
教育   2025-01-12 21:00   重庆  








Yue Fei was a patriotic military commander of the Southern Song Dynasty and a national hero in resisting the invading Jin people. As a young man, he was diligent and adept in wushu. The story of character-tattooing of his mother is popular among the people. It is said that Wang Zuo, with the alias of Yu Gong, persuaded Yue Fei to surrender and pledge his allegiance to Yang Yao. Yue Fei rejected him in stern terms. Yue Fei's mother was afraid that after her death some unworthy men would still come to tempt her son. If he was lured due to momentary negligence and committed treason, his illustrious name would be destroyed overnight. Therefore, she lighted joss sticks and candles in front of the sacred ancestral temple, wishing to tattoo the characters "serving the motherland with selfless loyalty" on the back of his son. After Yue Fei had worshiped the heaven and earth and his ancestors, his mother wrote the characters with a brush on his back. Then she used an embroidery needle to stab in conformity to the strokes and smeared it with vinegar ink to avoid color fading. This story has become a classic piece of teaching material for the later generations to eulogize patriotism.


岳飞是南宋时期著名军事家, 也是一位抗金英雄。他年轻的时候勤奋好学,练就一身好武艺。《岳母刻字》的故事在民间广为流传。据清代中叶钱彩、金丰所编的《说岳全传》第二十二回记载:王佐化名于工, 劝岳飞投顺杨幺, 被岳飞严词拒绝。岳母怕自己死后再有不肖之徒前来勾引岳飞,倘若岳飞一时失察被惑,做出不忠之事, 英名就会毁于一旦。于是, 岳母在家庙前焚香点烛, 要在岳飞背上刺下“精忠报国”四个字。岳飞拜过天地祖宗后, 岳母先用毛笔在岳飞背上写下“精忠报国”4个字, 然后用绣花针依笔画刺完, 又用醋墨涂了一遍, 以使字迹永不褪色。岳母刺字的故事成为后世爱国主义的经典教材。


1.tattoo  [tæˈtuː]  v.给……刺字

2.patriotic  [ˌpeɪtriˈɑːtɪk]  adj.爱国的

3.adept  [əˈdept , ˈædept]  adj.擅长的

4.alias  [ˈeɪliəs]  n.别名;假名

5.pledge  [pledʒ] v.保证,发誓

6.allegiance  [əˈliːdʒəns]  n.忠诚

7.tempt  [tempt] v.引诱

8.lure  [lʊr] v.诱惑

9.negligence  [ˈneɡlɪdʒəns]  n.玩忽职守

10.committed treason  叛国罪

11.illustrious  [ɪˈlʌstriəs]  adj.杰出的

12.joss stick  [ˈdʒɒstɪk]  n.(烧的)香

13.stab  [stæb]  v.刺;戳

14.stroke  [strəʊk]  n.笔画

15.smear  [smɪə(r)]  v.涂抹

16.eulogize  [ˈjuːlədʒaɪz] 颂扬


北宋时期, 岳飞出生在一个农民家庭。根据传说,当岳飞出生时, 鸟儿在他的家里飞来飞去,所以他的父母给他取名为岳飞。岳飞年轻时立志为国效力。他年轻时习武,反复认真阅读兵法书。经过选拔,岳飞从此开始了他的军旅生活。这是他第一次参军。他表现出色,带兵、抓捣乱分子。同年, 岳飞的父亲岳赫去世。他离开部队,赶回家为父亲守孝。不久之后,他的家乡遭受了洪水,岳飞再次参军谋生。这是他第二次当兵。两年后,国家被入侵,岳飞再次参军。临走前,他的母亲在岳飞的背上纹了纹身,希望他能永远记住自己保卫国家的决心。1127年,岳飞不满政府的避战南迁建议。他上书朝廷,提出建议。但结果,岳飞被免职,仍然没有放弃。他建立了一支军队--岳家军。在接下来的六年里,他三次北上收复失地。1141年,金国无力击败南宋,准备与南宋王朝交好。政府开始镇压主张战争的将军,尤其是岳飞。岳飞被坏人诬告,被撤职。秦桧贿赂岳飞的部下,又诬告他们。岳飞被捕了,他宁死也不投降。谈判结束后,岳飞也没有获释。1142年1月27日,岳飞被皇帝下令处死,并在监狱中结束了他的生命。
During the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei was born into a farmer's family. According to legend, when Yue Fei was born, birds flew around his home, so his parents named him Yue Fei. Yue Fei aspired to serve his country when he was young. He practiced martial arts in his youth and read carefully over and over again the book on the art of war. After selection, Yue Fei began his military life from then on. This is his first time joining the army. He performed excellently, leading the soldiers and capturing the troublemakers. In the same year, Yue Fei's father Yue He passed away. He left the army and rushed home to observe filial piety for his father. Not long after, his hometown suffered from floods, and Yue Fei joined the army again to make a living. This is his second time becoming a soldier. Two years later, the country was invaded and Yue Fei joined the army again. Before leaving, his mother tattooed Yue Fei's back, hoping that he would always remember his determination to defend the country. In 1127,Yue Fei was dissatisfied with the government's proposal to avoid war and migrate southward.He submitted a letter to the court proposing suggestions. But as a result, Yue Fei was dismissed from his official position and still did not give up. He established an army- the Yue Family Army. In the following six years, he went north three times to recover lost ground. In 1141, the Jin State, unable to defeat the Southern Song Dynasty, prepared to get alone with the Southern Song Dynasty. The government began to suppress generals who advocated war,especially Yue Fei. Yue Fei was falsely accused by bad people and dismissed from his official position. Qin Hui bribed Yue Fei's subordinates and falsely accused them again. Yue Fei was arrested, he would rather die than surrender. After the negotiation was completed, Yue Fei was not released either. On January 27,1142, Yue Fei was ordered to be killed by the emperor and his life ended in prison.








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