Since the reform and opening-up,Chinese diet has undergone significant changes.In the past when the economy was backward,food was so short in both kinds and amount that people were only concerned about whether they had enough to eat.Today,as the Chinese economy develops rapidly,food is not only more diverse but also much better in quality.With the improvement of living conditions,people have higher demand for food,paying more attention to food nutrition.Therefore,low-fat,low-sugar and organic foods that are launched into the market enjoy great popularity among people.
The Chinese government attaches great importance to people's healthy diet, and by vigorously boosting healthy diet, people have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of reasonable nutrition to promote health. Eating safely, nutritionally, and healthily is the fundamental demand for people to live a better life, an inevitable requirement for enhancing people's sense of happiness, and also provides new opportunities for the development of the food industry. At present, governments at all levels are taking different measures to ensure the healthy diet of the people and propel the construction of a healthy China.
改革开放以来,中国人民生活水平不断提高,这在人们的饮食(diet)变化上得到充分体现。如今,人们不再满足于吃得饱,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加营养、更加健康,食物也愈来愈丰富多样,不再限于本地的农产品。物流业(logistics industry)的发展使人们很容易品尝到全国各地的特产。毫无疑问,食品质量与饮食结构的改善为增进人们健康提供了有力的保障。
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