Happy New Year, and may the Year of the Snake bring enlightenment and renewal. The old saying, "A snake must shed its old skin to grow," captures the essence of wisdom and rebirth in Chinese culture. From the snake's elegance and adaptability, we learn that language learning is not merely a task but a transformative journey that fosters genuine fluency and intuitive understanding in cross-cultural communication. On this first day of the Year of the Snake, I aim to present a simple approach to mastering English, challenging the deep-seated belief that grammar alone can lead to complete linguistic mastery. Instead, I propose a path that elevates our language skills in a manner that honors the profound wisdom of the snake.
新年快乐,愿蛇年为你带来智慧与新生。古语有云:“蛇不蜕皮,不得成长。”(典故:黄人《序》中的“蜕故孳zī 新”)中国传统文化中也有追求智慧与蜕变的精神,古人与我有戚戚焉。从蛇的优雅与对环境的适应力中,广大的英语学习者可以领悟到:语言学习不仅是一项任务,更是一场蜕变之旅,它能培养真正的跨文化流利度与直觉理解力。在这蛇年的第一天,向老师想为你勾勒一条掌握英语的路径,挑战“仅靠语法就能精通语言”的固有观念。让我们以蛇的深邃智慧为指引,在新的一年让语言学习焕发新生。
Grammar fundamentalism is a significant barrier for English learners. It dissects vibrant language into lifeless grammatical tidbits and fosters a problem-solving mindset that disconnects us from real language use. While grammar is undoubtedly foundational, studying it in isolation leads to rote memorization, hindering our ability to appreciate extensive literary works and non-fiction, as well as to express ideas freely. It’s like a young snake, newly arrived in its environment, aware only of the grass it slides over, yet oblivious to the expansive forest around it.
Language, in its most sublime form, is a complex tapestry woven from the threads of culture, history, philosophy, arts and human emotion. It is a living entity that evolves with its speakers, much like a snake that gracefully adapts to its surroundings. Attempting to master a language by focusing solely on grammar is like trying to understand the vastness of a forest by examining each leaf individually. The beauty and intricacies of English, or any language, are best appreciated and understood within the broader context of its use.
This brings us to the importance of context. Context is the lifeblood of language. Words find their true meaning and purpose only within the appropriate context, just as a snake relies on its environment to survive and thrive. Consider how celebrated authors like J.K. Rowling, Ernest Hemingway, or Jane Austen have mastered English not just through grammatical precision but by weaving words into narratives that create worlds, evoke emotions, and convey profound truths. Their words are not mere vessels of meaning; they transport us to other realms, enabling us to feel and think in ways previously unimaginable.
Similarly, vocabulary should not be learned in isolation. A word, stripped of its context, is like a star without a sky; it may still shine, but its full beauty and purpose are realized only when it is part of a larger constellation. Language learners should immerse themselves in the language as it is naturally used—in daily life, literature, film, and conversation. This immersion provides a rich context that illuminates the meaning of words and phrases, making them easier to grasp, remember, and use effectively.
As we embark on this linguistic journey in the Year of the Snake, let's not be confined by the rigid structures of grammar or atomized vocabulary alone. Instead, let's embrace the full spectrum of language learning—the context, the culture, and the dynamic, evolving nature of language itself. This holistic approach not only makes learning more engaging and effective but also enriches our understanding of the diverse ways humans express themselves.
In closing, to all those who traverse the realm of language, let this vision guide you: Glide through the vast ocean of language as a serpent slides through an ancient forest and sea, silently, with deliberate grace and profound intent. Dive deep beneath the surface to uncover its hidden depths, navigate its complex currents, and unearth treasures veiled in obscurity. Like a snake, maintain your breath and agility as your skin touches the earth and deep sea. Let context be your steadfast compass, guiding you not just to learn a language but to embody and live it fully. Happy Chinese New Year!
Zero to Hero英文原版书单 | 25门导师进阶方案(最新!)
1. 词汇测试成绩(精确到百位) http://testyourvocab.com/ 英语能力的量化评估:如何测词,理解自己的词汇水位?
2. 所在学校和年级/职业
3. 今后的学习目标(eg: 高考、美高、美本、职业方面)
4. 英语学习时间安排计划(和该课程冲突?正好符合?有部分冲突)
1. 被精神疾患和教育工厂双重折磨的中国学子,如何飞跃疯人院?
2. 46岁学英文并不晚,我比年轻人更享受过程、更有松弛感【学员投稿】
4. 一位高三学生的自由修养:我如何磨一把英语与认知的屠龙刀?
◾ 2010年外研社演讲大赛全国季军;
◾ 2009年中央电视台希望之星风采大赛四川省冠军;
◾ 屡次在国际英国议会制辩论赛获奖;
◾ 人事部口、笔译二级(CATTI);
◾ 托福118,口语写作阅读满分。
◾ 演讲、辩论教练;托福雅思词汇,GRE教学专家;留学规划申请专家。
◾ 众多学生获得各类演讲大赛全国大奖,不少考入世界著名高中大学,如全美排名第一的高中Phillips Academy Andover(菲利普斯·安多弗),斯坦福大学东亚系博士等。