Event: Where Does the Growth Come From? A China Case

财富   2024-10-31 17:25   北京  

Join us on November 8th at 15:30 for a keynote speech by Dean Liu Qiao from Peking University, Guanghua School of Management on the future development of China's economy. In this insightful presentation, Dean Liu will explore the sources and drivers of economic growth in China, analyzing key factors shaping the current economic landscape. Through case studies and data analysis, the speech will provide a unique perspective on the potential and emerging trends of China's economic future.

Following the speech, representatives from PKU Guanghua, Hitotsubashi University ICS in Japan, and Seoul National University Business School in South Korea will share their ideas and initiatives of reinventing business education. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions after the dialogue. The event offers you the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion, gain new insights from the thought leaders, and broaden your perspective. Save your spot today!

The event is open to the public audiences, and offers you the opportunity to actively engage in the discussion, gain new insights from the thought leaders, and broaden your perspective. Save your spot today!




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Keynote Theme | 演讲主题 

Where Does the Growth Come From? 

A China Case



 Time | 时间 

Friday, November 8, 2024, 15:30 

2024年11月8日   星期五  15:30


Language | 语言 



Panel Discussion | 圆桌主题 

Reinventing Business Education: Ideas & Actions






Jack Ting-Ju Chiang

Professor of Organization and Strategic Management, 

Executive Director of Global MBA Program

PKU Guanghua




Keynote Speaker


Qiao Liu

Dean, Professor of Finance

Guanghua School of Management

Peking University




Swipe to read more


Professor LIU Qiao is the Dean and Professor of Finance at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He is a leading authority in economics and finance in China, and is recognized for his academic works in corporate finance, financial markets, and the Chinese economy. He is the author of “The Finance We Love: Rebuilding China’s Finance in the New Era”, “Big to Brilliant 2.0: Reconstructing the Underpinnings of China’s High-Quality Development”, “Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup” and “Finance in Asia: Institutions, Regulation and Policy”. Professor LIU is the Chang Jiang Scholar Special Term Professor awarded by the Ministry of Education, the Distinguished Young Scholar awarded by National Science Foundation, and the Most Influential Chinese Economist of 2017 awarded by China Newsweek. He worked at McKinsey & Company from 2001 to 2003, where he advised various MNCs and leading Asian companies on corporate finance and strategies. Before joined Guanghua, he taught in the Faculty of Business & Economics of HKU and was tenured.

刘俏教授,北京大学光华管理学院院长、金融学教授、博士生导师,国家“十四五”、“十五五”规划专家委员会委员,教育部长江学者特聘教授,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者, 2017年《中国新闻周刊》“影响中国”年度经济学家。刘俏教授在公司金融、实证资产定价、市场微观结构与中国经济研究等方面拥有众多著述,其最新著作包括《我们热爱的金融:重塑我们这个时代的中国金融》、《从大到伟大2.0——重塑中国高质量发展的微观基础》、Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup与Finance in Asia: Institutions, Regulation and Policy。在2001年至2003年间,曾任职于麦肯锡公司,负责麦肯锡在亚洲企业金融领域的研究,并为大型亚洲公司和跨国公司提供服务。加入北大光华前,曾任教于香港大学经济与工商管理学院,并获港大终身教职。

BEST Business School Alliance

BEST 商学院联盟 

"BEST Business School Alliance" was established with Peking University, Guanghua School of Management, Seoul National University Business School and Hitotsubashi University Business School, School of International Corporate Strategy in 2011. This alliance is designed to promote comprehensive strategic cooperation, aiming to foster communication and collaboration among universities in China, Japan, and South Korea, and to cultivate the next generation of outstanding talents in Asia. The "BEST Business School Alliance" develops management philosophies infused with Eastern wisdom through collaborative research, student exchanges, executive training, and joint high-level conferences. It facilitates exchanges and cooperation among faculty, students, and enterprises across the three countries, providing an academic platform to promote cooperation in the economic, trade, and management sectors of the East Asian region. Annually, the "BEST Business School Alliance" holds its symposium on a rotating basis among China, Japan, and South Korea. This year, the symposium will take place in Beijing.

北京大学光华管理学院与韩国首尔大学商学院、日本一桥大学国际企业战略研究科于2011年建立 “BEST 商学院联盟” (BEST Business School Alliance), 推动全方位战略合作,旨在促进中日韩大学交流与合作,培养亚洲下一代杰出人才。“BEST商学院联盟”通过合作研究,学生交流,管理者培训,联合高端会议等多方位深层次的强强合作,开发具有东方智慧的管理理念,推动教师、学生及三国企业间的交流与合作,为促进东亚地区经济、贸易、管理领域的合作提供学术平台。每年,“BEST商学院联盟”会在中日韩三国轮流举办研讨会,今年该研讨会将在北京举行。

