英文释义:The risk of loss due to a buyer's failure to pay for goods or services.典型例句:To manage credit risk, the exporter conducted thorough credit checks on all new clients.2. Trade Finance Compliance - 贸易融资合规英文释义:Adherence to laws, regulations, and standards governing trade finance activities.典型例句:Ensuring trade finance compliance is crucial to avoid legal penalties and maintain good standing with regulatory bodies.英文释义:The risk of financial loss due to legal actions or the failure to comply with laws and regulations.典型例句:The company conducted a legal risk assessment to identify potential issues in their international trade agreements.4. Security Interest - 担保权益英文释义:A legal claim on collateral that has been pledged, usually to secure a loan.典型例句:The bank took a security interest in the exporter's inventory to secure the trade finance loan.英文释义:The investigation and evaluation of a business or individual before signing a contract or agreement.典型例句:Performing due diligence helped the company uncover potential risks in their new trade finance partnership.6. Insolvency Risk - 破产风险英文释义:The risk that a company will be unable to meet its financial obligations and enter bankruptcy.典型例句:The trade finance agreement included provisions to mitigate insolvency risk in case the buyer went bankrupt.7. Regulatory Framework - 监管框架英文释义:A set of rules and regulations that govern financial practices within a specific industry.典型例句:Adhering to the regulatory framework is essential for maintaining compliance in international trade finance operations.8. Performance Bond - 履约保证金英文释义:A bond issued by a bank or other financial institution that guarantees the satisfactory completion of a project by a contractor.典型例句:The construction firm obtained a performance bond to assure the project owner of their commitment to completing the project as specified.免责声明:本文及其内容仅为交流目的。本文任何文字、图片等内容,未经授权不得转载。如需转载或引用,请联系公众号后台取得授权,并于转载时明确注明来源、栏目及作者信息。