
文摘   2024-06-13 18:01   上海  





1. Export Credit - 出口信贷
英文释义:A type of financial support provided to exporters to promote exports and manage the risk of non-payment.
典型例句:The exporter obtained export credit to finance the production of goods for an overseas market.

2. Import Letter of Credit - 进口信用证
英文释义:A letter of credit issued to importers to ensure payment to exporters upon compliance with specified terms.
典型例句:The importer used an import letter of credit to guarantee payment to the foreign supplier.

3. Trade Finance Instruments - 贸易融资工具
英文释义:Various financial products used to finance and facilitate international trade transactions.
典型例句:The company utilized several trade finance instruments, including letters of credit and trade credit insurance, to manage its international transactions.

4. Payment Risk - 支付风险
英文释义:The risk that a buyer will not make the agreed-upon payment for goods or services.
典型例句:Payment risk was mitigated through the use of a letter of credit, ensuring the exporter received payment upon shipment.

5. Liquidity Risk - 流动性风险
英文释义:The risk that a company will not be able to meet its short-term financial obligations.
典型例句:The company's financial strategy included measures to address liquidity risk, ensuring sufficient cash flow for operations.

6. Transactional Risk - 交易风险
英文释义:The risk of loss due to unforeseen events occurring during the trade transaction process.
典型例句:The use of comprehensive insurance policies helped mitigate transactional risk in the company's international trade activities.

7. Trade Credit Insurance - 贸易信用保险
英文释义:Insurance that protects exporters against the risk of non-payment by foreign buyers.
典型例句:By purchasing trade credit insurance, the exporter was able to secure financing and protect against potential defaults by buyers.

8. Receivables Financing - 应收账款融资
英文释义:A type of financing where businesses sell their accounts receivable to a lender to obtain immediate cash.
典型例句:Receivables financing allowed the company to improve its cash flow and continue operations without delay.

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