
文摘   2024-07-31 18:37   江西  

 * 讲座面向大众免费开放


Cangran Qi House: from a leaf of glass...

讲座时间/Lecture time


Sat. 19:00 , Aug. 3rd, 2024

讲座地点/Lecture location


Taoxichuan Glass Studio

Hot Glass Performance Hall


中文 CN

英语 ENG



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Taoxichuan Art Centre Lecture This issue invites the artist - Peng Yi . On 3rd August 2024, Saturday evening at 19:00, she will present a lecture entitled "Cangran Qi House: from a leaf of glass..." at Taoxicuan Glass Studio - Hot Glass Performance Hall.


In this lecture Peng Yi will share how she became involved with glass and share her glass course at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. She will analyse the current situation of the innovative exploration and development of glass, and share the opportunities and challenges she has encountered on her glass path.


This lecture is intended to be an open and interactive sharing session, where audience are encouraged to ask questions and engage at any point.


天津美术学院副教授,英国桑德兰大学玻璃艺术博士,主要研究传统灯工玻璃与现代灯工工艺结合与再创作。博士课题:“跨文化灯工玻璃艺术-在东西方文化背景影响下创意性运用灯工玻璃工艺到当代玻璃艺术中”。作品曾参加国内外玻璃艺术展览,两次入选英国玻璃艺术双年展,国际北部印刷双年展,第十三届全国美术作品展览,国家博物馆工艺美术作品邀请展等,同时作品被德国Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung基金会,醴陵瓷谷美术馆,中国国家大剧院,青岛市美术馆收藏。担任2020年国家艺术基金人才培养项目"传统灯工玻璃创新人才培养项目"项目负责人,同时主持完成天津美术学院创新能力引导发展项目“玻璃创意礼品创新创业课程”,“十三五”综合投资项目“英国桑德兰大学 Jeffrey Sarminento博士玻璃丝网印教学”,以及参与国家级一流专业建设,国家级一流本科课程“创作构想研究”,天津市教委社会科学重大项目“基于大数据的陶瓷窑变文创产品研发与应用研究”,天津市高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革研究计划“基于国家文化战略的工艺美术特色人才培养模式研究与实践”等。


Her experience in the UK has given Peng Yi a deeper understanding of multiculturalism, and the impact of Eastern and Western culture has inspired her creativity. Especially under the influence of another educational culture instead, she has a new understanding and reflection of traditional Chinese culture, and has rethought the inner meaning behind the cultural symbols and personal identity perception. Whether it is the Coke teapot series, the abacus series or the deconstruction series, they are all exploring the mutual collision between different cultural backgrounds and glass art.


The source of inspiration for Peng Yi is different in each period. In the early days, when she was in the UK, the impact of multiculturalism would affect her creations, but after she returned to China, she has been more concerned with the expression of her personal feelings, focusing on exploring the characteristics of the lampworking glass material itself, and appropriately applying the unique charm of the glass craft material to express her personal feelings. For example, in her new work ‘Missing’ series, glass is pulled into hair-like filaments at high temperatures to express the fragile and long-lasting longing for her loved ones.

