其实 Christmas 是由两个部分构成的:Christ 和 mas。Christ指“基督”,而mas源自于Mass,即“弥撒”。所以“圣诞节(Christmas)就是“基督弥撒”的意思,以纪念耶稣的降生。在圣诞节,我们在祝福他人“圣诞节快乐”的时候会说“Merry Christmas”,你知道Merry一词的由来吗?另外,其实还有另外一种说法,即“Happy Christmas”,你知道吗?它们又有何区别呢?
But have you ever stopped to wonder where the phrase "Merry Christmas" actually comes from? After all, for most other holidays, we use the word "happy." In a world where "Happy Easter" and "Happy Birthday" are the norm, that "merry" part of "Merry Christmas" is unique—to say the least.你曾有不止一次思考过“Merry Christmas”的真正来源吗?毕竟,像其他节日我们都会用“Happy”这个词,比如说“复活节快乐”和“生日快乐”等,已经成为了一种规范。反观“Merry Christmas”中的“Merry”一次,着实独一无二。No one is entirely certain of the answer, but there are several interesting theories.Yes! It's important to note that "Happy Christmas" hasn't faded completely—it's still widely used in England. This is believed to be because "happy" took on a higher class connotation than "merry," which was associated with the rowdiness of the lower classes.当然,我们需要注意到很重要的一点是“Happy Christmas”并未完全过时,如今在英国依然被广泛使用。这是因为“Happy”一词拥有“上层阶级”这一寓意,而“Merry”一词通常与“下层阶级”相联系。
The royal family adopted "Happy Christmas" as their preferred greeting. In fact, each year, Queen Elizabeth continues to wish her citizens a "Happy Christmas," rather than a merry one.在发表节日问候语的时候,英国皇室更喜欢说“Happy Christmas”。事实上,每年伊丽莎白女王都会祝英国人民“Happy Christmas”,而不说merry。But "Merry Christmas" has been used since at least 1534—a dated letter from bishop John Fisher to Henry VIII's chief minister Thomas Cromwell reveals as much. The English carol, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," which was introduced in the 1500s, also uses the popular phrase.
不过,“Merry Christmas”第一次被使用要追溯到1534 年,出现在罗马天主教主教约翰 · 费舍尔(John Fisher)给亨利八世的首席部长托马斯 · 克伦威尔(Thomas Cromwell)的一封信中。另外,十六世纪的英语颂歌也出现了"We wish you a Merry Christmas"(祝你圣诞快乐)这句歌词。Merry Christmas! Blithely do we use this phrase as greeting, farewell or exclamation of joy with little thought to the book that made it famous. Although it was in use from the 16th century, it was Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol –published exactly 175 years ago – that really popularised it.圣诞节快乐!当我们在问候、告别和歌颂快乐时光说到这句话的时候,我们通常不会想到是哪本书让这句话出名的。尽管在16世纪才可以被人们使用,但那出自查尔斯·狄更斯的《圣诞颂歌》中,这本书175年前出版,让“Merry Christmas”真正流行了起来。So when did "Happy Christmas" become "Merry Christmas"?
所以,是从什么时候起“Happy Christmas”变成了“Merry Christmas”了呢?Historians believe it might boil down to a simple grammatical lesson. "Happy" is a word that describes an inner emotional condition, while "merry" is more of a behavior descriptor—something active and maybe even raucous. Consider, for example, the free-spirited act of "merry-making" versus the state of simply "being happy."历史学家认为,这其实是个简单的语法问题。“Happy”一词描述的是人内心的情感状态,而“Merry”一词则更多描述的是人的行为,可能是积极的行为,甚至是是喧闹嘈杂的行为。例如,“merry-making”表达的意思是“欢宴、欢庆和寻欢作乐”,而“being happy”表达的意思是“(感到)快乐和高兴”。因此,在了解到了其中的文化因素后,我们就明白了“Merry Christmas”和“Happy Christmas”的实质区别。不过,也流传有一种说法,即“Merry Christmas”一词从它本有的“寻欢作乐”这一层意思中,引申出来“drunk(醉酒、纵情)”的意思。因为英国皇室一贯尊贵,代表着国家形象,这也成为了他们说“Happy Christmas”的原因之一。而美国则不一样,美国是一个文化大熔炉,具有极高的包容性和开放性。另外,还有些基督徒认为,可能因为这种说法更适合交际,更适合庆祝耶稣的诞生,所以美国人民更爱说“Merry Christmas”。总之,“Merry Christmas”在全世界使用的频率更高。 “圣诞节”也可以说成“Merry/Happy Xmas”可能也有同学见过“Merry/Happy Xmas”这种表达方式,其实Xmas是“Christmas”的缩写,读音不变,通常在写作中使用。最后,祝大家圣诞快乐,“Merry Christmas”!