
文摘   2024-06-14 18:00   上海  





1. Legal Compliance - 法律合规
英文释义:The process of ensuring that all business practices adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
典型例句:Maintaining legal compliance in international trade is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations.

2. Forfaiting - 福费廷
英文释义:A financial transaction in which an exporter sells its receivables to a forfaiter at a discount, who then assumes the risk.
典型例句:The exporter engaged in forfaiting to convert long-term receivables into immediate cash.

3. Payment Guarantee - 付款担保
英文释义:A guarantee provided by a bank or other entity to ensure that a seller receives payment from the buyer.
典型例句:The supplier requested a payment guarantee from the buyer's bank to secure the transaction.

4. Supply Chain Financing - 供应链融资
英文释义:A financing method that uses the supply chain and its players as collateral for loans.
典型例句:Supply chain financing helped the company optimize cash flow and manage risks associated with supplier payments.

5. Bill of Exchange - 汇票
英文释义:A written order used primarily in international trade that binds one party to pay a fixed sum of money to another party on demand or at a predetermined date.
典型例句:The exporter issued a bill of exchange to the importer, outlining the terms of payment for the shipped goods.

6. Legal Recourse - 法律追索权
英文释义:The right to seek remedy or enforce legal rights through the court system.
典型例句:In the event of a dispute, the company had legal recourse to recover losses incurred from the breach of contract.

7. Export Credit Insurance - 出口信用保险
英文释义:Insurance that covers the risk of non-payment by foreign buyers due to commercial or political reasons.
典型例句:Export credit insurance provided the exporter with protection against potential non-payment from international clients.

8. Structured Finance - 结构性融资
英文释义:Complex financial transactions designed to mitigate risk and improve liquidity for large projects or transactions.
典型例句:The company employed structured finance solutions to manage the risks associated with its international trade activities.

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