In ancient times, there were no doctors and medical skills, and people were worried about their lives once they got sick. At this time, there was a man named Shen Nong, who was born with a crystal-clear belly, and across the belly, you can see the internal organs in the belly. 远古的时候,没有医生和医术,人们一旦患病就有性命之忧。这时,出现了一个叫神农的人,他生下来就长着一个水晶般透明的肚子,隔着肚皮,可以看到肚子里的五脏六腑。 Shen Nong saw that people were threatened by diseases, and he was very painful, and secretly made up his mind to relieve the pain of the people. 神农看到人们为疾病所威胁,心里非常痛苦,暗暗打定主意,要解除民众的病痛。 One day, he accidentally looked at his transparent belly, and suddenly realized that there are all kinds of flowers and trees in the world. They each have their own characteristics, if they are used to taste it again, look at their role in the stomach, do not understand which plants are beneficial, which are harmful? 一天,他无意中看了一眼自己透明的肚子,顿时恍然大悟:世上有各种各样的花草树木,它们各自有各自的特性,要是都拿来尝一遍,看看它们在肚子里产生的作用,不就明白了哪些植物是有益的,哪些是有害的吗? Shen Nong prepared two pockets, one hanging on the left shoulder, one hanging on the right shoulder, he decided that all delicious on the left side of the bag as food, not delicious but has special effects, then on the right side of the bag As a drug specimen. 神农准备了两只口袋,一只挂在左肩,一只挂在右肩,他决定,凡是好吃的就放在左边的袋子里当作食物,不好吃但有特殊功效的,则放在右边的袋子里当作药物的标本。 In this way, Shen Nong began to taste a hundred herbs for people to cure diseases and eliminate demons. It is said that the first thing he tasted was a small green leaf, and when he ate the small green leaf, he saw that the leaf washed up and down his stomach, cleaning all parts of his stomach, washing it clean and refreshing, very comfortable. Shen Nong was very happy and named this small green leaf "tea," which was the beginning of human consumption of tea. 就这样,神农开始了尝百草为人们治病除魔的试验。据说他最早尝到的是一片鲜嫩的小绿叶,当他将这片小绿叶吃下肚子后,他看到这叶子在自己的肚子里上下来回洗擦,把肚子里的各个部位都来了个大扫除,洗得清清爽爽,十分舒服。神农很高兴,就将这种小绿叶命名为“茶”,这也就是人类食用茶的开始。 One day, Shen Nong picked a light red flower like a butterfly, with leaves like bird feathers, which looked beautiful and smelled like a fragrance. When Shen Nong ate it in his mouth, the grass immediately sent out a burst of sweetness. The grass was named licorice by Shen Nong. 有一天,神农采到了一朵像蝴蝶一样的淡红色小花,叶片像鸟的羽毛,看上去很美,闻起来则有一股清香,神农吃进嘴里,那草立即散发出一阵甜味。这种草被神农命名为甘草。 When Shen Nong tasted the herbs, he often tasted poisonous and harmful herbs. Whenever he saw the poisonous herbs having side effects through his crystal belly, he would immediately swallow a handful of tea leaves to reduce the danger of being poisoned. 在尝百草的过程中,更多时候神农尝到的都是些有毒、有害的草,每当他透过水晶肚子看到这些毒草在起副作用时,就立即吞下一大把茶叶,以减轻中毒的危险。 It is said that in Shen Nong's life, his left pocket was filled with a total of 47,000 kinds of flowers, and his right pocket was as many as 398 thousand kinds, but he was far from tasting all the flowers in the world. The end of Shen Nong's life was also because he tasted a hundred herbs. 据说,在神农的一生中,他左边的口袋共装有花草四万七千种,右边的口袋更是多达三十九万八千种,可还远远没有把天下的花草都尝个遍。神农生命的终结也是因为尝百草。 That day, he saw a small yellow flower like a small camellia, and its leaves opened and closed in the wind. Shen Nong found it interesting and put it into his mouth to eat. However, as soon as this thing entered his stomach, his intestines were immediately disconnected one by one, and Shen Nong died unfortunately. This is called the Resurrection of the Dead. 那天,他看到一朵像是小茶花的黄色小花,叶子在风中一开一合。神农觉得有趣,就采下来放进嘴里吃了。但是,这东西刚进入他的肚子,他的肠子立即一节一节地断开了,神农也因此不幸去世。这种毒草被后人命名为断肠草。 Shen Nong also has a name, called Yan Di. The reason why later generations respected Shennong, in addition to his achievements in tasting hundreds of herbs, but also because he was the inventor of agriculture. 神农还有个名字,叫炎帝。后人之所以尊崇神农,除了他尝百草的功绩外,还在于他是农业的发明者。 After Shen Nong's death, his great achievements made him become a god, and the emperor of heaven gave him a magic whip - as long as he whipped the vegetation of the world, The color of the red whip could be used to determine whether the plant was poisonous or not, and Shen Nong's work continued. 神农死后,他的伟大功绩使得其飞升成神,而天帝也赐他一根神奇的鞭子——只要用鞭子抽打世上的草木,就可以从这根赤色的鞭子所显示出的颜色判断出这种被打的草木是否有毒,而神农的事业也得以继续进行。 |
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