
文摘   2024-07-16 08:00   芬兰  

University College Dublin 大学招收large-scale power systems dynamic simulation and stability analysis with high penetration of renewables and power electronics converters方向的全奖博士, 欢迎申请

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【工作介绍】 (阅读原文)

A fully-funded PhD studentship in large-scale power systems dynamic simulation and stability analysis with high penetration of renewables and power electronics converters, as part of the Science Foundation Ireland & Irish Research Council (SFI-IRC) Pathway Programme, at University College Dublin in Ireland

Applications must be submitted as a single PDF file containing all the items listed below to Dr Damian Flynn (damian.flynn@ucd.ie). All documents should be written using the English language

•    A motivation letter (cover letter) 

•    Curriculum vitae

•    Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma

•    Currently valid IELTS, TOEFL or other English language qualification

•    A 2-page maximum research statement, indicating the research interests of the applicant

•    A maximum of 2 additional technical documents/reports/research papers where the applicant has been the lead author

Further details on the English language requirements can be found at http://www.ucd.ie/registry/admissions/elr.html


Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in Electrical Engineering / Power Engineering / Control Engineering.

Applicants are sought with a strong background in electrical engineering, or similar disciplines, and with experience in integration of renewable energy sources, power system stability analysis, and modelling and optimisation.

Applicants should also possess the ability to work within a project team and to take responsibility for their own research goals. Fluency in communicating and reporting in English is also required.

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🌍功能:探讨综合能源系统低碳经济运行,更新能源资讯。➕关注公众号有惊喜!🙎‍♂️主体:主:李正茂-芬兰阿尔托助理教授。 副:MESPO团队成员及全部读者共创(平民公众号)。 ☎️联系/合作:小编vx Fightingforall23