俗话说“买的不如卖的精”,从去年开始有一种说法“价格刺客”开始流行起来。有时候我们买东西,可能会遇到计量单位不统一,商品标价不明晰,实际价格比心理预期贵很多的情况。 有时候,还有一些外包装看起来平平无奇很普通的商品,价格却特别高昂。这些看起来不贵,实际却很贵的小东西,我们都可以称之为“价格刺客”。 这个说法在中文中很生动,那英语中有没有对应的表达呢? sticker shock 价格刺客 “sticker shock”的意思是价格高到让人吃惊,“sticker”除了可以表示贴纸,还有价签的意思。 get/experience sticker shock I think everybody who goes to the pump to fill up their car gets sticker shock.我觉得每个去加油站加油的人都会被油价刺到。 Laser printers are now as cheap as $150, but the toner cartridges are guaranteed to induce sticker shock.激光打印机现在便宜到150美元,但碳粉盒肯定会引起价格震荡。 sticker price (汽车等由厂商给出的)标价 I got my truck for $2,000 less than the sticker price.我的卡车是以低于标价2000美元的价格买下的。
big price cut 大减价 The large supermarkets are offering big price cuts.大超市在大减价。 at any price 不惜任何代价,无论如何 He wanted success at any price.为了成功他不惜任何代价。 at/for a price 以高价;以很高的代价 You can buy the best of gourmet cuisine here, for a price.在这里你可以出高价吃到最好的美食。 not at any price 决不会 I wouldn't invite her again at any price.我决不会再邀请她了。 what price...? 名声/胜利/成功等又有什么用? What price victory when so many people have died in the struggle?这么多人在这场斗争中失去了生命,胜利又有什么用呢? price yourself out of the market 漫天要价致使自己失去市场 guide price (尤指在拍卖中)某件物品的期待售价,参考价 The guide price for the house is £475,000.这座房子的参考价是47.5万英镑。 asking price (尤指建筑物或地皮的)索价,要价 The asking price for the house was £899,500.这栋小楼要价899,500英镑。 put a price on sth 估价 The agent has put a price of £720,000 on our house.经纪人估计我们的房子值72万英镑。 a pearl of great price 珍贵罕见之物 Inexhaustible patience is a pearl of great price.无尽的耐心是难能可贵的。 pay the price 吃苦头,付出代价 If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the price when you're older.如果你现在糟蹋自己的身体,年纪大了会吃苦头的。 walk-up price 临时购买…的价格 Tickets booked online for the same day will be charged at the full walk-up price.当天网上订购的票价为全价,跟临时购买的价格一样。 cheap at half the price 贵得离谱