过法院的判决。无争议离婚时一方当事人提起离婚申请,双方签署离婚协议书settlement agreement经法院确定盖章后离婚;有争议离婚时,法院需要就财产,赡养费,抚养费,孩子抚养权问题进行判决后离婚。
这一部分主要是代理律师的联系方式,律师证件号码以及律所内部的案件编号;然后是原告被告以及法院的部门及案号(DOCKET NO)。DOCKET NO是律师提交起诉书后法院给与的。美国各个法院基本接受在线提交诉状,且在该州执业的律师用自己的律师证号就可以登陆法院系统进行在线提交起诉状。
Plaintiff,MS. WA residing at 20 XXX Way, YYYCity, State of New Jersey by way of Complaint against the above-named Defendant,MR. ZHA,says:
1. Plaintiff was lawfully married to MR. ZHA, the Defendant herein, on May 20, 2020 in a civil ceremony in the Township of XXX,State of New Jersey and said marriage still subsists.
2. Plaintiff was a bona fide resident of the State of AA when this cause of action arose and has ever since and for more than one year next preceding the commencement of this action continued to be such a bona fideresident.
3. Defendant resides at 20 XXX Way, YYY City, State of NewJersey 00036.
4. The venue is proper as the cause o faction arose while parties resided at 20 XXX Way, YYY City, State of New Jersey.
5. There are no children born of the marriage, to wit:
6. There has been no prior proceeding between the parties in the nature of Domestic Violence.
7. There has been no previous proceeding between the parties respecting the marriage or its dissolution or respecting the maintenance of either party.
residing at:居住在..
lawfully married to : 依法与..结婚
cause of action:诉讼是由
Domestic Violence:家庭暴力
1. Plaintiff, Ms. Wang repeats each and every paragraph (1)through (7) as if set forth at length herein.
2. Plaintiff and Defendant experienced irreconcilable differences,pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:34-2(i).
3. The irreconcilable differences between the parties have continuedto exist and have caused the breakdown of the marriage for a period of six (6)months or more.
4. There is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation between Plaintiffand Defendant and it appears to Plaintiff that the marriage should bedissolved.
由于美国法律有无过错离婚的规定,因为是否有过错不成为不能离婚的阻碍。类似于中国夫妻感情破裂不可能调和的规定,美国离婚起诉状中常常以irreconcilable differences 不可调和的矛盾为一般是由来提起离婚。
WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff,MS. WANG, demands judgment againstDefendant, MR. ZHANG as follows:
(A) Dissolving the marriage between the parties pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:34-2;
(B) Awarding reasonable alimony to Plaintiff, if applicable;
(C) Equitably distributing all property, both real and personal, and debt which was legally and beneficially acquired during the marriage;
(D) Awarding reasonable attorneys fees to Plaintiff, if applicable;
(E) For such further relief as the Court may deem equitable and just.
pursuant to:根据
Equitably distributing:公平地分配
equitable and just:公平的且正当的