
教育   教育   2024-12-24 07:05   上海  




通过纯英文的讲解视频来学习英语词汇、语法,已经被证明是一种非常有效的学习手段。著名语言学家、二语习得研究(Second Language Acquisition)领域的权威Stephen D. Krashen曾经明确指出,利用目标语言的讲解学习词汇语法,尤其是语法(structure),能够提高语言学习的效率,特别是提升语言的习得水平,从而一举两得,既学习了英语语言知识,又锻炼了英语听力。





英语 句子重音 外教讲解视频 SENTENCE STRESS




我们看到,尽管讲的仍然是英语语法,无非就是“We often say...”,“You cannot say...”,但外教毕竟就是外教,讲起来真的是举重若轻,几个例句、若干解释,就把问题说明白了。





001-3 expressions to improve your conversation skills

002-English Grammar - Passed or Past

003-Slang in English- 'What the hell' and other HELL expressions

004-English Grammar - By or Until

005-Basic English Grammar - MOST, ALMOST, or ALMOST ALL

006-Talking about disability - words to use and words not to use

007-How to pronounce words ending in S

008-IELTS - How to get a high score on Task 1 of the IELTS

009-Conversation Skills - 3 expressions you can use

010-Writing in English - Comma Splices & 4 easy ways to fix them

011-Using PASSIVE in English to avoid responsibility

012-Prepositions in English - OF

013-English Vocabulary - Assure, Ensure, Insure

014-Grammar Mistakes - RISE or RAISE

015-Learn English - Vocabulary - The Olympics

016-Gender-inclusive Language - How to avoid sexism

017-Grammar Mistakes - LIE or LAY

018-Grammar Mistakes - GROW or GROW UP

019-Pronunciation - TU - culture, lecture, actually, fortune...

020-Vocabulary - Immigrate, Emigrate, Migrate

021-Pronunciation - DU - education, schedule, individual, procedure...

022-A lot, alot, lots, allot

023-8 things NOT to say to women

024-Then or Than

025-5 useful email expressions

026-How to talk about children- Common Expressions

027-I stopped smoking  or  I stopped to smoke

028-5 tips to improve your writing

029-Speaking English - Going to the hairdresser

030-13 BOOK Expressions in English

031-6 tips for dealing with speaking anxiety

032-Between or Among

033-IELTS and TOEFL Vocabulary - Technology

034-Vocabulary - Beside and Besides

035-English Grammar - 'try to do' or 'try doing'

036-IELTS Speaking Task 1 - How to get a high score

037-English Vocabulary - ABOUT, ABOUT TO, NOT ABOUT TO

038-IELTS Speaking Task 2 - How to succeed

039-English Grammar - REMEMBER and FORGET - gerunds and infinitives

040-IELTS Speaking Task 3 - How to get a high score

041-How to write numbers in English - 6 common mistakes

042-IELTS and TOEFL - How to give your opinion

043-10 WORK Expressions in English

044-English Grammar Past Simple Time Markers

045-10 Weather Expressions in English

046-Pronunciation - Silent T often, listen, castle

047-The Secret to Remembering Vocabulary

048-Writing Letters formal and informal English

049-IELTS Reading strategies True, False, Not Given

050-Exclamations in English!!!

051-Learn English 'last year' OR 'in the last year'

052-10 HEAVEN Expressions in English

053-Speaking English WHILE or MEANWHILE

054-Telephone English Emma's top tips

055-Learn English- 10 abbreviations you should know

056-IELTS Listening

057-Speaking English - How to answer the phone

058-Aprende inglés- 10 common Spanish speaker mistakes

059-IELTS Listening - Top 14 tips!

060-Telephone English- How to take or give a message

061-10 Common Driving Expressions

062-Talking shit with Emma

063-IELTS Reading

064-Talking about men you like

065-12 Phrasal Verbs about CLOTHES- dress up, try on, take off...

066-Learn English Vocabulary- Compound Adjectives to describe people

067-Talking about women you like - SEXY, HOT, SMOKING, CUTE, FREAKY

068-IELTS Reading- Top 10 Tips

069-Speak English- How to say words that end with -ION

070-How to succeed on IELTS Reading

071-Improve Your Writing - 6 ways to compare

072-Power Poses for Exam & Interview Success!

073-Learn Slang- 10 SHIT Expressions

074-IELTS- Top 10 Spelling Mistakes

075-Learn 11 ANGRY Phrasal Verbs in English

076-Vocabulary- How to talk about ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES

077-English Vocabulary- other words for LIKE and DON'T LIKE

078-Help! I'm not improving my English!

079-Sound like a Native Speaker- Compound Nouns

080-Learn English- 8 TEST & EXAM Expressions

081-Speak English Naturally with WOULD contractions- I'D, YOU'D, HE'D...

082-Phrasal Verbs and Expressions about FOOD

083-How to express opposing ideas in English- despite, although, nevertheless, in spite of...

084-CONCLUSIONS – How to finish speaking in English

085-Learn English VocabularyThe people you will meet at UNIVERSITY

086-Sound like a Native English SpeakerTapping

087-University EnglishExpressions and Vocabulary

088-14 English expressions about SLEEP

089-Speak English NaturallySilent Syllables

090-Learn English Tenses4 ways to talk about the FUTURE

091-LOL! Learn English vocabulary about JOKEShilarious, dirty joke, LMAO

092-IELTS & TOEFL Listening PracticeAcademic Vocabulary

093-Describing people in EnglishBE or BEING

094-The Many Meanings of LOAD in English

095-English ConversationThe Meaning of Hand Gestures

096-IELTS & TOEFL VocabularyTalking about Food

097-Engligh Grammar- How to use 'to' before an '-ing' verb

098-English Vocabulary & Expressions with HOUSE and HOME


100-How to Ask QuestionsHOW LONG, HOW MUCH

101-Fix Your English Grammar MistakesTalking about People

102-IELTS WritingNumbers and Pie Charts

103-Silent LettersWhen NOT to pronounce B, D, and L in English

104-How to study efficientlyThe Cornell Notes Method

105-How to write a good essayParaphrasing the question

106-How to give great customer serviceThe L.A.S.T. method

107-Phrasal Verbs for TRAVELdrop off, get in, check out

108-Learn EnglishBY or WITH

109-IELTS Writing Task 1How to describe a process

110-Sound more natural in EnglishLearn and practice 5 FRONT VOWELS

111-Emma's TOP 15 STUDY TIPS

112-How to learn English if you are shy

113-Real EnglishTalking about pets and animals

114-Improve Your VocabularyKNOW, MEET, MEET WITH, or MEET UP

115-Sound more natural in EnglishLearn and practice 5 BACK VOWELS

116-IELTS Writing Task 1How to describe BAR GRAPHS

117-Read, Understand, and Remember! Improve your reading skills with the KWL Method

118-How to use ABOUT TO in English

119-English Listening PracticeImprove your vocabulary

120-English Phrasal Verbs for LOVE, SEX, and DATING

121-Get a better jobPower Verbs for Resume Writing

122-15 ways to improve your English pronunciation

123-Have better conversations using the FORD method

124-Stop procrastinating and start learning


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