杨皓程 (Alvin Yang)是一名来自加利福尼亚州欧文市的高中三年级学生,也是一名移民到美国的年轻华人。他对世界政治和相关问题产生了浓厚的兴趣,这促使他去探索、撰写和学习更多关于亚裔美国社区的政治参与。Alvin 对这一领域的兴趣在很大程度上是由他与参与美国华人联盟(UCA)活动的经历激发的。2024 年参加在华盛顿特区举行的Chinese American Convention,为他提供了亲眼目睹美国政府运作和个体参政议政的机会。在第一代移民家庭长大,家庭的焦点通常在于满足家庭需求和应对新文化的挑战,他观察到父母对周围政治的疏离。通过参加UCA青年会议,笔者意识到确保亚裔美国的声音被听到的重要性。
作为美国增长最快的少数族裔,亚裔美国人代表着从东亚到南亚乃至更广泛地区的多元文化、语言和历史。2010至2020年间,美国亚裔人口增长了39%,预计到2060年将超过3500万。亚裔社区的多样性为美国社会带来了独特的视角和贡献。然而,随着人口的增长,亚裔美国人在政治参与方面面临着特殊的挑战。研究表明,虽然2010至2020年间亚裔人口增长了39%,拉丁裔增长了23%,非裔增长了6%(白人非拉丁裔人口则减少了2%),但有色人种选民在选举中的代表性依然不足,投票率相对于符合投票资格的选民比例偏低。亚裔美国人现已占美国总人口的7.3%以上,但投票率仅为47%,特别是新移民,这一数字远低于其他群体。这其中反映了系统性和文化上的障碍,以及政治团体在针对亚裔群体的宣传和支持上的不足。造成低投票率的因素包括语言障碍、政治参与方面的文化差异以及亚裔声音长期被边缘化的历史背景。许多亚裔美国人可能对政治过程感到疏离,认为这是其他群体主导的,或是忽视了他们的具体需求和关注。资料来源:https://priceschool.usc.edu/ , https://aapidata.com/这种代表性不足带来的影响在社会的各个方面都能体现。在选举中缺少亚裔美国人的声音,往往导致对政策忽视或误解这些社区所面临的独特问题,比如移民改革、医疗和教育公平。这种疏离不仅延续了被忽视的恶性循环,也阻碍了包容性民主的实现,而这种民主应当让所有声音被听见、被重视。随着亚裔美国人社区的不断扩大,推动更广泛的政治参与、理解他们在政策制定中的重要作用,对社区乃至全社会都至关重要。为深入了解这一议题,笔者采访了几位活跃在地方政治中的亚裔代表:正在竞选Irvine市议会席位的孙静、竞选Irvine市长的孙利博士,以及现任Lake Forest市议会成员的Benjamin Yu。他们在采访中分享了对亚裔选民和政治代表性的见解。
了解亚裔美国人的选民参与挑战:Lee Sun博士的见解造成 “疏离感” 的因素
孙博士指出,亚裔美国选民感到疏离的原因有多方面。首先,语言障碍是主要问题之一。许多老一辈和新移民在理解投票材料时会遇到困难,影响了他们的参与。虽然随着年轻一代的参与度提高,这一情况正在逐步改善,但语言障碍的遗留影响仍然存在。此外,对美国政治体系的陌生感也是一个重要因素。对于新移民来说,了解美国的政治结构及其复杂性并非易事,与他们本国的政治环境大相径庭。这种不熟悉导致他们对政治产生疏离感,甚至在选举环境中感到格格不入。缺乏亚裔代表也加剧了这种疏离感。许多亚裔美国人很少看到来自自己社区的候选人,这削弱了他们对选举的归属感。李博士以Irvine为例,认为该地的少数族裔代表性增加使这种情况有所改善。然而,歧视和刻板印象依然存在,特别是“模范少数族裔”迷思掩盖了亚裔社区面临的实际挑战,同时社区内部也可能存在歧视,使情况更为复杂。此外,亚裔人口中相当一部分是非公民,无法享有投票权。而选举候选人对亚裔社区缺乏足够的宣传和沟通,导致投票率低下的恶性循环。候选人更倾向于关注参与度更高的群体,而忽视亚裔选民。所有这些因素共同形成了阻碍亚裔美国人政治参与的障碍,显示出需要更多有针对性的努力来促进参与度和提高代表性。为解决这些问题,孙博士提倡在选举过程中积极参与。他的市长竞选活动包括了多个提高选民参与度的策略:- 扩大语言支持:对多元化的亚裔社区来说,扩大语言支持至关重要。许多老一辈和新移民在只有英文的情况下很难理解选票和登记流程,阻碍了他们的参与。
- 公民教育:动员年轻的亚裔美国人担任文化桥梁,帮助家庭内的成员更多地参与政治。
- 支持亚裔候选人:鼓励更多亚裔社区的成员参选,激励更高的选民投票率。
- 打破刻板印象:提高对经济不平等和心理健康等具体问题的关注度,有助于更好地满足亚裔美国人社区的需求。
亚裔美国人在政治中的代表性:森林湖市议员Benjamin Yu的见解导致选民疏远的因素
Yu进入地方政府的历程具有深刻的个人色彩。作为一名来自中国的移民,他从母亲关于追求美国梦重要性的话语中受到启发。他的人生经历,包括在 9.11 袭击后在美国军队服役,塑造了他对社区服务和代表权的承诺。作为一名议员,Yu 发起了多项庆祝多元化的活动,包括农历新年晚会和多元文化节。他强调了与从企业到社区组织等各利益相关方合作的重要性,以确保所有的声音都能被听到。国家政治对地方治理的影响
在谈到即将到来的 2024 年总统大选时,Yu对美国政治的两极分化表示担忧。他认为,虽然国家领导风格可能有所不同,但对地方治理和政策制定的影响将是巨大的。Yu敦促将重点放在地方工作上,以提高不同社区的代表性,他认为基层行动比等待国家层面的变化更有效。在他对森林湖的愿景中,Yu 希望建立一个让所有居民,无论其种族或民族背景如何,都能感到安全、包容和有代表性的社区。他希望通过优先考虑公共安全、教育机会和公平待遇,为每个人创造一个更具包容性的环境。
孙晶强调,许多新移民并没有充分认识到参与选举的重要性。这种参与意识的缺乏导致华人社区在当地政治中的发言权被削弱。据他观察,其他族裔群体在政治参与方面更为积极主动,而华人社区往往落在后面。“25 年前移民到美国后,我最初并不太关注政治。直到我成家立业、生活稳定后,我才意识到政治对我们的日常生活是多么重要。他回顾了自己早年在美国的生活,描述了他当时主要关注的是适应新文化和确保家人的基本需求。“和许多移民一样,我一心只想着找工作、学语言和从头开始生活,"他说。在新环境中安顿下来后,我往往没有时间去了解政治环境的复杂性。为了改变这种状况,孙晶呼吁社区成员更加积极地参与政治。他坚信,了解和参与政治不仅能够增强社区的发言权,还能为未来的改变铺平道路。他说:“每个人的声音都很重要,我们必须团结起来,确保我们的需求和关注得到倾听。”通过提高意识和促进参与,他希望能够鼓励更多华人加入到选举和政治活动中,让他们在社区中发挥更大的作用。在谈到教育问题时,孙晶指出,许多中国家庭将死记硬背和标准化考试置于批判性思维和辩论技巧之上。“他指出:"犹太社区的教育方式鼓励辩论和独立思考,而我们的传统中式教育方式往往非常依赖死记硬背。这种教育背景可能导致许多中国人对参与政治讨论感到不适应。孙晶认为,营造一个鼓励质疑和讨论的环境,可以大大增强未来几代人的能力,使他们在政治上更加活跃。孙晶强调,新移民在日常生活中面临诸多挑战,尤其是在他们建立稳定的生活环境之前。他打比方说,"住在公寓而非独栋别墅的家庭往往难以关注政治问题,因为他们只关心眼前的事情。”这句话反映了一种普遍现象,尤其是在低收入或生活压力较大的社区中。住在公寓而非独栋别墅的家庭,往往面临着更直接的生活挑战,如支付租金、忙于工作、抚养子女等,这些日常事务占据了他们的时间和精力。因此,他们可能会对政治问题感到疏远,认为这些问题与自己的实际生活没有直接关联。他认为,在新国家安家的压力会削弱个人参与更广泛的公民事务的能力。许多人专注于就业、教育和其他基本必需品,这可能会削弱他们的政治意识。对未来的希望
作为竞选的一部分,孙晶希望发起一些活动,帮助华人社区了解选举过程。他计划组织研讨会和信息交流会,以揭开投票和地方政府结构的神秘面纱。“他声称:"通过提供资源和支持,我们可以增强社区有效参与政治进程的能力。孙晶还强调了与其他少数群体建立联盟的重要性。他认为,联合各个社区将加强他们的集体政治影响力,并为所有人创造一个更具包容性的环境。孙晶的故事反映了新移民在美国所面临的挑战与机遇。他的参选不仅是他个人的努力,也是鼓励整个社区在地方政治中发出自己的声音和增强影响力。随着选举的临近,孙晶的目标是扩大Irvine华人社区的存在感,表明政治参与是推动重要改变的关键。他希望通过自身的努力,激励新一代华人承担起塑造社区未来的责任。总而言之,美国亚裔在政治上的崛起,如孙晶、孙博士和于议员等人的声音,凸显了这个多元化社会所面临的挑战和充满希望的未来。随着美国亚裔人口的不断增长,参与政治进程变得愈发重要。语言、文化陌生感和历史边缘化等障碍等导致疏离感的问题需要得到解决,以促进更广泛的参与和代表性。孙晶竞选尔湾市市议员的经历强调让新移民意识到政治发声的重要性,而孙博士的见解则强调了系统性变革的必要性,以确保美国亚裔社区的独特关切得到倾听。本杰明-于(Benjamin Yu)的经历反映了一个更广泛的趋势,即增加代表权,从而影响政策并鼓励公民参与。这些叙述共同揭示了一个共同的愿景,即建立一个更具包容性的民主社会,让每一个人的声音都得到重视。随着亚裔美国人继续在政治舞台上展现自己的风采,他们的贡献不仅将丰富美国地方和联邦选举,还将为后代积极有效地参与社区建设铺平道路。Alvin Yang is a high school junior from Irvine, California, and a Chinese immigrant to the United States. He has developed a deep passion for world politics and related issues, which has driven him to explore, write about, and learn more about the political participation of the Asian American community.Alvin's interest in this field was significantly sparked by his experience with the United Chinese Americans (UCA). Attending the UCA convention in Washington, D.C., provided him with the opportunity to witness firsthand how the American government operates and the individuals involved in that process. Growing up in a first-generation immigrant household, where the focus was often on meeting family needs and navigating the challenges of a new culture, he observed his parents' disengagement from the political landscape around them. Through his participation in the UCA Youth Conference,Alvin has come to realize the vital importance of ensuring that Asian American voices are heard.
As the fastest-growing minority group in the United States, Asian Americans represent a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and histories that span from East Asia to South Asia and beyond. Between 2010 and 2020, the Asian population in the United States grew by 39%, and their population is projected to pass 35 million by 2060. This diversity brings unique perspectives and contributions to the American social fabric. However, alongside this growth, Asian Americans face distinct challenges, particularly in the realm of political participation.The new research found that despite significant population gains between 2010 and 2020 of 39% for Asian Americans, 23% for Latinos and 6% for Blacks—percentages that outpaced white, non-Latinos, whose numbers fell by 2%—voters of colour in the U.S. continue to be underrepresented in the electorate, casting a smaller share of votes proportional to their share of the eligible voter population. Now comprising over 7.3% of the U.S. population—Asian Americans have a voter turnout rate of only 47%, especially newer immigrants. This figure is significantly lower than that of others, reflecting systemic and cultural barriers and a lack of targeted outreach by political entities. Factors contributing to this low engagement include language barriers, cultural differences in political participation, and a historical context that often marginalises their voices. Many Asian Americans may feel disconnected from the political process, perceiving it as dominated by other groups or as not addressing their specific needs and concerns.
Sources: https://priceschool.usc.edu/ , https://aapidata.com/The disadvantages of this underrepresentation are very significant, shown in various instances in our society. The absence of Asian American voices in electoral decision-making often results in policies that overlook or misunderstand the unique issues faced by these communities—such as immigration reform, healthcare access, and educational equity. This disconnect not only perpetuates a cycle of disenfranchisement but also hampers the broader effort for an inclusive democracy where all voices are heard and valued. As Asian Americans continue to grow in numbers, fostering greater political engagement and understanding their vital role in shaping policy becomes increasingly crucial for both their communities and the nation as a whole.To find different perspectives on this issue, I interviewed people participating in local politics: Jing Sun, who is running for the seat in the Irvine City Council; Dr.Lee Sun, who is running for mayor in Irvine; and Benjamin Yu, a member of the Lake Forest City Council, shared his insights on these issues during a recent interview.
Understanding the Voter Engagement Challenge for Asian Americans: Insights from Dr. Lee Sun
Factors Contributing to Alienation
Dr. Sun put emphasis that several key factors contribute to the feelings of alienation among Asian American voters. One major issue is language barriers. Many older generations and immigrants face challenges in understanding voting materials, which can hinder their participation in the electoral process. While this situation is gradually improving with the increasing engagement of younger generations, the legacy of language difficulties still affects many individuals.Another important factor is the unfamiliarity with the U.S. political system. For newcomers, navigating the complexities of American politics can be daunting, leading to a lack of understanding of its significance compared to the political systems in their home countries. This unfamiliarity can result in disengagement and feelings of being out of place within the electoral landscape.Lack of representation further exacerbates these feelings. Asian Americans often see fewer candidates from their communities, which can diminish their connection to the electoral process. Dr. Sun points to Irvine as a positive example, where recent increases in minority representation have begun to change this narrative. However, the impact of discrimination and stereotypes cannot be overlooked. The "model minority" myth obscures the real challenges faced by Asian American communities, while discrimination can also occur within the community itself, complicating the landscape further.Additionally, a significant portion of the Asian American population consists of non-citizens, rendering them ineligible to vote. This lack of voting power is compounded by insufficient outreach from political candidates. Low voter turnout perpetuates a cycle where candidates often overlook Asian American voters, focusing their efforts instead on larger, more politically engaged demographics. Together, these factors create a complex web of barriers that contribute to the alienation of Asian American voters in the political process, underscoring the need for targeted efforts to foster greater engagement and representation.Solutions for Increased Representation
To combat these issues, Dr. Sun emphasises the importance of active participation in the electoral process. His campaign for mayor includes several strategies aimed at enhancing voter engagement:- Expand Language Access: Expanding language access is vital for engaging all voters, particularly in diverse Asian American communities. Many older generations and recent immigrants struggle with ballots and voter registration when materials are only in English, which can hinder participation.
- Civic Education: Engaging younger Asian Americans as cultural bridges can help foster political engagement in their families.
- Support for Asian American Candidates: Encouraging more individuals from the community to run for office can inspire greater voter turnout.
- Combatting Stereotypes: Raising awareness about specific community concerns, such as economic disparities and mental health issues, is essential for addressing the needs of Asian Americans.
Personal Motivation and Vision
Dr. Sun's commitment to local government stems from a desire to give back to the community that has supported him since his arrival in the U.S. After over twenty years in Irvine, he has actively participated in community service and observed the neglect of resident concerns. His academic journey, which included overcoming stereotypes and discrimination, has further fueled his advocacy for equality and representation.Dr. Sun identifies public safety and education as critical issues for the Asian community. As mayor, he plans to enhance safety measures in response to rising property crimes and ensure that all community members' voices are heard through regular forums and inclusive practices.Broader Implications
On a national scale, Dr. Sun discusses how the leadership styles of figures like Donald Trump and Kamala Harris reflect contrasting approaches to governance that resonate differently with various communities. While he believes the outcome of presidential elections may not immediately affect local policies, he acknowledges that long-term federal policies can significantly influence local resources and the political climate.Dr. Sun is dedicated to ensuring that Asian American voices remain represented in local policy-making, regardless of national outcomes. He calls for a collaborative effort to combat discrimination and foster an inclusive society where every community member feels empowered to participate in the democratic process.In summary, Dr. Lee Sun's insights illuminate the multifaceted barriers to Asian American voter engagement and highlight actionable steps to create a more inclusive electoral landscape. Through advocacy, education, and increased representation, there is hope for a future where Asian Americans are not just seen but actively engaged in shaping their communities.
Asian American Representation in Politics: Insights from Lake Forest City Council Member Benjamin Yu
As the fastest-growing minority group in the United States, Asian Americans face unique challenges, particularly in the realm of political participation. With a voter turnout rate of only 47%, significantly lower than other racial groups, their absence in the electoral process often results in policies that overlook their specific needs and concerns.To find different perspectives on this issue, I interviewed people participating in local politics: Jing Sun, who is running for the seat in the Irvine City Council Benjamin Yu, a member of the Lake Forest City Council, shared his insights on these issues during a recent interview.Factors Contributing to Voter Alienation
Yu emphasises that the lower turnout among Asian Americans is rooted in a complex interplay of historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors. Each subgroup within the Asian American community has distinct experiences shaped by diverse immigration backgrounds, leading to a lack of unified representation. This demographic's concentration in metropolitan areas, alongside being the smallest racial group, historically makes their issues less prominent in political discourse.Despite these challenges, Yu notes that the growing Asian American population—particularly as they expand into suburban and Midwest areas—will increasingly attract the attention of policymakers. He points out that more individuals of Asian heritage are entering public office, which could amplify their voices and foster greater political participation.Ensuring Representation and Participation
Yu advocates for increased representation in the political process, asserting that understanding and awareness of racial diversity are crucial. He believes that as Asian American electoral influence grows—especially in key swing states—it will encourage participation and activism. This shift could help bring Asian American issues to the forefront of political discussions.Personal Journey and Community Engagement
Yu's journey to local government is deeply personal. An immigrant from China, he was inspired by his mother’s words about the importance of pursuing the American Dream. His life experiences, including serving in the U.S. Army after the September 11 attacks, shaped his commitment to community service and representation.As a council member, Yu has initiated several programs to celebrate diversity, including a Lunar New Year gala and multicultural festivals. He emphasizes the importance of engaging various stakeholders, from businesses to community organizations, to ensure that all voices are heard.The Impact of National Politics on Local Governance
When discussing the upcoming 2024 Presidential election, Yu expresses concern about the polarization in American politics. He believes that while national leadership styles may differ, the impact on local governance and policy-making will be significant. Yu urges a focus on local efforts to improve representation for diverse communities, suggesting that grassroots actions can be more effective than waiting for changes at the national level.In his vision for Lake Forest, Yu aims to foster a community where all residents—regardless of their racial or ethnic background—can feel safe, included, and represented. By prioritizing public safety, educational opportunities, and equitable treatment, he hopes to create a more inclusive environment for everyone.As Lake Forest continues to evolve, the insights of leaders like Benjamin Yu are vital in addressing the unique challenges faced by the Asian American community and ensuring their voices are not only heard but amplified in the political process.
Interview with Jing Sun: Advocating for Political Participation in Irvine's Chinese Community
In the city of Irvine, political engagement is becoming a critical topic among the Chinese community. Jing Sun, an active local political participant, is running for city council. In this interview, Sun shares his insights on the current state of political participation among Chinese residents, his personal journey, and his vision for the future.The Challenge of New Immigrants and Voter Awareness
Sun emphasizes that many new immigrants do not fully appreciate the importance of participating in elections. This lack of engagement contributes to a diminished voice for the Chinese community in local politics. He observes that other ethnic groups are more proactive in their political involvement, while the Chinese community tends to lag behind.“Having immigrated to the U.S. 25 years ago, I didn’t pay much attention to politics initially. It wasn’t until I established my family and gained stability in my life that I realised how vital politics is to our daily lives,” Sun explains. He reflects on his early years in America, describing a time when his focus was primarily on adapting to a new culture and securing the basic needs for his family. “Like many immigrants, I was preoccupied with finding work, learning the language, and building a life from scratch,” he shares. The struggles of settling into a new environment often left little room for understanding the complexities of the political landscape.The Role of Education
When discussing education, Sun points out that many Chinese families prioritize rote memorization and standardized testing over critical thinking and debate skills. “The educational approach among Jewish communities encourages debate and independent thinking, while ours often relies heavily on memorization,” he notes. This educational background can result in many Chinese individuals feeling uncertain about engaging in political discourse.Sun believes that fostering an environment that encourages questioning and discussion could significantly empower future generations to become more politically active.Living Conditions and Sense of Participation
Sun highlights that new immigrants face numerous challenges in their daily lives, particularly before they establish a stable living situation. “Families living in apartments rather than single-family homes often struggle to focus on political issues because they are preoccupied with immediate concerns,” he elaborates.He argues that the pressures of settling into a new country can detract from individuals’ ability to engage in broader civic issues. Many are focused on employment, education, and other basic necessities, which can diminish their political awareness.Hope for the Future
Despite these challenges, Sun remains optimistic about the future. He underscores the significance of political participation, not just as a matter of casting a vote, but as a way for individuals to ensure that their voices are heard. “We need more Chinese individuals to step forward and engage in politics to support our community,” he asserts.He believes that becoming a U.S. citizen and participating in elections is a responsibility for every immigrant. Sun himself became a citizen eight years ago, motivated by the desire to make a difference in the political landscape, especially in the wake of Donald Trump’s election. This event made him acutely aware of the urgent need for change.Engagement and Impact
Through volunteering, Sun has gained a deeper understanding of the American political system. He recalls serving as a poll worker and assisting other candidates during elections, which illuminated the critical role of community involvement.“I hope my efforts will inspire more Chinese individuals to focus on political issues and participate in elections,” he says. “I want to be a role model for the first generation of Chinese Americans engaged in politics and encourage the next generation to be even more active.”Community Initiatives
As part of his campaign, Sun aims to launch initiatives that will help educate the Chinese community about the electoral process. He plans to organize workshops and informational sessions to demystify voting and local government structures. “By providing resources and support, we can empower our community to participate effectively in the political process,” he asserts.Sun also emphasizes the importance of building coalitions with other minority groups. He believes that uniting various communities will strengthen their collective political influence and create a more inclusive environment for all.Jing Sun’s story reflects both the challenges and opportunities faced by new immigrants in the United States. His candidacy is not only a personal endeavour but also a mission to encourage the entire community to find its voice and influence in local politics. As the election approaches, Sun aims to amplify the Chinese community's presence in Irvine, demonstrating that political engagement is crucial for effecting meaningful change. Through his work, he hopes to inspire a new generation to embrace their role in shaping the future of their community.In conclusion, the political rise of Asian Americans, exemplified by voices like Jing Sun, Dr. Lee Sun, and Benjamin Yu, highlights both the significant challenges and the promising opportunities facing this diverse community. As the Asian American population continues to grow, their engagement in the political process becomes increasingly vital. The barriers of language, cultural unfamiliarity, and historical marginalization must be addressed to foster greater participation and representation.Jing Sun's candidacy for the Irvine City Council emphasizes the importance of empowering new immigrants to recognize their political voice, while Dr. Lee Sun's insights underscore the need for systemic changes to ensure that the unique concerns of Asian American communities are heard. Benjamin Yu’s experiences reflect a broader trend of increasing representation that can influence policy and encourage civic engagement.Together, these narratives reveal a shared vision for a more inclusive democracy where every voice is valued. As Asian Americans continue to assert their presence in politics, their contributions will not only enrich the electoral landscape but also pave the way for future generations to participate actively and effectively in shaping their communities. Asian Americans are the fastest-growing minority group in the United States, yet they often seem the most invisible in the voting process. With a voter turnout rate of only 47%, much lower than other racial groups, this absence can lead to policies that do not address the unique challenges faced by their communities.What are some factors that contribute to this phenomenon that lead to feelings of alienation? How can we change this situation to ensure their voices are heard and represented in the electoral process?What inspired you to pursue a position in local government?How has your educational journey influenced your views and experiences as an Asian American?What issues do you think are particularly relevant to the Asian community, and how do you plan to address them?How do you intend to represent diverse perspectives within your community?Describe your experience working with different stakeholders, such as businesses, community organisations, and residents.Regarding the 2024 Presidential electionWhat are your thoughts on the differing leadership styles of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris?How do you believe the outcome of this presidential election will impact local governance and policy-making in your city?In what ways do you think the election of either candidate would affect representation for diverse communities, including the Asian community in your city?本文由UCA编辑部整理,内容仅供参考,一切以英文原文为准,版权归原作者所有。本文内容不代表本公众号立场,未经授权请勿转载,否则将依法追究责任。以上图片均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除。