中国人民大学物理学系Fuzzy sphere regularization of 3D CFTs: 3D Ising transition and beyond 2024年11月14日 11:00 2024年11月14日,由中国人民大学物理学系主办的凝聚态线上报告,邀请到加拿大PI理论物理研究所的何寅琛老师作题为“Fuzzy sphere regularization of 3D CFTs: 3D Ising transition and beyond”学术报告,详情如下。 蔻享学术扫码观看直播
何寅琛 何寅琛,2008年复旦大学本科,2014年复旦大学博士毕业,2014-2016年在德国马克斯普朗克复杂系统研究所 (MPI-PKS) 做博士后,2016-2018年在美国哈佛大学做博士后,2018年起在加拿大Perimeter Institute任Junior Faculty (等同于Assistant Professor),2024年升职为Senior Faculty (等同于Professor)。从事凝聚态理论和量子场论研究,主要研究兴趣为强关联物理,包括共形场论,自旋液体,量子相变,规范场论,分数量子霍尔效应,拓扑相以及强关联计算 (DMRG, conformal bootstrap 等)。 报告摘要 Conformal Field Theory (CFT) represents a class of quantum field theories that has profound applications across various physics domains, from critical phenomena in statistical mechanics to quantum matter, quantum gravity, and string theory. In this talk, I will introduce our recently proposed 'fuzzy (non-commutative) sphere regularization' scheme, a method that addresses and offers a solution to the longstanding need for a non-perturbative approach to 3D CFTs. I will first elucidate its fundamental concepts and then diving into illustrative examples, particularly, the 3D Ising transition. Specifically, we showcase that this scheme is not only potent—revealing a wealth of universal data on 3D CFTs otherwise inaccessible through existing methods—but also efficient, as the necessary computations can be performed on a laptop within an hour. Our innovative scheme not only heralds a new era for the study of CFTs but also hints at a profound interplay between non-commutative geometry and both CFTs and QFTs at large.