共找到 223 条记录
文摘   2024-10-02 23:43   广东  
蛇司药 Snake Herbalist松竹梅兰色,豺狼虎豹心。采药穷山川,全无济世情。Pine, bamboo, plum and blue in color,but th ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:37   广东  
执杖道士 Staff Daoist仙山云水连天涯,天涯望尽不见家。持杖远走入危巢,得享白雪与黄芽。Fairy mountains, clouds and waters ar ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:34   广东  
拂尘道士 Fly-Whisk Daoist宽袍鹤氅两袖风,有道无道何须同?颂德咏功扰清梦,拂尘掸土乱虚空。The wide robe and crane cloak flu ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:29   广东  
御剑道士 Sword Daoist访道远寻师,笃志入剑门。剑门通幽处,升仙见性根。To seek the Dao, he journeys far,With steadfa ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:26   广东  
蝎太子 Scorpion Prince藏声潜毒蝥,倒钩上凶药。来时气汹汹,败阵夹尾逃。Silent it hides, with venomous claws,Barbed ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:23   广东  
利爪茧 Clawed Cocoon世事攘攘利纷纷,营营扰扰赚几文?天罗地网甘就镬,机缘巧线自缠身。The world is full of hustle and bustl ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:20   广东  
琴螂幼虫 Minor Amourworm投身在异乡,吐丝做茧忙。无能羽化去,有心坠罗网。In foreign lands, it toils and spins,Weavi ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:15   广东  
石蛛 Stone Spider渺渺怜身小,微微何足道?无衣裹危石,敌忾有同袍。I am so samll,how can I be so insignificant?Wit ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:07   广东  
虫校尉 Beetle Captain暑往寒来春复秋,形骸蹉跎渐老丑。了知白发换功名,性刚气傲累君生。Summer turns to winter, spring retur ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:04   广东  
蚂蜂精 Wasp Guai乘胜既低飞,势竭倏远逃。辛苦忙淘染,借力上青霄。When the victory comes, it flies low, and when th ...
文摘   2024-10-02 23:01   广东  
蜻蜓精 Dragonfly Guai穿花度柳放暗箭,奋翅鼓翼乘歪风。好行小慧难成善,三三两两阻道中。Fly through the flowers and willows ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:58   广东  
蜢虫精 Grasshopper Guai青矜腿脚长,铁臂镰钩亮。长林饱风雾,论亲心同样。Slender legs, a verdant sheen,Each arm wie ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:55   广东  
幽灯鬼 Lantern Holder夜阑无光自有明,召阴克阳火荧荧。好似庄户急收麦,行割随手取性命。When night falls deep, his light shi ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:52   广东  
儡蜱士 Puppet Tick外相包皮君可识,身后安排有谁知。下场高挂成何用,刻木牵丝此一时。The outer guise,can you discern?When it ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:47   广东  
傀蛛士 Puppet Spider糟鼻子,歪俫口,獠牙尖利毒浊稠。查耳朵,砍额头,面生八目相貌丑。Bad nose, crooked mouth, sharp fangs, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:43   广东  
巫山小妖 Wushan Lesser Guai嘴长肚儿圆,生来不十全。身粗贪美味,弄舌爱胡言。A long mouth,a rounded belly, born inco ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:37   广东  
猪八戒 Zhu Bajie生来心性拙,进退不得脱。戒空难戒色,随性也随佛。钉钯筑机缘,獠牙拱因果。滚滚浊世里,管他笑与说。Born with a clumsy heart, ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:32   广东  
小西天土地 The Keeper of the New West卜卦解天意,装相世间行。但笑痴愚者,吉凶在人心。Divining fate, he plays his pa ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:28   广东  
小张太子 The Third Prince祖居西土流沙国,其父原为沙国王。楮白枪尖能缚怪,大地扬名说小张!In the Kingdom of Flowing Sands,H ...
文摘   2024-10-02 22:22   广东  
翠笠武师 Green-Capped Martialist莎衫箬笠烂布衣,金环滚火甚稀奇。雪中三度试禅心,非敌非友真顽皮。In tattered robes and a ba ...