
学术   2024-12-16 05:48   加拿大  


作者:詹姆斯·库克(James Cooke, Ph.D.)







——大卫·查尔莫斯(David J. Chalmers)



知识是一种强大的力量。在几乎生活的每个方面,拥有知识比缺乏了解时更能让我们有效地应对问题。可以说,掌握知识是人类最擅长的事情。现代分类学之父卡尔·林奈(Carl Linnaeus)似乎也这么认为。他为我们物种命名时选择了“智人(Homo sapiens sapiens)”。“Sapiens”源自拉丁语“sapere”,意为“知识(knowledgesapere.)”。我们被命名了两次,似乎表明我们在“知(knowing)”这一能力上独具一格。然而,我们必须停下来问一个问题:我们到底拥有的是哪种知识?








如果我们都同意意识是主观的和定性的,那么科学家们为什么会感到困惑?问题的根源在于定量和定性之间的关系。伽利略曾宣称:“自然之书是用数学的语言写成的。” 他指出,周围的客观自然世界可以用数学模型来精确描述。从这一方法出发,物理学、化学、生物学以及其他客观科学取得了惊人的成功。然而,我们的主观、定性体验同样是自然的一部分。研究心灵的科学如何用数字描述阳光洒在皮肤上的温暖感,或用数学解释恋爱的体验?这些定性特征如何融入我们的定量自然叙事中?






INSIDE OUTThe Philosophy of Consciousness


CONSCIOUSNESSThe View from a Dead End

Conscious experience is at once the most familiar thing in the world and the most mysterious. There is nothing we know about more directly than consciousness, but it is far from clear how to reconcile it with everything else we know.—DAVID J. CHALMERS1


Knowledge is a powerful thing. In practically every area of life, we are more effective when armed with knowledge than when we have little or no understanding. Knowledge is arguably what humans do best. The father of modern taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus, certainly seemed to think so. When he gave our species its name, he settled on Homo sapiens sapiensSapienscomes from the Latin word for knowledgesapere. We’re supposedly so good at knowing that we were named for it twice. We must stop and ask, however, what kind of knowledge do we possess?
We live at a point in human history when our knowledge of the world around us has reached astounding levels. Through science and philosophy, we have come to understand not only the vast expanse of the cosmos but also the operation of subatomic particles. We know how the most majestic mountains were formed, how the elements combine to make everything from azaleas to zebras, and how the process of evolution by natural selection sculpted us over millennia into the beings we are today. Our knowledge of the natural world also gives us astounding control over it. Our technological prowess has reached a point where we can harness the power of the elemental forces of nature to run astoundingly complex computational devices like our mobile phones, devices that are more than a million times more powerful than the computers that first landed humans on the moon. Our ability to understand the world around us appears limitless.
What about knowledge of ourselves? In areas where we can treat ourselves like an object, when studying the body, for example, we have made incredible advances. We can edit individual genes so small they are invisible to the naked eye. We can diagnose and treat neurological issues occurring within the dark cavern of the skull while leaving it completely intact. Our understanding of the body as an object is as successful as our understanding of the natural world around us.
What about when we turn to subjective knowledge, to the knowledge of ourselves from within? In trying to understand the inner space that mediates our experience of life, science and philosophy fall drastically short. The contrast between our understanding and mastery of the outer world and our collective befuddlement at our inner world is truly dramatic. When we look at the very core of ourselves, at the fact that we are experiencing existence right now, scientific and philosophical consensus are nowhere to be found. The term we use to refer to this fact of experience, to the subjective, qualitative character of the mind, is consciousness. It is the single most significant aspect of our existence, for it is the very thing that makes the experience of significance possible. Without consciousness, nothing would matter; there would be no joy, no pain, no way for meaning to exist at all. Despite its importance, scientists and philosophers have failed to agree on what it is, why it exists, and how it relates to the world around us.
The subjective and qualitative character of consciousness can be understood by contrasting it with the objective and quantitative character of the outside world. When you dream, the experience is happening to you and no one else; it is privately occurring in inner space. It is subjective. A piece of material like a dress, though, is objective; it exists for both of us in the space between us. The shape of the dress is quantitative in that it can be described using quantities—the numbers that give you an idea of the kind of fit it might have. We might initially think that color is another objective attribute of the dress, like its shape. In reality, the physical dress only reflects light in a certain way. The qualitative experience of the color of the dress takes place subjectively, in one’s mind.
The widespread assumption that colors exist out there in the world and not in here in our individual minds was put dramatically on display in 2015, when a picture surfaced of a dress that some people reported as being black and blue, while others saw it as white and gold. Many people unconsciously assumed that the dress had an objective visual appearance, leading to exasperated confusion when others disagreed about what color the dress truly was. Rather than objectively being a certain color, the dress merely appeared differently to different people; the color was a qualitative, subjective experience, not a quantitative, objective one.
If we all agree that consciousness is subjective and qualitative, then what are we scientists confused about? The issue comes down to how the quantitative and qualitative relate to each other. Galileo once proclaimed, “The Book of Nature is written in the language of mathematics.”2 He was observing that the objective natural world around us can be accurately described using mathematical models, and by starting out with this approach, the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and the rest of the objective sciences have had astounding success. We, too, are part of nature, though, as are our qualitative, subjective experiences. How are the fields of science that deal with the mind supposed to describe in numbers the feeling of the warm sun on one’s skin or account for the experience of being in love using mathematics? Where do such qualities fit into our quantitative story of nature?
This is the fundamental problem faced by those who want to truly understand consciousness. Understanding consciousness does not mean simply describing it; it involves understanding where it fits into our picture of the natural world. If we all agreed that we understood consciousness, then we would be able to tell a compelling story about where it exists and why it exists where it does, the same way we can for oxygen molecules or blades of grass. We would be able to say how and why it is that quantitative matter gives rise to qualitative experience. At this point in time, however, we are far from agreeing on such an understanding.

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