
文摘   2024-07-11 08:01   芬兰  
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往期群聊【群聊汇总|一网打尽】电力方向公众号下科研+学术+专刊宣传群一网打尽,各位按需索取-Peace & Love


  1. Yang, Dongsheng, and Yin Sun. "SISO impedance-based stability analysis for system-level small-signal stability assessment of large-scale power electronics-dominated power systems." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 13.1 (2021): 537-550.

  2. Wang, Shuang, et al. "Small-signal impedance modeling and analysis of variable-frequency AC three-stage generator for more electric aircraft." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38.1 (2022): 206-216.

  3. Zhu, Yue, et al. "Participation analysis in impedance models: The grey-box approach for power system stability." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37.1 (2021): 343-353.

  4. Qiu, Qi, et al. "Black-box impedance prediction of grid-tied VSCs under variable operating conditions." IEEE Access 10 (2021): 1289-1304.

  5. Ji, Ke, et al. "A hierarchical small-signal controller stability analysis method for the MMCs." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 37.4 (2021): 2587-2598.

  6. Zeng, Zhijie, et al. "An improved impedance modeling method of grid-tied inverters with white-box property." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37.4 (2021): 3980-3989.

  7. Cecati, Federico, et al. "Nonlinear modular state-space modeling of power-electronics-based power systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37.5 (2021): 6102-6115.

  8. Cheng, Cheng, et al. "Nonlinear modeling and global stability condition of single-phase grid-tied inverter considering SRF-PLL and duty-cycle saturation." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69.7 (2021): 6973-6983.

  9. Xiong, Liansong, et al. "Modeling and stability issues of voltage-source converter-dominated power systems: A review." CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 8.6 (2020): 1530-1549.

  10. Kirchhoff, Hannes, and Kai Strunz. "Control and stability of modular DC swarm microgrids." IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10.5 (2022): 6274-6292.

  11. Zou, Zhixiang, et al. "Reduced-Order Symbolic Admittance Model And Stability Analysis of Grid-Connected Converters." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (2024).

  12. Zhou, Weihua, Nabil Mohammed, and Behrooz Bahrani. "Comprehensive modeling, analysis, and comparison of state-space and admittance models of PLL-based grid-following inverters considering different outer control modes." IEEE Access 10 (2022): 30109-30146.

  13. Chen, Pengwei, et al. "An impedance-based parameter design method for active damping of load converter station in MTDC distribution system." Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 10.5 (2021): 1423-1436.

  14. Hosseinipour, Ali, and Javad Khazaei. "Sparse Identification for Data-Driven Dynamics and Impedance Modeling of Power Converters in DC Microgrids." IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (2023).

  15. Wen, Bo, et al. "AC stability analysis and dq frame impedance specifications in power-electronics-based distributed power systems." IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5.4 (2017): 1455-1465.

  16. Xu, Yunyang, et al. "Frequency coupling characteristic modeling and stability analysis of doubly fed induction generator." IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33.3 (2018): 1475-1486.


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