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[本文是对 Gödel 1947 的修订和扩展版本。1947 和 1964 的导言见第 154 页,紧接在 1947 之前。]

1. 基数概念

当然,这个问题只有在“数”的概念被扩展到无限集合之后才会出现;因此,有人可能会质疑这种扩展是否能够以一种唯一确定的方式实现,从而怀疑以上述简单术语表述问题是否合理。然而,进一步的检查表明,康托关于无限数的定义确实具有这种唯一性。无论“数”在应用于无限集合时意味着什么,我们都希望它具有这样一种性质,即属于某个类的对象数量在这些对象保持不变的情况下,不会因其属性或相互关系(例如颜色或空间分布)的任何变化而改变。然而,这一点立即推导出这样一个事实:两个集合(至少是空间-时间世界中可变对象的两个集合)如果它们的元素可以建立一一对应关系,那么它们将具有相同的基数,这是康托对数之间相等性的定义。因为,如果对两个集合 存在这样一种对应关系,那么就可以(至少在理论上)改变 中每个元素的属性和关系,使之成为与 中对应元素的属性和关系相同的集合,从而将 转化为一个与 完全无法区分的集合,因此它们具有相同的基数。
因此,几乎别无选择,只能接受康托关于数之间相等性的定义。这一定义可以很容易地扩展到无限数的“更大”和“更小”的定义,即通过规定集合 的基数 小于集合 的基数 ,当且仅当 不等于 且等于 的某个子集的基数时,来定义“更小”。
这个定理使得可以标记那些紧随有限数集之后的基数为 (即“可数无限”集合的基数),接下来的是 等等;紧接着 (其中 是一个整数)的是 ,然后是 ,等等。序数理论提供了将这个序列进一步扩展的方法。
2. 连续统问题、连续统假设及其已获得的部分真理结果
对“多少”一词的分析明确地为本文第二行中陈述的问题赋予了确切的意义:这个问题是要找出,哪一个 是直线(或与此相同的任何其他连续统,包括任意维度的连续统)中的点的数量。康托在证明了这一数量大于 之后,猜测它是 。一个等价的命题是:任何连续统的无限子集的势要么等于整数集的势,要么等于整个连续统的势。这就是康托的连续统假设。
如果将该问题与基数算术的一般问题联系起来考察,这种显著的失败显得更加突出。很容易证明,连续统的势等于2^ 。因此,连续统问题实质上是一个关于基数“乘法表”的问题,即某个无限积(实际上是可以构成的最简单的非平凡积)的求值问题。然而,对于某些无限积(因子 > 1),甚至无法为其值分配一个上界。对于无限积的计算,目前所知的内容仅限于康托和柯尼希的两个下界(后者暗含了前述关于连续统势的否定性定理),以及一些关于将不同因子的积化简为幂的定理,以及将幂化简为具有更小底数或指数的幂的定理。这些定理将计算无限积的整个问题简化为对 的评估以及某些基数算术基本运算的执行,例如确定它们的序列极限。如果假设“广义连续统假设”成立,即假设 对所有 成立,或者换句话说,假设一个具有 势的集合的子集数量是 ,则所有乘积和幂都可以很容易地计算。但如果不做任何未证实的假设,甚至不能确定 是否暗含 (尽管显然暗含 ),也不能确定 是否成立。
3. 基于集合论基础的分析及其获得的结果对问题的重新表述
首先是布劳威尔的直觉主义,其结果完全具有破坏性。所有大于 理论被视为无意义。康托的猜想本身得到了几个不同的解释,所有这些解释虽然本身非常有趣,但却与原始问题的解答非常不同,既包括肯定的,也包括否定的结论。然而,该领域的许多问题仍未充分澄清。沿着庞加莱和魏尔提出的“半直觉主义”立场,几乎无法保留集合论的更多部分。
首先,集合论的公理绝非形成了一个自闭的系统,相反,“集合”这一概念本身表明可以通过新公理扩展,后者断言操作“集合的集合”的进一步迭代的存在。这些公理也可以表述为断言非常大的基数(即具有这些基数的集合)存在的命题。这些强“无穷公理”中最简单的一条断言了不可到达数(弱或强意义上)> ℵ₀ 的存在。粗略来说,后者的意义仅在于通过其他公理中表达的集合形成程序所能获得的所有集合的总和再次形成一个集合(因此成为进一步应用这些程序的新基础)。其他无限公理首先由 P. Mahlo 提出。这些公理清晰地表明了当代使用的集合论系统是不完备的,但可以通过新的公理进行补充,而这些公理并不随意,这些新公理仅仅展示上面所说明的集合概念的内容。
可以证明,这些公理的影响远远超出非常大的超限数的领域(这是其直接研究对象):在假设其一致性的前提下,每个公理都可以证明增加了可判定命题的数量,甚至在丢番图方程领域中也是如此。至于连续统问题,通过基于马洛原则(Mahlo’s principles)建立的那些无穷公理解决它的希望非常渺茫(上述对连续统假设不可否证性的证明适用于所有这些公理,没有任何改变)。但也存在基于不同原则的其他公理(见脚注 20);此外,除了通常的公理、无穷公理和脚注 18 中提到的公理之外,还可能存在其他(迄今未知的)集合论公理,通过对逻辑和数学基础概念的更深刻理解,这些公理能够使我们认识到它们是由这些概念蕴含的(例如,见脚注 23)。
4. 关于问题的一些观察:
这一推测的后半部分已经得到了验证;即脚注21中提到的可定义性概念(其本身在公理集合论中是可定义的)使得在公理集合论中能够从每个集合在这种意义上是可定义的公理中推导出广义连续统假设。由于这一公理(我们称之为“A”)在假设其他公理一致性的前提下,可以证明它与其他公理是一致的,这一结果(无论对可定义性的哲学立场如何)表明,如果这些公理本身是一致的,则连续统假设与集合论的公理是一致的。 此证明的结构类似于通过欧几里得几何内的一个模型证明非欧几里得几何的一致性。也就是说,这一结果来源于集合论的公理,即上述意义上可定义的集合形成了一个模型,在这个模型中,命题 A 以及广义连续统假设都成立。
第二个支持连续统问题在现有公理基础上不可解的论据基于一些事实(这些事实在康托的时代尚未知晓),这些事实似乎表明康托的猜想可能是错误的, 然而,另一方面,今天假设的公理却证明不可能推翻这一猜想。
(1) 在每个完备集合上属于第一类别,
(2) 通过每个连续的一一映射将直线映射到自身时被映射为零集。
类似性质的另一种属性是可以被任何给定长度的无限多个区间覆盖。但在这种情况下,人们甚至尚未成功证明不可数例子的存在。然而,根据连续统假设,可以得出,在所有三种情况下,不仅存在具有连续统势的例子, 而且还存在这样一些例子,这些例子通过直线的每次平移都映射到自身(最多至可数多个点)。
(1) 一条直线的连续统势的子集,这些子集被每个稠密区间集覆盖(最多至可数多个点);
(2) 希尔伯特空间中的无限维子集,其中不包含不可数的有限维子集(根据门格尔-乌里松的定义);
(3) 一个无限序列 ,将任意连续统势的集合 分解为互不相交的连续统多子集 ,使得无论如何选择每个 的集合 ,都满足是可数的。 即使“连续统势”被替换为“”,(1) 和 (3) 仍然非常难以令人信服。
可以说,不使用连续统假设的点集理论中获得的许多结果也非常出人意料且难以置信。 但是,即使如此,这里的情况仍有所不同,因为在大多数此类实例中(例如,皮亚诺曲线),相反的表象可以通过我们的直观几何概念与定理中出现的集合论概念之间缺乏一致性来解释。此外,与许多隐含否定连续统假设的合理命题相比,没有一个已知的合理命题可以隐含连续统假设。我相信,将上述所有内容综合考虑,有充分理由怀疑连续统问题在集合论中的作用,将导致发现新的公理,使得推翻康托猜想成为可能。
定义 4–15 涉及直线的子集,但可以直接推广到任意维数的欧几里得空间的子集,前提是“区间”被定义为“平行六面体的内部”。
  1. 我将基数 共尾数(缩写为“”)定义为满足 个小于 的数之和的最小数

  2. 如果 ,则基数 正则基数,否则为奇异基数。

  3. 如果无限基数 是正则基数,且没有紧邻前驱(即,尽管它是小于 的数的极限,但不是少于 这样数的极限),则称 不可达基数;如果少于 的数的每个积(因此也包括每个和)都小于 ,则称其为 强不可达基数

根据广义连续统假设,这两个概念是等价的。显然, 是不可达的,并且也是强不可达的。对于有限数,只有 0 和 2 是强不可达的。一个适用于有限数的不可达性的定义如下:若满足以下条件,则称 是不可达的:
(1) 少于 的任何数之和仍小于
(2) 小于 的数的数量为 。对于超限数,
这一定义与上述定义一致,而对于有限数,这一定义表明只有 0、1、2 是不可达的。因此,对于有限数来说,不可达性和强不可达性并不等价。这使得广义连续统假设中关于超限数的等价性受到了一些质疑。
  1. 如果每个区间与集合中的某个区间有公共点,则称该区间集合是稠密的。(区间的端点不视为区间的点。)

  2. 零集是可以被具有任意小长度总和的无限多个区间覆盖的集合。

  3. 点的邻域是包含 的一个区间。

  4. 如果 中的每个点的任意邻域都包含 的点,则称 稠密子集

  5. 如果 点有一个不包含 中任何点的邻域,则称 外部

  6. 如果 中属于 外部的点在 中是稠密的,或者(等价地)如果没有区间 使得 中是稠密的,则称 中的稀疏集

  7. 如果 中的无数个稀疏集的并集,则称 中的第一类集

  8. 如果交集 中的第一类集,则称 上的第一类集

  9. 如果 的任意邻域都包含 的无限多个点,则称 极限点

  10. 如果一个集合 包含其所有极限点,则称其为闭集

  11. 如果一个集合是闭的且没有孤立点(即没有邻域只包含该点而不包含集合中的其他点),则称其为完美集

  12. Borel 集被定义为满足以下公理的最小集合系统:

    1. 闭集是 Borel 集。

    2. Borel 集的补集是 Borel 集。

    3. 可数多个 Borel 集的并集是 Borel 集。

  13. 如果一个集合是某个更高维空间的 Borel 集的正交投影,则称其为解析集。(因此,所有 Borel 集当然是解析的。)

哥德尔 1964 - 第二版补充
  1. A. 哈伊纳尔(A. Hajnal)证明了,如果 ,那么可以从集合论的公理中推导出 。这一令人惊讶的结果可能极大地促进连续统问题的解决,假如康托的连续统假设可以从集合论的公理中被证明。然而,这种情况可能并不存在。

  2. 关于康托假设的一些新的推论及等价命题可以在W. 西尔宾斯基(W. Sierpiński)新版本的书中找到。 在第一版中,已证明连续统假设等价于以下命题:欧几里得平面是可数多个“广义曲线”的总和(其中广义曲线是通过某些笛卡尔坐标系中的方程 可定义的点集)。在第二版中指出,欧几里得平面可以被证明为少于连续统数量的广义曲线之和,前提是假设连续统的幂不是一个不可达数。如果能够证明此定理的逆命题,则可能会对假设 最小的不可达数 提供一些合理性。然而,对于这种推断应极为谨慎, 因为在这种情况下(如同皮亚诺“曲线”),其悖论性表象至少部分是由于将几何直观中的曲线概念转移到了仅具有部分曲线特性的事物上。需要注意的是,第267页中提到的连续统假设的反直观后果中并不涉及此类情况。

  3. C. 库拉托夫斯基(C. Kuratowski)提出了连续统假设的一个加强版, 其一致性可以从第4节提到的一致性证明中得到。他随后从这一新假设中得出各种推论。

  4. 最近几年关于无穷公理的新结果非常有趣(见脚注20和16)。

具体来说,后者(但不是前者)有一个可以在原始(未扩展)系统中被定义并被证明为模型的模型。这意味着前者在更强的意义上是一种扩展。一个密切相关的事实是,该公理的断言(而非否定)能够推导出关于整数的新定理(这些定理的个别实例可以通过计算得到验证)。因此,关于真理的标准(见第264页的说明)在某种程度上适用于该断言,但不适用于否定。简言之,只有断言能产生“富有成果的”扩展,而否定在其自身非常有限的领域之外是无效的。广义连续统假设同样可以被证明在数论中是无效的,但在可构造的原始系统模型中为真,而对于某些关于 幂的假设,情况可能并非如此。另一方面,这种不对称性不适用于欧几里得的第五公设。更准确地说,欧几里得第五公设及其否定在较弱意义上都是扩展。
需要注意的是,数学直觉并不需要被理解为一种直接给予所涉及对象知识的能力。相反,它似乎与物理经验的情况类似,我们基于某种立即给予的“其他东西”来形成这些对象的观念。然而,这里所说的“其他东西”并不是,或者主要不是,感官。这种独立于感官的“其他东西”实际上被立即给予,这可以从这样一个事实得出:即使是我们关于物理对象的观念,也包含与感官或感官组合完全不同的构成要素,例如,关于对象本身的观念;而另一方面,通过思维,我们无法创造出任何性质上新的元素,只能重现并组合那些已给予的东西。显然,数学的“给予”基础与包含在我们经验观念中的抽象元素密切相关。 然而,这绝不意味着这一类别的数据是纯粹主观的,因为它们不能与某些事物对我们感官的作用联系起来。相反,它们也可能代表客观现实的一个方面,但与感官不同,它们在我们内部的存在可能是由于我们与现实之间的另一种关系。
[1966年9月修订附录:在本论文第二版[1964]手稿完成后不久,关于康托连续统假设是否可从冯·诺依曼-伯奈斯集合论公理(包括选择公理)中决定的问题,被保罗·J·科恩以否定的形式解决。他的证明概要已分别发表在1963年和1964年。结果表明,对于通过通常方式定义且不被柯尼希定理(见第260页)排除的所有 等式是一致的,并且在弱意义上是扩展的(即它不蕴含新的数论定理)。至于这一结果是否对所有不被柯尼希定理排除的可定义成立仍是一个未解的问题。一个肯定的答案将需要解决一个困难问题,即使标准定义的概念或某种更广义的概念变得精确。科恩的工作毫无疑问地标志着自集合论公理化以来集合论基础的最伟大进步之一,并已被用来解决若干其他重要的独立性问题。特别是,这似乎表明,脚注20中提到的无穷公理,在迄今为止被精确表述的范围内,并不足以回答康托连续统假设的真伪问题。


证明这一定理需要选择公理(参见 Fraenkel 和 Bar-Hillel 1958)。但可以说,这一公理,从几乎所有可能的观点来看,与集合论的其他公理一样是有充分依据的。只要假定这些其他公理是一致的,它们的一致性就已经被证明(参见我的 1940)。此外,可以定义任何满足其他公理的系统中的对象,使其满足这些公理和选择公理的系统。最后,选择公理的显然性与用于“纯粹”集合概念的其他集合论公理一样明显(见脚注14所解释的内容)。
参见《Hausdorff 1914》,第68页,或《Bachmann 1955》,第167页。发现这一定理的 J. König 所宣称的内容超过了他实际证明的内容(参见其 1905 年的论文)。
参见《Hausdorff 1935》,第32页。即使是解析集的补集,目前该问题仍未解决,只能证明它们要么具有 的势,要么具有 的势,要么具有连续统的势,要么是有限的(参见《Kuratowski 1933》,第246页)。
参见《Sierpiński 1934》和 1956 年的著作。
对于规则基数 ,可立即得到:
 = .
参见布劳威尔 1909。
参见布劳威尔 1907,I,9;III,2。
参见魏尔 1932。如果对第4节中提到的集合论模型中连续统假设成立的实数,按照那里描述的集合构造程序(第20页)进行足够大的(超限的)迭代,则可以得到该模型的实数。但在半直觉主义立场的限制下,这种迭代是不可能的。
必须承认,现代抽象数学学科(特别是范畴论)的精神超越了这种集合的概念,例如,通过范畴的自适用性(参见 Mac Lane 1961)可以明显看出。然而,如果区分不同层次的范畴,这种解释并不会损失理论中的数学内容。如果存在数学上有趣的证明,而这些证明在这种解释下无法成立,那么集合论的悖论将成为数学的一个严重问题。
参见如 Bernays 1937、1941、1942、1943,冯·诺伊曼 1925;亦参见冯·诺伊曼 1928a 和 1929,哥德尔 1940,Bernays 和 Fraenkel 1958。通过包含非常强的无限公理,最近已经实现了更加优雅的公理化。
参见 Zermelo 1930。
修订的1966年9月注释:参见 Mahlo 1911, pp. 190–200 和 1913, pp. 269–276。尽管 Mahlo 提出的数字实际上是否存在尚不明确,但近年来在无限公理领域取得了显著进展。特别地,已经提出了一些公理化程度极高的全新无限性公理(见 Keisler and Tarski 1964 及其中的材料)。Dana Scott (1961) 证明了这些公理之一暗含非构造性集合的存在。这些公理以与 Mahlo 定义的集合相同的意义,由集合的普遍概念所引导。
D. Hilbert关于解决连续统问题的程序(参见他1926年的文章),虽然从未完成,但也基于对所有实数定义的考虑。
这种倾向的观点也由 N. Luzin 在他的《1935》中的第 129 页及以下表达。另见 Sierpiński 《1935》。
参见 Sierpiński 《1934a》和 Kuratowski 《1933》,第 269 页及以下。
参见 Luzin 和 Sierpiński 《1918》以及 Sierpiński 《1934a》。
关于第三种情况,请参见 Sierpiński 《1934》,第 39 页,定理 1。
参见 Sierpiński 《1935a》。
见Luzin 1914,第1259页
参见,例如,Blumenthal 1940。

What is Cantor’s continuum problem?

Kurt Gödel

[This article is a revised and expanded version of Gödel 1947. The introductory note to both 1947 and 1964 is found on page 154, immediately preceding 1947.]

1. The concept of cardinal number

Cantor’s continuum problem is simply the question: How many points are there on a straight line in Euclidean space? An equivalent question is: How many different sets of integers do there exist?

This question, of course, could arise only after the concept of “number” had been extended to infinite sets; hence it might be doubted if this extension can be effected in a uniquely determined manner and if, therefore, the statement of the problem in the simple terms used above is justified. Closer examination, however, shows that Cantor’s definition of infinite numbers really has this character of uniqueness. For whatever “number” as applied to infinite sets may mean, we certainly want it to have the property that the number of objects belonging to some class does not change if, leaving the objects the same, one changes in any way whatsoever their properties or mutual relations (e.g., their colors or their distribution in space). From this, however, it follows at once that two sets (at least two sets of changeable objects of the space-time world) will have the same cardinal number if their elements can be brought into a one-to-one correspondence, which is Cantor’s definition of equality between numbers. For if there exists such a correspondence for two sets A and B it is possible (at least theoretically) to change the properties and relations of each element of A into those of the corresponding element of B, whereby A is transformed into a set completely indistinguishable from B, hence of the same cardinal number.

For example, assuming a square and a line segment both completely filled with mass points (so that at each point of them exactly one mass point is situated), it follows, owing to the demonstrable fact that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the points of a square and of a line segment and, therefore, also between the corresponding mass points, that the mass points of the square can be so rearranged as exactly to fill out the line segment, and vice versa. Such considerations, it is true, apply directly only to physical objects, but a definition of the concept of “number” which would depend on the kind of objects that are numbered could hardly be considered to be satisfactory.

So there is hardly any choice left but to accept Cantor's definition of equality between numbers, which can easily be extended to a definition of "greater" and "less" for infinite numbers by stipulating that the cardinal number of a set is to be called less than the cardinal number of a set if is different from but equal to the cardinal number of some subset of . That a cardinal number having a certain property exists is defined to mean that a set of such a cardinal number exists. On the basis of these definitions, it becomes possible to prove that there exist infinitely many different infinite cardinal numbers or "powers", and that, in particular, the number of subsets of a set is always greater than the number of its elements; furthermore, it becomes possible to extend (again without any arbitrariness) the arithmetical operations to infinite numbers (including sums and products with any infinite number of terms or factors) and to prove practically all ordinary rules of computation.

But, even after that, the problem of identifying the cardinal number of an individual set, such as the linear continuum, would not be well-defined if there did not exist some systematic representation of the infinite cardinal numbers, comparable to the decimal notation of the integers. Such a systematic representation, however, does exist, owing to the theorem that for each cardinal number and each set of cardinal numbers there exists exactly one cardinal number immediately succeeding in magnitude and that the cardinal number of every set occurs in the series thus obtained.

This theorem makes it possible to denote the cardinal number immediately succeeding the set of finite numbers by (which is the power of the "denumerably infinite" sets), the next one by , etc.; the one immediately succeeding all (where is an integer) by , the next one by , etc. The theory of ordinal numbers provides the means for extending this series further and further.

2. The continuum problem, the continuum hypothesis, and the partial results concerning its truth obtained so far

So the analysis of the phrase "how many" unambiguously leads to a definite meaning for the question stated in the second line of this paper: The problem is to find out which one of the 's is the number of points of a straight line or (which is the same) of any other continuum (of any number of dimensions) in a Euclidean space. Cantor, after having proved that this number is greater than , conjectured that it is . An equivalent proposition is this: Any infinite subset of the continuum has the power either of the set of integers or of the whole continuum. This is Cantor's continuum hypothesis.

But, although Cantor's set theory now has had a development of more than seventy years and the problem evidently is of great importance for it, nothing has been proved so far about the question what the power of the continuum is or whether its subsets satisfy the condition just stated, except (1) that the power of the continuum is not a cardinal number of a certain special kind, namely, not a limit of denumerably many smaller cardinal numbers, and (2) that the proposition just mentioned about the subsets of the continuum is true for a certain infinitesimal fraction of these subsets, the analytic sets. Not even an upper bound, however large, can be assigned for the power of the continuum. Nor is the quality of the cardinal number of the continuum known any better than its quantity. It is undecided whether this number is regular or singular, accessible or inaccessible, and (except for König's negative result) what its character of cofinality is. The only thing that is known, in addition to the results just mentioned, is a great number of consequences of, and some propositions equivalent to, Cantor's conjecture.

This pronounced failure becomes still more striking if the problem is considered in its connection with general questions of cardinal arithmetic. It is easily proved that the power of the continuum is equal to . So the continuum problem turns out to be a question from the "multiplication table" of cardinal numbers, namely, the problem of evaluating a certain infinite product (in fact the simplest non-trivial one that can be formed). There is, however, not one infinite product (of factors > 1) for which so much as an upper bound for its value can be assigned. All one knows about the evaluation of infinite products are two lower bounds due to Cantor and König (the latter of which implies the aforementioned negative theorem on the power of the continuum), and some theorems concerning the reduction of products with different factors to exponentiations and of exponentiations to exponentiations with smaller bases or exponents. These theorems reduce the whole problem of computing infinite products to the evaluation of and the performance of certain fundamental operations on ordinal numbers, such as determining the limit of a series of them. All products and powers can easily be computed if the "generalized continuum hypothesis" is assumed, i.e., if it is assumed that for every , or, in other terms, that the number of subsets of a set of power is . But, without making any undemonstrated assumption, it is not even known whether or not implies (although it is trivial that it implies ), nor even whether .

3. Restatement of the problem on the basis of an analysis of the foundations of set theory and results obtained along these lines

This scarcity of results, even as to the most fundamental questions in this field, to some extent may be due to purely mathematical difficulties; it seems, however (see Section 4), that there are also deeper reasons involved and that a complete solution of these problems can be obtained only by a more profound analysis (than mathematics is accustomed to giving) of the meanings of the terms occurring in them (such as "set," "one-to-one correspondence," etc.) and of the axioms underlying their use. Several such analyses have already been proposed. Let us see then what they give for our problem.

First of all, there is Brouwer's intuitionism, which is utterly destructive in its results. The whole theory of the 's greater than is rejected as meaningless. Cantor's conjecture itself receives several different meanings, all of which, though very interesting in themselves, are quite different from the original problem. They lead partly to affirmative, partly to negative answers. Not everything in this field, however, has been sufficiently clarified. The "semi-intuitionistic" standpoint along the lines of H. Poincaré and H. Weyl would hardly preserve substantially more of set theory.

However, this negative attitude toward Cantor's set theory, and toward classical mathematics, of which it is a natural generalization, is by no means a necessary outcome of a closer examination of their foundations, but only the result of a certain philosophical conception of the nature of mathematics, which admits mathematical objects only to the extent to which they are interpretable as our own constructions or, at least, can be completely given in mathematical intuition. For someone who considers mathematical objects to exist independently of our constructions and of our having an intuition of them individually, and who requires only that the general mathematical concepts must be sufficiently clear for us to be able to recognize their soundness and the truth of the axioms concerning them, there exists, I believe, a satisfactory foundation of Cantor's set theory in its whole original extent and meaning, namely, axiomatics of set theory interpreted in the way sketched below.

It might seem at first that the set-theoretical paradoxes would doom to failure such an undertaking, but closer examination shows that they cause no trouble at all. They are a very serious problem, not for mathematics, however, but rather for logic and epistemology. As far as sets occur in mathematics (at least in the mathematics of today, including all of Cantor's set theory), they are sets of integers, or of rational numbers (i.e., of pairs of integers), or of real numbers (i.e., of sets of rational numbers), or of functions of real numbers (i.e., of sets of pairs of real numbers), etc. When theorems about all sets (or the existence of sets in general) are asserted, they can always be interpreted without any difficulty to mean that they hold for sets of integers as well as for sets of sets of integers, etc. (respectively, that there either exist sets of integers, or sets of sets of integers, or ... etc., which have the asserted property). This concept of set, howevere, according to which a set is something obtainable from the integers (or some other well-defined objects) by iterated application of the operation “set of,” not something obtained by dividing the totality of all existing things into two categories, has never led to any antinomy whatsoever; that is, the perfectly “naïve” and uncritical working with this concept of set has so far proved completely selfconsistent.

Furthermore, the axioms underlying the unrestricted use of this concept of set or, at least, a subset of them which suffices for all mathematical proofs devised up to now (except for theorems depending on the existence of extremely large cardinal numbers, see footnote 20), have been formulated so precisely in axiomatic set theory that the question of whether some given proposition follows from them can be transformed, by means of mathematical logic, into a purely combinatorial problem concerning the manipulation of symbols which even the most radical intuitionist must acknowledge as meaningful. So Cantor’s continuum problem, no matter what philosophical standpoint is taken, undeniably retains at least this meaning: to find out whether an answer, and if so which answer, can be derived from the axioms of set theory as formulated in the systems cited.

Of course, if it is interpreted in this way, there are (assuming the consistency of the axioms) a priori three possibilities for Cantor’s conjecture: It may be demonstrable, disprovable, or undecidable. The third alternative (which is only a precise formulation of the foregoing conjecture, that the difficulties of the problem are probably not purely mathematical) is the most likely. To seek a proof for it is, at present, perhaps the most promising way of attacking the problem. One result along these lines has been obtained already, namely, that Cantor’s conjecture is not disprovable from the axioms of set theory, provided that these axioms are consistent (see Section 4).

It is to be noted, however, that on the basis of the point of view here adopted, a proof of the undecidability of Cantor’s conjecture from the accepted axioms of set theory (in contradistinction, e.g., to the proof of the transcendency of π) would by no means solve the problem. For if the meanings of the primitive terms of set theory as explained on page 262 and in footnote 14 are accepted as sound, it follows that the set-theoretical concepts and theorems describe some well-determined reality, in which Cantor’s conjecture must be either true or false. Hence its undecidability from the axioms being assumed today can only mean that these axioms do not contain a complete description of that reality. Such a belief is by no means chimerical, since it is possible to point out ways in which the decision of a question, which is undecidable from the usual axioms, might nevertheless be obtained.

First of all the axioms of set theory by no means form a system closed in itself, but, quite on the contrary, the very concept of set suggests their extension by new axioms which assert the existence of still further iterations of the operation “set of”. These axioms can be formulated also as propositions asserting the existence of very great cardinal numbers (i.e., of sets having these cardinal numbers). The simplest of these strong “axioms of infinity” asserts the existence of inaccessible numbers (in the weaker or stronger sense) > ℵ₀. The latter axiom, roughly speaking, means nothing else but that the totality of sets obtainable by use of the procedures of formation of sets expressed in the other axioms forms again a set (and, therefore, a new basis for further applications of these procedures). Other axioms of infinity have first been formulated by P. Mahlo. These axioms show clearly, not only that the axiomatic system of set theory as used today is incomplete, but also that it can be supplemented without arbitrariness by new axioms which only unfold the content of the concept of set explained above.

It can be proved that these axioms also have consequences far outside the domain of very great transfinite numbers, which is their immediate subject matter: each of them, under the assumption of its consistency, can be shown to increase the number of decidable propositions even in the field of Diophantine equations. As for the continuum problem, there is little hope of solving it by means of those axioms of infinity which can be set up on the basis of Mahlo’s principles (the aforementioned proof for the undisprovability of the continuum hypothesis goes through for all of them without any change). But there exist others based on different principles (see footnote 20); also there may exist, besides the usual axioms, the axioms of infinity, and the axioms mentioned in footnote 18, other (hitherto unknown) axioms of set theory which a more profound understanding of the concepts underlying logic and mathematics would enable us to recognize as implied by these concepts (see, e.g., footnote 23).

Secondly, however, even disregarding the intrinsic necessity of some new axiom, and even in case it has no intrinsic necessity at all, a probable decision about its truth is possible also in another way, namely, inductively by studying its “success.” Success here means fruitfulness in consequences, in particular in “verifiable” consequences, i.e., consequences demonstrable without the new axiom, whose proofs with the help of the new axiom, however, are considerably simpler and easier to discover, and make it possible to contract into one proof many different proofs. The axioms for the system of real numbers, rejected by the intuitionists, have in this sense been verified to some extent, owing to the fact that analytical number theory frequently allows one to prove number-theoretical theorems which, in a more cumbersome way, can subsequently be verified by elementary methods. A much higher degree of verification than that, however, is conceivable. There might exist axioms so abundant in their verifiable consequences, shedding so much light upon a whole field, and yielding such powerful methods for solving problems (and even solving them constructively, as far as that is possible) that, no matter whether or not they are intrinsically necessary, they would have to be accepted at least in the same sense as any well-established physical theory.

4.Some observations about the question:In what sense and in which direction may a solutionof the continuum problem be expected?

But are such considerations appropriate for the continuum problem? Are there really any clear indications for its unsolvability by the accepted axioms? I think there are at least two:

The first results from the fact that there are two quite differently defined classes of objects both of which satisfy all axioms of set theory that have been set up so far. One class consists of the sets definable in a certain manner by properties of their elements; the other of the sets in the sense of arbitrary multitudes, regardless of if, or how, they can be defined. Now, before it has been settled what objects are to be numbered, and on the basis of what one-to-one correspondences, one can hardly expect to be able to determine their number, except perhaps in the case of some fortunate coincidence. If, however, one believes that it is meaningless to speak of sets except in the sense of extensions of definable properties, then, too, he can hardly expect more than a small fraction of the problems of set theory to be solvable without making use of this, in his opinion essential, characteristic of sets, namely, that they are extensions of definable properties. This characteristic of sets, however, is neither formulated explicitly nor contained implicitly in the accepted axioms of set theory. So from either point of view, if in addition one takes into account what was said in Section 2, it may be conjectured that the continuum problem cannot be solved on the basis of the axioms set up so far, but, on the other hand, may be solvable with the help of some new axiom which would state or imply something about the definability of sets.

The latter half of this conjecture has already been verified; namely, the concept of definability mentioned in footnote 21 (which itself is definable in axiomatic set theory) makes it possible to derive, in axiomatic set theory, the generalized continuum hypothesis from the axiom that every set is definable in this sense. Since this axiom (let us call it “A”) turns out to be demonstrably consistent with the other axioms, under the assumption of the consistency of these other axioms, this result (regardless of the philosophical position taken toward definability) shows the consistency of the continuum hypothesis with the axioms of set theory, provided that these axioms themselves are consistent.24 This proof in its structure is similar to the consistency proof of non-Euclidean geometry by means of a model within Euclidean geometry. Namely, it follows from the axioms of set theory that the sets definable in the aforementioned sense form a model of set theory in which the proposition A and, therefore, the generalized continuum hypothesis is true.

A second argument in favor of the unsolvability of the continuum problem on the basis of the usual axioms can be based on certain facts (not known at Cantor’s time) which seem to indicate that Cantor’s conjecture will turn out to be wrong,25 while, on the other hand, a disproof of it is demonstrably impossible on the basis of the axioms being assumed today.

One such fact is the existence of certain properties of point sets (asserting an extreme rareness of the sets concerned) for which one has succeeded in proving the existence of non-denumerable sets having these properties, but no way is apparent in which one could expect to prove the existence of examples of the power of the continuum. Properties of this type (of subsets of a straight line) are: (1) being of the first category on every perfect set,26 (2) being carried into a zero set by every continuous one-to-one mapping of the line onto itself.27 Another property of a similar nature is that of being coverable by infinitely many intervals of any given lengths. But in this case one has so far not even succeeded in proving the existence of non-denumerable examples. From the continuum hypothesis, however, it follows in all three cases that there exist, not only examples of the power of the continuum,28 but even such as are carried into themselves (up to denumerably many points) by every translation of the straight line.29

Other highly implausible consequences of the continuum hypothesis are that there exist: (1) subsets of a straight line of the power of the continuum which are covered (up to denumerably many points) by every dense set of intervals;;

(2) infinite-dimensional subsets of Hilbert space which contain no non-denumerable finite-dimensional subset (in the sense of Menger-Urysohn);31

(3) an infinite sequence of decompositions of any set of the power of the continuum into continuum-many mutually exclusive sets such that, in whichever way a set   is chosen for each ,is denumerable.32 (1) and (3) are very implausible even if "power of the continuum" is replaced by "".

One may say that many results of point-set theory obtained without using the continuum hypothesis also are highly unexpected and implausible.33 But, true as that may be, still the situation is different there, in that, in most of those instances (such as, e.g., Peano’s curves) the appearance to the contrary can be explained by a lack of agreement between our intuitive geometrical concepts and the set-theoretical ones occurring in the theorems. Also, it is very suspicious that, as against the numerous plausible propositions which imply the negation of the continuum hypothesis, not one plausible proposition is known which would imply the continuum hypothesis. I believe that adding up all that has been said one has good reason for suspecting that the role of the continuum problem in set theory will be to lead to the discovery of new axioms which will make it possible to disprove Cantor’s conjecture.

Definitions of some of the technical terms

Definitions 4–15 refer to subsets of a straight line, but can be literally transferred to subsets of Euclidean spaces of any number of dimensions if “interval” is identified with “interior of a parallelepipedon”.

  1. I call the character of cofinality of a cardinal number (abbreviated by “”) the smallest number such that is the sum of numbers .
  2. A cardinal number is regular if , otherwise singular.
  3. An infinite cardinal number is inaccessible if it is regular and has no immediate predecessor (i.e., if, although it is a limit of numbers , it is not a limit of fewer than such numbers); it is strongly inaccessible if each product (and, therefore, also each sum) of fewer than numbers is .(See Sierpi±ski and Tarski 1980, Tarski1938.)

It follows from the generalized continuum hypothesis that these two concepts are equivalent. is evidently inaccessible, and also strongly inaccessible. As for finite numbers, 0 and 2 and no others are strongly inaccessible. A definition of inaccessibility, applicable to finite numbers, is this: is inaccessible if (1) any sum of fewer than numbers is , and (2) the number of numbers is . This definition, for transfinite numbers, agrees with that given above and, for finite numbers, yields 0, 1, 2 as inaccessible. So inaccessibility and strong inaccessibility turn out not to be equivalent for finite numbers. This casts some doubt on their equivalence for transfinite numbers, which follows from the generalized continuum hypothesis.

  1. A set of intervals is dense if every interval has points in common with some interval of the set. (The endpoints of an interval are not considered as points of the interval.)
  2. A zero set is a set which can be covered by infinite sets of intervals with arbitrarily small lengths-sum.
  3. A neighborhood of a point is an interval containing .
  4. A subset of is dense in if every neighborhood of any point of contains points of .
  5. A point is in the exterior of if it has a neighborhood containing no point of .
  6. A subset of is nowhere dense in if those points of which are in the exterior of are dense in , or (which is equivalent) if for no interval the intersection is dense in .
  7. A subset of is of the first category in if it is the sum of denumerably many sets nowhere dense in .
  8. A set is of the first category on if the intersection is of the first category in .
  9. A point is called a limit point of a set if any neighborhood of contains infinitely many points of .
  10. A set is called closed if it contains all its limit points.
  11. A set is perfect if it is closed and has no isolated point (i.e., no point with a neighborhood containing no other point of the set).
  12. Borel sets are defined as the smallest system of sets satisfying the postulates:
    1. The closed sets are Borel sets.
    2. The complement of a Borel set is a Borel set.
    3. The sum of denumerably many Borel sets is a Borel set.
  13. A set is analytic if it is the orthogonal projection of some Borel set of a space of next higher dimension. (Every Borel set therefore is, of course, analytic.)

Since the publication of the preceding paper, a number of new results have been obtained; I would like to mention those that are of special interest in connection with the foregoing discussions.

  1. A. Hajnal has proved34 that, if , then could be derived from the axioms of set theory. This surprising result could greatly facilitate the solution of the continuum problem, should Cantor’s continuum hypothesis be demonstrable from the axioms of set theory, which, however, probably is not the case.

  2. Some new consequences of, and propositions equivalent with, Cantor’s hypothesis can be found in the new edition of W. Sierpiński’s book.35 In the first edition, it had been proved that the continuum hypothesis is equivalent with the proposition that the Euclidean plane is the sum of denumerably many “generalized curves” (where a generalized curve is a point set definable by an equation in some Cartesian coordinate system). In the second edition, it is pointed out36 that the Euclidean plane can be proved to be the sum of fewer than continuum-many generalized curves under the much weaker assumption that the power of the continuum is not an inaccessible number. A proof of the converse of this theorem would give some plausibility to the hypothesis the smallest inaccessible number . However, great caution is called for with regard to this inference,36a because the paradoxical appearance in this case (like in Peano’s “curves”) is due (at least in part) to a transference of our geometrical intuition of curves to something which has only some of the characteristics of curves. Note that nothing of this kind is involved in the counterintuitive consequences of the continuum hypothesis mentioned on page 267.

  3. C. Kuratowski has formulated a strengthening of the continuum hypothesis,37 whose consistency follows from the consistency proof mentioned in Section 4. He then drew various consequences from this new hypothesis.

  4. Very interesting new results about the axioms of infinity have been obtained in recent years (see footnotes 20 and 16).

In opposition to the viewpoint advocated in Section 4 it has been suggested38 that, in case Cantor’s continuum problem should turn out to be undecidable from the accepted axioms of set theory, the question of its truth would lose its meaning, exactly as the question of the truth of Euclid’s fifth postulate by the proof of the consistency of non-Euclidean geometry became meaningless for the mathematician. I therefore would like to point out that the situation in set theory is very different from that in geometry, both from the mathematical and from the epistemological point of view.

In the case of the axiom of the existence of inaccessible numbers, e.g., (which can be proved to be undecidable from the von Neumann-Bernays axioms of set theory provided that it is consistent with them) there is a striking asymmetry, mathematically, between the system in which it is asserted and the one in which it is negated.

Namely, the latter (but not the former) has a model which can be defined and proved to be a model in the original (unextended) system. This means that the former is an extension in a much stronger sense. A closely related fact is that the assertion (but not the negation) of the axiom implies new theorems about integers (the individual instances of which can be verified by computation). So the criterion of truth explained on page 264 is satisfied, to some extent, for the assertion, but not for the negation. Briefly speaking, only the assertion yields a “fruitful” extension, while the negation is sterile outside its own very limited domain. The generalized continuum hypothesis, too, can be shown to be sterile for number theory and to be true in a model constructible in the original system, whereas for some other assumption about the power of , this perhaps is not so. On the other hand, neither one of those asymmetries applies to Euclid’s fifth postulate. To be more precise, both it and its negation are extensions in the weak sense.

As far as the epistemological situation is concerned, it is to be said that by a proof of undecidability a question loses its meaning only if the system of axioms under consideration is interpreted as a hypothetico-deductive system, i.e., if the meanings of the primitive terms are left undetermined. In geometry, e.g., the question as to whether Euclid’s fifth postulate is true retains its meaning if the primitive terms are taken in a definite sense, i.e., as referring to the behavior of rigid bodies, rays of light, etc. The situation in set theory is similar; the difference is only that, in geometry, the meaning usually adopted today refers to physics rather than to mathematical intuition and that, therefore, a decision falls outside the range of mathematics. On the other hand, the objects of transfinite set theory, conceived in the manner explained on page 262 and in footnote 14, clearly do not belong to the physical world, and even their indirect connection with physical experience is very loose (owing primarily to the fact that set-theoretical concepts play only a minor role in the physical theories of today).

But, despite their remoteness from sense experience, we do have something like a perception also of the objects of set theory, as is seen from the fact that the axioms force themselves upon us as being true. I don’t see any reason why we should have less confidence in this kind of perception, i.e., in mathematical intuition, than in sense perception, which induces us to build up physical theories and to expect that future sense perceptions will agree with them, and, moreover, to believe that a question not decidable now has meaning and may be decided in the future. The set-theoretical paradoxes are hardly any more troublesome for mathematics than deceptions of the senses are for physics. That new mathematical intuitions leading to a decision of such problems as Cantor’s continuum hypothesis are perfectly possible was pointed out earlier (pages 264–265).

It should be noted that mathematical intuition need not be conceived of as a faculty giving an immediate knowledge of the objects concerned. Rather it seems that, as in the case of physical experience, we form our ideas also of those objects on the basis of something else which is immediately given. Only this something else here is not, or not primarily, the sensations. That something besides the sensations actually is immediately given follows (independently of mathematics) from the fact that even our ideas referring to physical objects contain constituents qualitatively different from sensations or mere combinations of sensations, e.g., the idea of an object itself, whereas, on the other hand, by our thinking we cannot create any qualitatively new elements, but only reproduce and combine those that are given. Evidently the “given” underlying mathematics is closely related to the abstract elements contained in our empirical ideas.40 It by no means follows, however, that the data of this second kind, because they cannot be associated with actions of certain things upon our sense organs, are something purely subjective, as Kant asserted. Rather they, too, may represent an aspect of objective reality, but, as opposed to the sensations, their presence in us may be due to another kind of relationship between ourselves and reality.

However, the question of the objective existence of the objects of mathematical intuition (which, incidentally, is an exact replica of the question of the objective existence of the outer world) is not decisive for the problem under discussion here. The mere psychological fact of the existence of an intuition which is sufficiently clear to produce the axioms of set theory and an open series of extensions of them suffices to give meaning to the question of the truth or falsity of propositions like Cantor’s continuum hypothesis. What, however, perhaps more than anything else, justifies the acceptance of this criterion of truth in set theory is the fact that continued appeals to mathematical intuition are necessary not only for obtaining unambiguous answers to the questions of transfinite set theory, but also for the solution of the problems of finitary number theory41 (of the type of Goldbach’s conjecture),42 where the meaningfulness and unambiguity of the concepts entering into them can hardly be doubted. This follows from the fact that for every axiomatic system there are infinitely many undecidable propositions of this type.

It was pointed out earlier (page 265) that, besides mathematical intuition, there exists another (though only probable) criterion of the truth of mathematical axioms, namely their fruitfulness in mathematics and, one may add, possibly also in physics. This criterion, however, though it may become decisive in the future, cannot yet be applied to the specifically set-theoretical axioms (such as those referring to great cardinal numbers), because very little is known about their consequences in other fields. The simplest case of an application of the criterion under discussion arises when some set-theoretical axiom has number-theoretical consequences verifiable by computation up to any given integer. On the basis of what is known today, however, it is not possible to make the truth of any set-theoretical axiom reasonably probable in this manner.

[Revised postscript of September 1966: Shortly after the completion of the manuscript of the second edition [1964] of this paper, the question of whether Cantor's continuum hypothesis is decidable from the von Neumann-Bernays axioms of set theory (the axiom of choice included) was settled in the negative by Paul J. Cohen. A sketch of the proof has appeared in his 1963 and 1964. It turns out that for all defined by the usual devices and not excluded by König’s theorem (see page 260 above) the equality is consistent and an extension in the weak sense (i.e., it implies no new number-theoretical theorem). Whether, for a satisfactory concept of “standard definition,” this is true for all definable ℵ not excluded by König’s theorem is an open question. An affirmative answer would require the solution of the difficult problem of making the concept of standard definition, or some wider concept, precise. Cohen’s work, which no doubt is the greatest advance in the foundations of set theory since its axiomatization, has been used to settle several other important independence questions. In particular, it seems to follow that the axioms of infinity mentioned in footnote 20, to the extent to which they have so far been precisely formulated, are not sufficient to answer the question of the truth or falsehood of Cantor’s continuum hypothesis.]


As to the question of why there does not exist a set of all cardinal numbers, see footnote 15.
The axiom of choice is needed for the proof of this theorem (see Fraenkel and Bar-Hillel 1958). But it may be said that this axiom, from almost every possible point of view, is as well-founded today as the other axioms of set theory. It has been proved consistent with the other axioms of set theory which are usually assumed, provided that these other axioms are consistent (see my 1940). Moreover, it is possible to define in terms of any system of objects satisfying the other axioms a system of objects satisfying those axioms and the axiom of choice. Finally, the axiom of choice is just as evident as the other set-theoretical axioms for the "pure" concept of set explained in footnote 14.
See Hausdorff 1914, p. 68, or Bachmann 1955, p. 167. The discoverer of this theorem, J. König, asserted more than he had actually proved (see his 1905).
See the list of definitions on pp. 268-9.
See Hausdorff 1935, p. 32. Even for complements of analytic sets the question is undecided at present, and it can be proved only that they either have the power or or that of the continuum or are finite (see Kuratowski 1933, p. 246).
See Sierpiński 1934 and 1956.
This reduction can be effected, owing to the results and methods of Tarski 1925.
For regular numbers , one obtains immediately:
= .
See Brouwer 1909.
See Brouwer 1907, I, 9; III, 2.
See Weyl 1932. If the procedure of construction of sets described there (p. 20) is iterated a sufficiently large (transfinite) number of times, one gets exactly the real numbers of the model for set theory mentioned in Section 4, in which the continuum hypothesis is true. But this iteration is not possible within the limits of the semi-intuitionistic standpoint.
It must be admitted that the spirit of the modern abstract disciplines of mathematics, in particular of the theory of categories, transcends this concept of set, as becomes apparent, e.g., by the self-applicability of categories (see Mac Lane 1961). It does not seem, however, that anything is lost from the mathematical content of the theory if categories of different levels are distinguished. If there existed mathematically interesting proofs that would not go through under this interpretation, then the paradoxes of set theory would become a serious problem for mathematics.
This phrase is meant to include transfinite iteration, i.e., the totality of sets obtained by finite iteration is considered to be itself a set and a basis for further applications of the operation “set of.”
The operation “set of x’s” (where the variable “x” ranges over some given kind of objects) cannot be defined satisfactorily (at least not in the present state of knowledge), but can only be paraphrased by other expressions involving again the concept of set, such as: “multitude of x’s,” “combination of any number of x’s,” “part of the totality of x’s,” where a “multitude” (“combination,” “part”) is conceived of as something which exists in itself no matter whether we can define it in a finite number of words (so that random sets are not excluded).
It follows at once from this explanation of the term “set” that a set of all sets or other sets of a similar extension cannot exist, since every set obtained in this way immediately gives rise to further applications of the operation “set of” and, therefore, to the existence of larger sets.
See, e.g., Bernays 1937, 1941, 1942, 1943, von Neumann 1925; cf. also von Neumann 1928a and 1929, Gödel 1940, Bernays and Fraenkel 1958. By including very strong axioms of infinity, much more elegant axiomatizations have recently become possible.(See Bernays 1961)
In case the axioms were inconsistent the last one of the four a priori possible alternatives for Cantor’s conjecture would occur, namely, it would then be both demonstrable and disprovable by the axioms of set theory.
Similarly the concept “property of set" ( the second of the primitive terms of set theory) suggests continued extensions of the axioms referring to it, Furthermore, conceptsof “property of property of set”etc. can be introduced. The new axioms thus obtained.however, as to their consequences for propositions referring to limited domains of sets(such as the continuum hypothesis) are contained (as far as they are known today) inthe axiomg about sets.
See Zermelo 1930.
[Revised note ofSeptember 1966: See Mahlo 1911, pp.190-200, and 1913, pp. 269-276. From Mahlo's presentation of the subject, however, it does not appear that thenumbers he defines actually exist. In recent years great progress has been made in thearea of axioms of infinity, In particular, some propositions have been formulated whichif consistent, are extremely strong axioms of infnity of an entirely new kind (see Keislerand Tarski 1964 and the material cited there). Dana Scott (1961 ) has proved that oneof them implies the existence of non-constructible sets. That these axioms are impliedby the general concept of set in the same sense as Mahlo's has not been made clear yet (see Tarski 1962, p. 134). However, they are supported by strong arguments from analogy, e.g., by the fact that they follow from the existence of generalizations of Stone’s representation theorem to Boolean algebras with operations on infinitely many elements. Mahlo’s axioms of infinity have been derived from a general principle about the totality of sets which was first introduced by A. Levy (1960). It gives rise to a hierarchy of different precise formulations. One, given by P. Bernays (1961), implies all of Mahlo’s axioms.]
Namely, definable by certain procedures, “in terms of ordinal numbers”(i.e.roughly speaking, under the assumption that for each ordinal number a symbol denoting it is given). See my papers 1939a and 1940. The paradox of Richard, of course.does not apply to this kind of defnability, since the totality of ordinals is certainly not denumerable.
D. Hilbert's program for a solution of the continuum problem (see his 1926), which.however, has never been carried through, also was based on a consideration of all possibledefnitions of real numbers.
On the other hand, from an axiom in some sense opposite to this one, the negationof Cantor's conjecture could perhaps be derived, I am thinking of an axiom whichsimilar to Hilbert's completeness axiom in geometry) would state some maximum property of the system of all sets, whereas axiom A states a minimum property. Note that only a maximum property would seem to harmonize with the concept of set explained in footnote 14.
See my monograph 1940 and my paper 1939a. For a carrying through of the proof in all details, my 1940 is to be consulted.
Views tending in this direction have been expressed also by N. Luzin in his 1935, pp. 129 ff. See also Sierpiński 1935.
See Sierpiński 1934a and Kuratowski 1933, pp. 269 ff.
See Luzin and Sierpiński 1918 and Sierpiński 1934a.
For the third case see Sierpiński 1934, p. 39, Theorem 1.
See Sierpiński 1935a.
See Luzin 1914,p.1259
See Hurewicz 1982.
See Braun and Sierpi±ski 1932, p.l, proposition (Q). This proposition is equiva-lent with the contintum hypothesis.
See,e.g.,Blumenthal 1940.
See his 1956.
See Sierpi'ski 1956.
See his 1956,p.207 or his 1951, p. 9. Related results are given by C. Kuratowski(1951,p.15)and R.Sikorski(1951).
[Note added September 1966: It seems that this warning has since been vindicatedby Roy O.Davies(1968).
See his 1948.
See Errera 1952.
The same asymmctry, also occurs on the lowest levels of set theory; where the consistency of the axioms in question is less subject to being doubted by skeptics.
Note that there is a close relationship between the concept of set explained infootnote 14 and the categories of pure understanding in Kant's sense.Namely,thefunction of both is “synthesis", i.e., the generating of unities out of manifolds (e.g., inKant, of the idea of one object out of its various aspects).
Unless one is satisfed with inductive(probable)decision,such as verifying thetheorem up to very great numbers, or more indirect inductive procedures (see pp. 265.272).
i.e., universal propositions about integers which can be decided in each individualinstance.

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