"The Connected City: How Networks are Shaping the Modern Metropolis". Authored by Zachary P. Neal. Taylor & Francis. 2012.
Author: The Connected City: How Networks are Shaping the Modern Metropolis is authored by Zachary P. Neal, a scholar in sociology and urban studies known for his work on social networks and the organization of urban spaces. Neal’s research primarily examines how network connections influence the structure and development of cities, contributing to our understanding of urbanization and metropolitan dynamics.
Main Content: In The Connected City, Neal explores the concept of urban networks and how different levels of network analysis—micro, meso, and macro—can reveal important insights into the operation and development of modern cities. By viewing cities as interconnected networks, Neal provides a multi-scale framework:
• Micro-level networks focus on social relationships within communities that foster cohesion and a sense of belonging.
• Meso-level networks cover the relationships within the broader city, like neighborhoods and institutions that shape urban life.
• Macro-level networks examine connections between cities, including infrastructure systems like air travel that facilitate inter-city interaction.
The book is divided into sections corresponding to each scale of analysis and includes “method notes” that offer practical guidance on using network analysis in urban research. Neal’s work uniquely integrates urban theory with network analysis, showing how different scales of connections shape not only the physical layout but also the social and economic functions of urban environments.
• 微观网络关注社区内促进凝聚力和归属感的社会关系。
• 中观网络涵盖更广泛的城市内的关系,如塑造城市生活的社区和机构。
• 宏观网络研究城市之间的联系,包括促进城市间互动的基础设施系统(如航空旅行)。
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