周六9月21日 - Zombies in Miami [Mexico 墨西哥] Acid House 轻吟细腻 @ Dada北京

文摘   2024-09-19 17:50   上海  

9月21日 星期六

September 21, Saturday


Zombies in Miami [Mexico 墨西哥]

Leo Furioso [Italy 意大利]

Ephe [China 中国]


Acid house




11点前 Before 11pm: 60 rmb

11点后 After 11pm: 90 rmb

ZOMBIES IN MIAMI 是由 Cani 和 Jenouise 创建的项目,尽管名字中提到了“迈阿密”,但他们并不在迈阿密游荡,而是从墨西哥发出光芒。

Zombies In Miami的音乐,宛如节奏跃动的诗篇,合成器轻吟,House 与Techno 交织,其间流淌着 Disco 与 Balearic 的细腻韵味,然后一切都被一抹甜美的 Italo Drama 温柔包裹。

在推出了备受赞誉的 EP 和单曲之后,参与了多个知名厂牌的合作,如 Gerd Janson 的 Running Back、Jennifer Cardini 的 Correspondant、Prins Thomas 的 Internasjonal、Fabric 或 Live at Robert Johnson,他们在 Permanent Vacation 发行了首张专辑《2712》。

Zombies in Miami @ HöR

ZOMBIES IN MIAMI is a project created by Cani & Jenouise and despite the name they are not crawling around Miami, but shining out their light from Mexico. The couple is one of the most prominent members of Mexico‘s vital electronic scene over the last decade. You can call their sound a rhythmic and synth-driven acid house and techno hybrid. After highly acclaimed EPs and tracks for such diverse labels as Gerd Janson’s Running Back, Jennifer Cardini’s Correspondant, Prins Thomas’s Internasjonal, Fabric or Live at Robert Johnson they released their first album “2712” in Permanent Vacation.

ZOMBIES IN MIAMI 亚洲巡演 tour poster

他们经常在世界顶级俱乐部演出,如 Berghain / Panorama Bar、Robert Johnson、Fabric、Blitz、Nitsa、Lux Fragil、Good Room、Vent,并且参与了多个知名音乐节,如 Sonar、Fusion、Goptun Festival、Paradise City、Burning Man、Garbicz、Mutek 等等。他们还创立了自己的厂牌“Creatures of the Night”。除了 Zombies in Miami,他们还有另一个受电子与实验音乐影响的项目,名为 Planet ZIM。他们的厂牌和派对最近还邀请了 Marie Montexier、no service、Jennifer Loveless、THC、Lauer、ATA 等多位艺术家。




Zombies in Miami 

They play regular in the top clubs in the world like Berghain / Panorama Bar, Robert Johnson, Fabric, Blitz, Nitsa, Lux Fragil, Good Room, Vent and also festivals as Sonar, Fusion, Goptun Festival, Paradise City, Burning Man, Garbicz, Mutek and many more. They started their own label called Creatures of the Night. Besides Zombies in Miami they have another project influenced in techno & experimental live music called Planet ZIM. Their label and party has recently hosted artists like Marie Montexier, no service, Jennifer Loveless, THC, Lauer, ATA and many more.

Expect a live set on gear, from groovy melodies to slamming acid techno!



从视频游戏主机到DJ设备,Leo Furioso 在涉足北京和中国的夜生活和俱乐部场景时无需过多介绍。

作为DJ、平面设计师、动画师、摄影师,Leo Furioso 备受本地人和外国人的喜爱,因为他为首都带来了独特的House和Disco音乐风格。他的音乐可以被描述为在柏林发明的迪斯科音乐、巴黎的底特律Techno以及北京的Paradise Garage的反乌托邦结果。

在全球各地旋转唱片十年后,与一些最负盛名的国际艺术家(如Underground Residence、Nachtbraker、Max Graef、Fouk、Dirty Channels、Errorsmith、Superman Lovers、Riva Starr、The Kolors)和欧洲集体(如Take It Easy、Pittaya Soundsystem、Apparel Wax、Radio Raheem、Fresch.In Festival)合作,这股无穷的能量和舞曲风格于2019年来到了中国。不到一年的时间,他创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部 BBB Bar,并担任艺术总监和驻场DJ。除了BBB Bar,Leo Furioso 还创办了音乐品牌 PORCO DISCO,经纪公司 BABY BOOM BOOKING, QINA RECORDS 七纳音乐。至今,他仍是首都最活跃的DJ之一。多年来,Leo Furioso 与欧洲和美洲俱乐部音乐圈中一些最优秀的成员和音乐厂牌进行了个人和专业的合作,他独享未发布音乐资源,让他始终站在潮流的前沿,塑造自己的音乐风格。




*** Zombies in Miami ***

See you on Saturday !  周六见!



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对