陶溪川艺术中心|艺术家讲座—駒井正人 :相聚美浓,从这里开始—多治见市陶瓷器意匠研究所人才培养项目

文摘   2025-01-20 18:31   江西  

 * 讲座面向大众免费开放


To mino, from mino -  Human Resource Development Project of Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center

讲座时间/Lecture time


Wed. 19:30 , Jan. 22th, 2025

讲座地点/Lecture location


Taoxichuan S3 Multi-media Room

 (2nd floor)


日语 JP

英语 ENG



Please scan the QR code


Taoxichuan Art Centre Lecture will invite the artist - Komai Masato. On 22th January 2025, Wednesday at 19:30, he will present a lecture entitled "To mino, from mino -  Human Resource Development Project of Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center" at Taoxichuan S3 Multi-media Room (2nd floor).


Tajimi city pottery design and technical center (ishoken) was established in October 1959, transferring operations from the Minoyaki Overglaze and Enamel Decoration Research  Center.  Since  the  first  students  mastering  the  Ishoken  training  program graduated in March 1960, more than 1,000 young people have graduated and have been active as ceramists or designers.


Tajimi city forms the greatest ceramics producing district in Japan with neighboring cities, Toki, Mizunami and Kani. This district is called MINO and the pottery produced in this area is called "Minoyaki" or MINO ware, which ranges from tableware, tiles for architects, to tea bowls for tea ceremonies, which are represented by "Sino Ware" and "Oribe Ware". Mino pottery industry has continued over 1300 years to the present day. In this lecture, we will introduce you to Ishoken in Mino.


This lecture is intended to be an open and interactive sharing session, where audience are encouraged to ask questions and engage at any point.


Komai Masato

1980 出生于日本山梨

2003 取得早稻田大学商学学士学位、日本东京

2005 2005 就读于多治见市陶瓷器意匠研究所(ishoken)

2024 获得爱知艺术大学美术博士学位,日本爱知

1980 Born in Yamanashi, Japan

2003 Bachelor of Business and Commerce, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

2005 Studied at Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center (ishoken)

2024 Doctor of Fine Arts, Aichi University of the  Arts, Aichi, Japan


2017 《“国际陶瓷节美浓”历史 1986-2014》 / 岐阜现代陶艺博物馆,ishoken画廊第03期駒井正人展/岐阜ishoken画廊

2016 《当代陶艺,指南》 / 茨城县陶艺博物馆,茨城

2015 《真色共鸣:东亚传统工艺》 / 京畿陶瓷博物馆,韩国

第6届菊池双年展 / 东京Tomo博物馆

2011 获得第9届美浓国际陶艺大赛“大奖”,岐阜

2010 个人展览 / 三重县MEGURO TOGEIKAN画廊,日本



The following text is sourced from Harumi Nakajima, Director of the Tajimi city pottery design and technical center (ishoken)

Masato Komai一直做的是注浆陶瓷,并通过他出色的技术创作出外观整洁的作品。这些陶瓷的生产注重细节,每一处都精准无误,成品精度极高,给观众更好的感官感受。

Masato Komai has been making grouted ceramics and through his excellent technique he creates neat looking pieces. These ceramics are produced with attention to detail and precision in every area, and the finished product is extremely accurate, giving the viewer a better sensory experience.

他的作品建立并确认了一种美感,这种美感类似于日本文化中培养的日本人类精神的状态。他内在的“自我”,可以与他人产生摩擦,是一把朝向自己的利刃。并有一个精确的顺序,但在它背后,也感受到一种想要打破秩序的 “对前卫表达的渴望”。它以一种与它们对抗的方式面对美丽和功能。

His work establishes and confirms a sense of beauty that resembles the state of the Japanese human spirit cultivated in Japanese culture. His inner ‘ego’, which can create friction with others, is a sharp blade directed towards himself. And there is a precise order to it, but behind it, a ‘desire for avant-garde expression’ that wants to break the order is also felt. It confronts beauty and functionality in a way that confronts them.
